I Know The Secret To Surpass Level 100

Chapter 296 - Stephan The Guard

The queue for the stadium was long, very long. The line started right on the entrance and it went down the eight stairs of the eight entrances and down to the streets.

The people that lined up for today's competition were all filled with glee, excitement feeling their insides. It was a new day and it was a great day for a competition. The skies were bright and the wind was just in the right amount of cold and warm.

"Wow," Elliot breathed out as he watched the number of people present in the event. Even the stadium was filled with decorations, floatees and confetti that filled the entire stadium.

Frederick and Luck met up with them to pick up Lance earlier. For now, it was just the nine participants of the guild that were struck with awe as they watched the ant colony-like number of people. The others were at a queue in the other set of stairs.

"Apparently, the breach made headlines that made all civilians intrigued with what happens in the Championship of the Greats," Aquarius spoke. "The threat from the breach reduced the fear of the people due to the rumors."

"Rumors?" Ed tilted his head in confusion. "What rumors?"

"That the breach was staged so that the popularity of the championship would increase," Aquarius sighed. "The newspaper stations would always find allegations for people to pick their paper. It's ridiculously entertaining to be honest."

"That is true," Elliot said. There was silence that followed the group. They were standing in the line when a guard approached them.

"Azure Scorch Team?" the guard asked. His voice was deep and scruffy, like it was a rough part of the sponge.

"Yes, that is us," Aquarius was the one who replied. "Is there a problem?"

"N-No," the same guard squeaked after feeling Aquarius's aura. The rich yet ominous blue aura coming from the man was very intimidating. We have a special entrance for the Champions. Please follow me."

Each of the eight stairs was wide and there was only one line of people that was on cue. This made the guards to bring the Champions up easier. 

"Champions approaching!" the guard who led them announced loudly. His voice was now back to the deep and scruffy one he used earlier.

His announcement made the people step to the side and for the ones who were about to enter stop and step back. The Champions were priority, everyone knew that.

"Hey!" one voice from the crowd yelled. "Why do they get to cut off the line? They should wait like the rest of us."

The guard sighed and turned, his colleague pulled him closed, "Stephan, don't do it."

"I'll just talk to them," Stephan smirked and ruffled the other guard's hair. "It's going to be quick and easy."

He went over the man who had his arms crossed and his eyebrow quirked up. He was looking stubborn and it was getting on everyone's nerves.

"Is there a problem, sir?" Stephan asked. His aura was intimidating. No matter how slender the guard was, their large armor would always make them look buffed and hard. Stephan was tall and his arms alone screamed to everyone that what's inside his armor was pure muscle and not just metal casing.

"Yeah, there is a problem," the man muttered. "I have been waiting here for over four hours. And then they just arrived, why do they get to go first when I'm literally the first one to het here?"

"Sir, do you know that those people are Champions–"

"I don't care," the man cut Stephan off. The guard was taken aback by the man's outrageous behavior. He was being stubborn, but Stephan wasn't getting any of it.

"Listen here, you little sh*t," Stephan growled. "Those people are the participants of this competition. Without them, there is no Championship of the Greats. People like you should learn that."

"If they're the participants, why didn't come earlier like the rest of us then?" the man challenged. He was still narrowing his eyes and crossing his arms, trying to intimidate Stephan who looked like he could crush him with just one punch.

"Pathetic," Stephan scoffed and grabbed the man by his collar. "Listen all, everyone! These people…" he pointed at the Azure Scorch team, "are the stars of this competition. If they aren't here, the ones who would be in a championship would be losers like this trash and it would be called Championship of Garbage."

Stephan pulled the man to the side where the edge of the large island the stadium was at. "I don't want to see your face here ever again."

"Y-Yes sir," the man stuttered and tried to reach the ground with his legs. Stephan lowered him and placed him back on the floating soil, "I will go now."

Stephan was silent as he watched the man walk down the stairs in shame. Everyone was looking at him with judgement in their eyes. The man felt like the world was spinning and he was slowly sinking into the concrete stairs.

"I will not forget this," the man sighed and walked down, eyes enraged. He was glaring at anyone at everyone who was trying to look at him, anger pressing through his insides.

"Sir," Elliot tried to call him but Stephan was silent. In their angle, where Elliot was at the lower ground and Stephan was hovering over him, he realized that Stephan was the man who let him enter even when he knew Elliot was using Spatial Magic.

He tried to talk to the man, but Stephan ignored him. The guard walked inside the stadium, disappearing in the crowd inside.


The brunette boy awoke from his thoughts when Connor tapped his shoulder. He looked at the blonde boy who was smiling at him, "Let's go inside, shall we?"

"Y-Yeah," Elliot replied and looked at the area where Stephan disappeared. With a sigh, Elliot nodded, "Let's go inside and win this thing."

With this, the group entered the stadium, receiving all the applause of the audience. The loud crowd was almost shaking the stadium with their loudness, making the Champions from all the guilds smile in pride.

"We will win this," Elliot whispered to himself.. "We will win this."

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