I Know The Secret To Surpass Level 100

Chapter 67 - The Duchess Will Rule

The Adventurers started to gather at the gate. A state of panic loomed over the people like a dark cloud as the enemies approaches.

Most the citizens had already been evacuated. The only ones that were left were the ones who were retired Adventurers that were capable of fighting in case a bigger war breaks.

Elliot's group along with Axla and Xelon were still at the back of the guildhouse. The guild wasn't far from where the North Gate was so they could respond quickly. They were still debating as to what their next move was going to be.

"Is there any other way?" Elliot asked, pleading Biankka for another option. "We all wanted to come with Ed too. We don't want to leave him alone while he undergoes this… trial."

"Biankka is here with her army, this is the most perfect time to reclaim the Eternal Chaos Sword. Right when there's no strong arms in the palace," Axla said. "Duke Haavok, this can be the only time we can do this."

"Okay," Elliot finally gave in after refusing a couple of times.

Ed looked at his friends who all gave him a reassuring smile. Lance was the one who walked over him and placed his hands on Ed's shoulders.

"You can do it, man," Lance grinned. "We'll be right here waiting for your return."

Ed sighed and nodded hesitantly, "Okay."

Axla held out her hand. When Ed took it, they both disappeared into thin air. Xelon waved goodbye before disappearing.

"Will he be okay?" Elliot asked.

"I think the proper question is if we'd be okay," Connor snorted. "An Alpha Strike threatens the city and the neighboring cities after all. This won't be easy."

"We can handle it," Lance smirked. "Let's go."

They arrived at the North Gate after only a few minutes. Frederick scolded them for being late but ceased his words after seeing the army getting closer and closer.

"This pathetic motherf*ckers," Frederick cursed and walked in front of all the Adventurers.

"Patricia, would you please?" Midnight said to a female Caster who nodded.

"Got it," the female Caster said and raised her wand. "Celestial Intervention: Solar Eclipse!"

Her wand fired a black orb of aura and exploded high up in the air. This covered the sun, making everything darker.

"Black Morph: The Beast That Lies Under the Abyss."

Midnight shifted into the size of his True Beast Form, the one he suffers to lose control over every month. But this time, his upper body was still human, with a large black reindeer horn growing from his forehead and his long locks covering his body like clothes. His body was of a lion and his wings were of a falcon. His tail had a blade that could slice through a tree in one fell swoop.

"White Morph: The Being that Lies Over the Skies."

Sun had almost the same look as his older brother. Only that he didn't have the lower body morphed fully. He only had white falcon-like talons, wings, white reindeer-like horn and a greatsword that was as tall as him.

"They really are something."

"What's that guild's name again?"

"I want to be as strong as them."

"Then you need to work even harder."

The Adventurers started to whisper amongst themselves. Luck on the other hand was missing in action. Elliot wanted to ask Lance but opted not to, he just had to focus on the problem only a couple of hundred meters from them.

A small light blue ball formed in front of Frederick as he held his hands close to his body. Slowly pushing the ball away, he casted. "Flamming Barrage."

The ball made of flame blasted into a large heavily scattered beam that shot into a portion of Biankka's army. The flames annihilated the area where it landed. The soldiers that were wearing black armor that mounted black horses screamed in pain as the flames swallowed their bodies.

"This doesn't seem like a hard Alpha–"

Ed paused after seeing Connor glare at him. The tanner boy leaned in and whispered, "Don't jinx it."

The grounds shook even more. Connor sighed and branished his sword on his right hand and raised his staff on the other. "Elliot, can I buy a flame affinity-leaning staff. This one is good and powerful but it just doesn't feel right these days."

"Okay," Connor said. "No, I'll just forge you some. Just give me some materials I need that I'll list you later."

"That's awesome," Connor said. "Thanks, boo."

"Absolutely disgusting," Elliot retorted.

"That's not the kind of conversation I usually have when the ground is shaking mercilessly like this." Just when Lance stopped talking, the shaking stop. "Oh, what'd you know. It–"

Colossal geysers of black liquid shot up from the fields. The liquid started to curl and took its shape. Large black dragons with red eyes and skin of steel roared.

"Now I know why Biankka wanted the Queen of Hell's power," Lance said. "She's too OP."

Frederick pointed his index and middle finger at one of the dragons. Lance giggled after seeing the stance. "Here it comes!"

His friends looked at him in confusion and were about to ask when Frederick casted his skill.

"Azure Scorch."

Five blue wisps appeared around one of the dragons. The wisps revolved around the dragon before they burst up, engulfing the dragon with their searing flames.

The dragon whipped its body left and right, roaring in pain before it died and fell to the ground.

The Adventurers cheered but their hope ceased when Frederick fell to his knees. He began to cough and fidget compulsively. His coughs got heavier unt he fell unconscious.

The opposing army stopped their march with Biankka walking forward. "Stupid Adventurer. The dragons have curses on them. If they get killed, the killer will die along with them."

She raised her arms, snakes coiled her body as she floated in the air. "Now, hand over Haavok and no one else gets hurt. Fail to do so and, well, you all die."

"Is she a beast?"

"Haavok? Who is that?"

"Why aren't the major guilds doing anything? Bring that Haavok person over."

"We're all going to get hurt because of one person?"

The whispering died down when Frederick laughed and stood, clearing his throat and spitting the blood. "You prolly have to cast a stronger curse."

"Something's with you," Biankka said. "I wonder what."

"Shut up," Midnight said from behind her and used his talons to claw the woman in the back. Biankka screamed in pain, turning back only to see that no one was there anymore. "You need to get your senses sharper too."

Midnight flashed in front of her, this time he brandished a sword from the air and slashed the heads of the snakes off. Biankka started to wobble before she started falling down to the ground where Sun awaits with his sword in the air.

"Heya!" he greeted and and thrusted himself from the ground. Biankka didn't go down without a fight. She spun and screamed at Sun, the waves of her voice were seen in the air by its dark purple aura.

Sun slowed down, his wings curled after being attacked by the ear-piercing shriek. Biankka took this opportunity to use Sun's horn and catapult herself back up, regenerating the snake to let her levitate.

"Damn," Sun cursed and landed on the ground, recovering his hearing.

Biankka roared, "Attack!"

Her army started to move. The horses sprinted towards the city where the Adventurers prepared for battle.

"She's not something for nothing," Lance smirked.

"What–" Elliot was cut off by Lance dashing to Sun in high speed. He brandished his swords and called to Sun for support.

"Here you go!" Sun held his sword down, letting Lance step on it before thrusting it up, blasting Lance into the sky.

"You!" Biankka yelled and shot three of her snakes at Lance. The snakes grew four times larger when it was firing towards Lance but the prince only spun, killing all the snakes in one attack.

"What?" Biankka gasped but it was too late, Lance had already reached her.

"I really don't like you," Lance said. "Leave Ed alone."

"As if!" She screamed again, this time fiercer.

Lance crossed his swords in front of him to block the attack, blasting away from the woman. He started falling so he raised his swords on either side of him and formed the wings out of his magic.

"The Queen of Hell enhanced my magic," Biankka said. "Not one of you can match my–"

Midnight appeared beside her, glared at the snakes who all curled into Biankka's body, seemingly scared.

"Try again," Midnight said, raising his arm up and bringing it down, hitting Biankka with full force.

Her body blasted to the ground, creating a large crater around it. Midnight slowly landed, walking over to Biankka but gasped after what he saw.

"Midnight, what is–" Lance stopped, his eyes widened like saucers.

"Y-You really think she'd leave her throne?" Axla said, grinning. "The Duchess will rule over Etheoria!"

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