I Love Destroying Worlds’ Plot

Chapter 1131 17.58 Fourth Violet Star - Separation

1131  17.58 Fourth Violet Star - Separation

For those living in the futuristic world, the existence of God is unlikely. They have a stronger faith in technology and the energy that propels their ascension to higher levels. Thus, the idea that there are Gods in the Imperium Star is almost mythical. They haven't seen one, so they don't think it's true. So how do you think they'll respond when they find out that God is the one commanding the Zerg Race to wipe them out? Should the mortals pray for a miracle even if they are helpless or should they remain hopeful?

Even though the calamity in the Imperium Star had worsened, people on the worlds far from it continued to live in peace. An Imperium Star-connected couple appears unconcerned about the current situation at the Edge Star, where the Mystical Butterfly Clan resides. They were staying at the ice-built nest and enjoying each other's company without worrying about anything else.

Yara von Chrysalis is checking his Quantum Egg whose size had grown a hundred times its original ball-sized egg. He was surprised to witness such a huge egg. After all, it was still small before he took a nap.

Yara von Chrysalis asked the man behind him who was busy combing and braiding his hair. "Caesar, will this egg still grow bigger?"

"No. That's its final size. It's about to hatch instead. Before Roi was born his egg had also grown to that size. It seems that the baby's Quantum Beast might be a dragon shaped like mine." The Grand Marshal, Caesar Mitchell von Imperlian said.

Since his arrival on this planet, the two of them had been residing in this nest.  Their meals will be brought by some people from the palace or sent by Mama Parvana or anyone free instead.  They understood that their newest egg was crucial and required their master's aura before it fully hatched. After all, they had experienced the same thing.

Yara von Chrysalis said, "A Dragon is also good. At least it can accompany Roi." All of a sudden he felt something uncomfortable he couldn't explain and frowned unexpectedly which his lover noticed.

Caesar Mitchell von Imperlian asked worriedly, "Baby, what's wrong?"

"I don't know. I feel uncomfortable all of a sudden. Are you hiding something from me?" Yara von Chrysalis asked as he turned around and stared at the Grand Marshal with a serious gaze.

At first, Caesar Mitchell von Imperlian was a little perplexed and had trouble understanding what his lover was saying. Because he just cares about his beloved, he genuinely has no idea.

"Baby, I don't know what you are talking about."

The Grand Marshal's perplexed expression only served to further confuse Yara until he noticed a tiny moon cautiously approaching the Grand Marshal and being followed by a tiny sun as though they were inseparable. System Yue shifted uncomfortably when Yara von Chrysalis took the little moon and fixed him with her intense gaze.


Yara von Chrysalis said, "Speak. There is something you wanted to say, don't you."

[I... I....]

System Yue quivers in the presence of his Lord Hei's icy stare. No one can deny the parallels in temperament between him and Yara, despite the fact that he is merely his manifestation. He is horrified by that icily and piercingly frigid glance despite the absence of the normal mischievousness. He had only ever noticed those eyes when Lord Hei was getting irate.

The small sun moved closer to his Master and circled him. Nothing was kept from System Yang's Master.

[Master, the Imperium Star is under attack by the Zerg Race. Right now there are six Royal-ranked Zergs in the Capital with one of them seemingly looking like humans but feeling even stronger than the Royal-ranked Zergs combined.]

The Grand Marshal also didn't expect to hear this kind of news. He knew that the Imperium Star was under attack but there were two wardens in that place to stabilize the situation.

Caesar Mitchell von Imperlian asked, "Isn't the enemy only a Black Ant Zerg Queen? How come there are other enemies? And what do you mean by a creature stronger than the Royal-ranked Zergs?"

System Yue was eventually freed from Yara's grasp after receiving an answer to his query. He had just killed a royal-ranked Zerg on Planet Terra, which made him even more perplexed. Why did the Zerg Race have other king and queen duos?

System Yue answered his Lord's questions, [The Black Ant Zerg Queen had been killed by Adjutant Kir but a few unexpected situations are happening in Imperium. The Nova Clan's hidden Human Experimentation had been revealed. The Queen Mother and her clan had turned out to be artificially modified humans. Their genes had been mixed with the genes of the Zerg Race. So they were all either captured or killed. The source of parasitism seems to come from the Queen Mother but she does not answer anything about that. Instead, she will only speak if her son, the Crown Prince is found. Though she gave the Emperor the evidence of her Clan's Heinous means.]

[As for the three pairs of Royal Zerg Race, they seem to have planned together to invade the Imperium Star. The one who leads them or maybe asks them to invade is a masked man who calls himself 'Chaos'.] System Yang said.

"Chaos? Who is he?" Yara von Chrysalis asked.

System Yang responded, [No one knows who he is. As if he suddenly appeared out of nowhere and suddenly arrived in Imperium Star with those Royal-ranked Zergs. But there is one thing for sure, since the Wardens are asking for support it means that the masked man is a lot stronger than them and only the Grand Marshal can fight against him.]

Yara von Chrysalis was somewhat familiar with the dynamics surrounding the Grand Marshal. He is aware that these two little objects are referred to as Systems. They are not of this planet; they are inventions. It resembles the creature he previously destroyed on Planet Terra. In this tiny avatar form, they don't have a physical body, but they can also employ a physical vessel if they choose to.

