I Know The Secret To Surpass Level 100

Chapter 57 - Cain

When Elliot and his friends got back to their guild, he saw Midnight dressing differently.

"Why are you wearing a suit?" Elliot asked.

Midnight scoffed, "Lance, you're here! Master Frederick, you, Luck and I were invited for a banquet at Lord Ivan's castle."

Lance's eyes widened. "What?"

"Lord Ivan of Alorde? Your uncle," Midnight said.

Elliot glanced at Lance who felt uneasy. Maybe he was embarrassed for a relative of him to do something like this. And to think his uncle was going to smuggle one of his friends too.

Midnight fixed his tie, looking disappointed, "Master even said I had to crossdress. I don't really know why I have to wear a suit. I wanted to wear my grand gown for an event like this."

Midnight took one last look at himself in the mirror. His long wavy locks were tied to a ponytail, accentuating his slim-feminine face. "Pathetic."

Luck came over to the group, "Is your plan ready?"

"Plan?" Elliot asked.

"Lance told us you have to stop something," Luck said. "Do your thing. We will only help when it's crucial, okay?"

"Thanks," Lance said. Luck nodded and walked away, leaving the group in confusion. "They knew about my secret quest and agreed to help in case things go wrong. I'll have to talk to my source for a bit."

Lance walked to the side to call his source. His source said the banquet was going to happen in two days. A sudden change of plans like this might jeopardize his plans.

"Guys, bad news," Lance returned to his group. "The Lord just moved the event to today. He made this and invite different guild masters from different guilds as a disguise to invite the dark guild's, Dark Saber, master."

"But he's your uncle. The Lord, I mean," Elliot pointed out. "You never said he was your family. Are you sure you're going to do this?"

"This guild is my family," Lance chuckled. "The right and truth should always prevail over the wrong and lies."

"You just sound like a hundred year old politician," Connor grimaced. "Maybe it runs in your blood?"

"So," Lance rolled his eyes and clapped his hands. "Change of plans. Come over. Let's discuss this."

"Welcome everyone," Lord Ivan greeted from his balcony that overlooked the large hall. "Tonight, we will celebrate the champions of our city. The nine guilds that inhabit the city, protecting its walls from Strikes and beasts. This banquet is celebrated for you. Thank you, Adventurers!"

A series of applause followed his small speech. Lance was on a round table with the other guild leaders. He was watching over the other tables intently.

"Ripple and Frost's guild is here," he said through the call with Elliot. "I don't see the other."

"Okay," Elliot responded. "They might be in a special room, just waiting for the Lord to have a chance to escape the crowd."

"I'll report later," Lance said. "Watch over from outside in case they make a suspicious move."

"Copy," Elliot said. He was guarding the main gate of the castle with Connor and Frost while Ed and Hope were at the other gate.

He looked at Frost and smiled at her, "We will get your sister back."

Frost nodded, "Thank you."

Time went by and there were still no sign of Ripple or the dark guild. Lance said that the Lord and the Dark Saber guild's representatives were still inside the hall.

"Maybe they didn't plan to trade tonight?" Connor asked. "Maybe Lance's source was right."

"That's possible but not likely," Elliot said, intently staring at the entrance. His senses were tingling, like something was wrong. "The dark guild couldn't just wander in the city without being tracked and the Lord couldn't just leave his castle without the news team knowing. Tonight would be a perfect night for the trade."

"That is true," Connor said. "How did the orphanage came in contact with the dark guild anyway? Surely they have known that Dark Saber was a dark guild."

"That's because something happened just a while before the orphanage owed them," Frost said. "The Guardian of the South, Cain, has turned dark."

Elliot eyes widened. He lost his focus and looked at Frost. "When did this happen?"

"Three weeks ago," Frost said. "Not a lot knew because it would create a panic but Cain took over Dark Saber. He left his post leaving the South vulnerable for Alpha Strikes."

"Wait," Connor raised his hands. "What is a Guardian anyway?"

