I Know The Secret To Surpass Level 100

Chapter 327 - Aquarius And Minos Vs Leslie

In the room where Katarina and Jameson hid, the burst of red light slowly died down. They braced themselves after seeing the sphere about to explode, covering themselves with their arm and waiting for the light to dim.

The light carried an extraordinary amount of energy that cut its range right after it reached Katarina and Jameson. The sphere seemed to have swallowed its aura back, making it look like there was nothing in front of them.

"What was that?" Katarina asked. She brandished her long sword and stood, walking in front of Jameson. "Don't worry, I'm here to defend you."

"Don't be silly," Jameson scoffed. He took a couple of gems from his pocket and threw it to the direction of the sphere.

The gems lit up, hovering to where the sphere was. The only thing left in the place where the sphere used to be was its shell. Just like the other Twilight Wings, it hatched from its shell.

But unlike the others, the one inside the room's Sin was missing. Katarina had to use her sensing techniques to find the one with the aura, failing after reaching the entire stadium and not feeling anything.

"Where is it?" Jameson asked. "I'm sure there has to be something that hatched with that egg. But we don't see anything. Why aren't we seeing anything?"

"You think you're asking the right person?" Katarina scoffed. "I tried sensing the entire stadium and found no trace of that power."

"You felt that too?" Jameson asked. "It was quick, like a blink of an eye, but there was something."

"It was a terrifyingly powerful aura," Katarina said. "I am a Rogue, sensing auras are easy for us. Me in particular are one of those who are very sensitive to auras. And I could tell that that aura just now was strong. And it vanished."

"How come such aura disappear in an instant?" Jameson placed his finger on his chin. He was in deep thought, trying to figure out what was wrong."

There was like a pulse in the air that made the two look at each other in shock. Their eyes widen as their mouth fell agape, jaws dropping to the floor. All the hair on their body suddenly became erect when another pulse-like feeling beat in the air.

"What in the hell is this?" Katarina asked. "Jameson, what in the hell is this?"

Both their heads slowly turned to the laying body of Elliot. Tilting their heads, their eyebrows meet while seeing a reddish black aura come out from Elliot's shadow.

The aura crawled up to Elliot's chest, slithering down to the open wounds of his shoulder. The aura attached itself on the wound and formed a pole on each side. The pole vibrated before it became a jelly-like substance.

"What in the hell is this?" Jameson gasped. He raised his hand and the gems he threw before floated above him. He then pointed at Elliot and let the lights surround the dead boy. "Is it forming his arms?"

"I don't want to think that's the case, but it is," Katarina said in awe. The aura was pure, but it felt almost nothing. When you close your eyes, the feeling of the aura would be lost in your senses. It was a spectacular sight.

"This is somehow that's out of our control," Jameson said. "I'll call the others and ask for help."

When Jameson was about to go away, Katarina held his arm and pulled him back. "No one must know where Elliot is. I assume you must know that."

"But what can we do?" Jameson reasoned. "We need their help, Katarina. I'm so lost in the moment."

Katarina shook her head and smiled dryly, "Elliot knew he was going to die. If he didn't, he wouldn't instruct me to get the key and find his body. He would've taken the key himself if that was the case."

"What do you think he's doing now?" Jameson stopped struggling from Katarina's grip. "In the first place, is he doing this?"

"I hope so," Katarina sighed. "I just hope so."

Inside the large field of the stadium, a battle was commencing. The fight between Adventurers versus the Seven Deathly Sins was ongoing, both sides struggling to overpower the other.

For the Adventurers, they had the numbers. Frederick took the lead and ordered six commanders to form six teams. Originally, they planned to fight the Man too, but he escaped before Frederick could even order.

The six commanders were Frederick himself, Elizabeth, Galaxia, Jester, Alice, and Aquarius. Each commander was tasked to defeat one Sin. The Adventurers from other guilds agreed and divided themselves too, making life easier for Frederick.

"There are three commanders from Azure Scorch," Jester chuckled. "I can see the favoritism."

He was tasked to defeat Livor along with his guild and some others. The Circus Carnival guild was fit to battle such agile opponent considering they too were quick and agile. The clowns could chase down the fastest beasts in the wild, while some of them were named the fastest beasts themselves.

Just near Jester who heard his words, Aquarius was battling the Sin who tried to rain down glass on Connor just a few moments ago. The Sin was the size of a short human, with an Eastern fox mask and bells on the side. Its long hair was bluish white, trailing up to his lower back.

Among the Sins, it was the only one who wore clothes. It wore a black traditional Eastern clothes with red outlines and small floral designs on the chest. The Sin had pale skin, almost too pale for a human but doesn't look like it was dead.

The Sin had a fan for a weapon that it waved to conjure large shards of glass. The glass trembled for a moment before the Sin pointed its closed fan at Aquarius and the glass shot to his direction.

"Nebula of the Drowned Gods!" Aquarius casted. He slammed his trident on the ground three times, the tips forming a large sphere of water that formed a dome to defend them.

"The Angel didn't introduce me so I'll do it myself," the Sin said. "I am Leslie, the Sin of Sloth. I am going to return to my Slumber in a few moments so just… die! Unmoving Spectacle!"

Shards of glass was formed in the air from nothing. The shards formed four twenty foot swords that encircled around Leslie. He raised his right hand to the side and opened his fan, "Goodbye foolish humans."

"Everyone, water affinities, follow me!" Aquarius yelled to his group. "Brace yourselves!"

Aquarius thrust his trident upwards, and the Adventurers in his group did the same with their weapons. A dark blue circle formed on the ground beneath them, shaking as cracks started to form from it. There was a moment of silence before Aquarius thrust his trident again, this time even harder.

"Tears of the Sunken Warlord!"

From the cracks that were created by the violent shaking, jets of water gushed from it. The water Adventurers that was led by Aquarius controlled the jets and formed four water beams that targeted each one of the glass swords.

"Like that'll work on my attack," Leslie smirked. "The water is too soft–"

It had to stop itself after seeing Minos wiggle his eyebrows. With him were Adventurers with electric affinities. They ran to the cracks where the water was gushing out and placed their weapons inside.

"Now!" Minos yelled. He shot a burst of electric shock in the water along with the other Adventurers, powering up the attack from Aquarius.

The jets of water lit up with the yellow electric magic that traveled up its current. Each of the beams shattered one sword from Leslie, who was now furious beyond explanation.

"No!" Leslie yelled. It raised its fan and formed one more sword above him. This time, the sword was double the size of the four initial swords. Gritting its teeth, Leslie turned his fan that made the sword spin. It started to have an orange aura coming from it, lighting up the sword brightly.

"You think you're so powerful?" Leslie smirked. "Let's see about that!"

In a blink of an eye, Aquarius and Minos were on either side of him. This made Leslie deactivate his attack and shatter his own sword. For the othet two, everything felt like it was in slow motion.

Aquarius thrusted his trident while Minos swung his mallet, both the attacks targeting Leslie with the intention to kill.

"Don't make me do this," Leslie whispered. "Die before I lose control."

The two didn't listen and didn't hesitate to continue their attack. Aquarius successfully pierced Leslie's chest, making the Sin gasp in shock while Minos swung his mallet from between Leslie's right leg and out. 

The Sin spun around he tip of the trident before it opened its mouth and its skin shrunk. Its body hardened, slowly turning into glass before it shattered completely.

"Well that was easy–"

Aquarius wasn't able to finish when a glass sword pierced his leg. He groaned and spun to see who it was, gasping in shock after seeing Leslie there.

"You made me do this," Leslie said. This time, his voice was deep and ethereal, much like the other Sins.. "I am sorry."

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