But, System Yue and System Yang both let him know that they were not the same as the person he killed. They are the good guys, whereas the person he killed is the bad man, to put it simply. Also, he had grown accustomed to these two systems designating Dean Frey von Gregory and Adjutant Kir von Giselle as wardens. He found the sound strange, but he asked no questions. In the end, he is indifferent. Nonetheless, he is aware of their combined strength. Perhaps as powerful as his grandfather, the Emperor of the Butterfly Clan and a potential deity.

Yara von Chrysalis said, "Should we go together?"

"No. Your egg is about to hatch. You can't leave now. I'll go alone first. After your Quantum Beast is born you can follow me." The Grand Marshal said.

Yara von Chrysalis held his hand and asked, "It's not dangerous right? If it is then... You don't need to go. I will ask the Gretel Clan to abandon Imperium Star."

"Is that okay? Isn't your friend there too?" The Grand Marshal asked teasingly he knew that his wife's incarnation had been born in this world as a new being and had a certain attachment to the people of this world unlike himself.

Yara von Chrysalis gripped his hand and said, "You are more important than them."  Because you are mine.

With such kind sentiments, the Grand Marshal can't help but embrace his sweetheart. He now comprehends why his beloved would steadfastly defend him even if he was without his original memories. This is due to the fact that whether or not they have past relationships, as long as they are in love, the other person is irrelevant.

He kissed his wife's hair and enjoyed the warmth of the hug the two of them shared and said, "Don't worry. I'm strong. There shouldn't be anyone capable of harming me in this world except for you."

"But you said that your vessel is human, if you died in that body you wouldn't be able to accompany me anymore." Yara von Chrysalis said.

Caesar Mitchell von Imperlian finds his wife's obsessiveness endearing. Hei Anjing is a fun person, but he enjoys being sticky with the people he cares about, especially his spouse. His most recent incarnation in the previous universe is somewhat emotionally disconnected from people and despises skinship. He can hardly ever give him a hug, let alone a kiss. He still cares about him, though.

Upon kissing his wife's forehead, the Grand Marshal whispered, "I will be alright. I will wait for you in Imperium Star. Don't worry, I will be careful."

Seeing that he can't stop the Grand Marshal from leaving, Yara could only reluctantly agree to what he wanted.

  "...Okay. I will come there as soon as I can." Yara von Chrysalis said.

The Grand Marshal had to bid the Chrysalis Clan farewell after the choice had been made. None of them intervened because they were already aware of what had transpired to the Imperium Star thanks to the Gretel Clan's occupants. General Nimbus and his wife Zephyr von Gretel made the decision to travel back with him to Imperium Star. After all, their kids are still in Imperium Star. They can only take them away if required in case something unforeseen occurs.

Argus Blues von Chrysalis said, "Child, be careful. It is weird that the Heavenly Laws aren't responding to me. I don't know what is happening but it seems that you know."

"Granddad shouldn't worry too much. I can handle it." The Grand Marshal said.


Clodius von Chrysalis said as he pats the Grand Marshal's shoulder, "Watch your back. Your Clan has done well. There is no need to exchange your life for such a planet. Since you are already considered half-family of the Chrysalis Clan remember... Your life is the topmost priority."

"I understand, Grandfather." The Grand Marshal said.

Clodius von Chrysalis said to his little brother, "If it cannot be helped, return here. As long as I feel you near the planet I can support you anytime."

"Thank you, Brother. I will keep that in mind." Nimbus von Gretel said.

Mama Parvana and Papa Orion also bid their farewell to their son-in-law. Even Laurel Azure von Chrysalis and Titus von Chrysalis see him off. This is their future brother-in-law after all.

"Be careful, son!"

"Take care of yourself!"

"May the victory fall on you."

Titus von Chrysalis passed a space button to the Grand Marshal and said, "This is filled with potion. Use as you will. It might be as powerful as the ones Xiao Ya made but... It should help you a bit."

"Thanks. I will be back soon." The Grand Marshal said as he finally looked at Yara who threw himself into his embrace.

The pair clutched each other, oblivious to the other guests, who thought it was typical for them to be so clinging since they would be apart for an undetermined amount of time.

Yara von Chrysalis said, "I will be there soon. Wait for me."

"Okay. I will wait for you." The Grand Marshal said.

The Chrysalis Clan didn't leave until the starship had vanished into thin air after they had dispatched the Grand Marshal together with General Nimbus and Lieutenant General Zephyr. Yara's eyes grew dull as he continued to observe the empty sky.

Yara von Chrysalis mumbled, "Don't let anything happen to you. If you get hurt, those who dare do such a thing will all die in my hands."

Those members of the Chrysalis Clan who overheard him experienced a chill. Such harshness and indifference, even indifferent to the life and death of others, including himself, that it is like a thousand blocks of unmelting ice. None of the Clan members tried to dissuade him when they saw him in this state because they understood that their Clan could only have one eternal love. Such a fixation is ingrained in their blood and veins. It cannot be controlled.


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