"Guardians are Godly Adventurers who are the protectors of clusters of cities," Elliot answered. "Surely you have known the Eastern Guardian who died at the Defense of the Port City Cacten, right?"

Connor nodded.

"She was one of the four Guardians. They are posted at different directions to defend against Alpha Strikes, receiving the highest end equipment from the Royal Family. Basically they're the trump cards when an Alpha Strike occurs."

"So, if there would be an Alpha Strike in the South right now…"

"They would perish," Elliot finished. "Cain was also regarded as his generation's strongest Guardian too. Not only his post would be vacant, the kingdom is facing a threat."

"But he's still Level 100," Connor said. "There are also other Level 100s like him. In Alorde alone, we have 9."

"But then not all Level 100s has the same capabilities," Frost said. "Although they all reached their maximum Adventurer levels, they still have to maximize their skill levels and gather enough experience in battle."

"Oh," Connor flopped down the ground. "Then we're doomed."

The black Contact circle appeared on Elliot's sight. Lance's name was under it so he took the call.

"We have a problem," Lance said. "I have detected a spell from the Crest guild."

"What spell?" Elliot asked.

"They're not the Crest guild. I suspect the Lord is also fake too," Lance replied. "I will inspect the halls with Midnight. Frederick and Luck will stay here to observe."

"W-What?" Elliot gasped. He returned his gaze at the gate and spotted something. There was an odd sight. Like a blanket was waving in the air. "Lance, there's something wrong here. Hasty Aspire!"

He shot himself to the road and sure enough, a wagon that was covered with an Invisibility Veil flipped. Several people came out of the other wagons. The wagons trailed through the road, reaching up to the forest.

"What the hell?" Elliot gasped. "Lance, the trade has already started! They have been delivering the black gold through invisible wagons since I don't know how long."

"Hey!" a man from the wagon yelled. "Just what in the hell do you think you're doing?"

Elliot looked at him, "Tell me everything you know."

The man raised his brow, "Like I'd tell you."

Elliot scoffed and brandished his sword, pointing at the man. "Tell me everything."

"Iron Fist!"

An Adventurer attacked Elliot. He tried to punch Elliot but Elliot had already stepped back.

"Tiger's Claws!"

Another came from behind him. He leaped and flipped towards the other Adventurer's back. "Oh, so there's two of you. From Dark Saber huh?"

"What's it to you?" The first Adventurer asked.

"Elliot!" Connor came running towards them. "You need help? There's like, a hundred of them."

"I'm legally allowed to kill you," Elliot smirked. "Connor, call the Royal Guards. I can handle this."

He walked towards the side, the other Adventurers' eyes followed him. "For those who wants to die and fight, come here. But I promise you, you will die."

No one tried to walk forward. This made Elliot chuckle. "Pathetic."

Elliot bent his knee and was about to attack when a hand patted his shoulder.

It was Ed.

"Let's just arrest them," Ed said. "We might be allowed to kill them but it's not right."

Elliot stood properly, "But surely they have killed innocent people before."

"Which doesn't mean that you have to do the same," Ed said. "Let's just gather them up and wait for the guards."

Elliot returned his sword to his scabbard. "Okay. Everyone in here! Gather up. We will let the guards arrest you. Those who will come in peace will not be hurt. Those who refuse," he gripped the handle of his sword and glared at the men, "I cannot guarantee your safety."

Ed nudged Elliot's arm. "U-Uhm, Elliot?"

"What?" Elliot turned and his eyes widened at the sight.

A flaming carriage drove from the forest and leaped up, gliding in the air and drove back to the down the ground.

"What in the hell is that?" Elliot gasped.

The men behind them started to cheer.

"The master is here!"

"We're saved!"

"Show them the real definition of power, Cain!"

Elliot snapped his head back, looking at the men and returned his gaze to the carriage.

"I-Is that…"

The carriage stopped in front of them. The carriage had four horses with their hooves and hair burning. The door opened and a large man with the same build as Luck came out.

"What in the hell happened here?!" he boomed.

Elliot's lips trembled, "C-Cain."

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