I Love Destroying Worlds’ Plot

Chapter 878 - 878 14.154 Last Violet Star - White Hooded Man

Chapter 878 - 878 14.154 Last Violet Star - White Hooded Man

878 14.154 Last Violet Star – White Hooded Man

After concluding what they had come to do, Jin Baihua and Cao Roulan had already met. They arrived at the location outside the Eastern City’s gates wearing their typical disguises. Each time they interact, they present a new face. Have you gotten it? Jin Baihua immediately inquired upon their first encounter.

The young woman of the Cao family nods in agreement, but she only gave the man what he asked for until he handed her the compensation he had promised.

Cao Roulan questioned, “What about my reward?”

A space ring that contained food and gold and could sustain a typical family for a few decades was given to Cao Roulan by Jin Baihua. For Cao Roulan and her Devil, it may persist for years. Cao Roulan offered the handkerchief covered in Bai Lili’s blood after being content with what she had received.

After saying, “With this, our business has been done, let’s separate here,” Cao Roulan walked away without looking back and made it apparent that she had no further desire to become connected with Jin Baihua.

Cao Roulan’s behavior didn’t bother Jin Baihua in the least. He always had longed to view the human race objectively. He had no desire to continue his involvement with them.

Devil Fennu asked, [Is that alright? I thought you had planned on asking her to join this side. After all, once the barrier broke the human side would be greatly affected.]

Jin Baihua replied, “Why should I do that? I’ve already paid her for her services.” he gawked at the blood on the white handkerchief. There is no question that the blood on it was that of an immortal; the qi’s purity even draws Jin Baihua to it.

Devil Fennu said, [You are right. Where is Shulan? Ever since he found his vessel he keeps disappearing somewhere.]


Jin Baihua spoke, “He must be sleeping somewhere. I told him we are about to leave the city, so he should be here anytime now.”

A short while later, a young man with fox-shaped eyes and a slight tinge at his eye corner strolled slowly toward Jin Baihua while yawning in a crimson-red brocade robe. He had an androgynous appearance and seemed rather young. The only reason his eyes were downcast was that he was going to fall asleep.

The name of this young man is Xing Fei. His own uncle sold him to a brothel when he was a young orphan. Compared to other young men his age, Xing Fei has a somewhat more feminine appearance. Ordinary impoverished individuals sometimes sell some of their kids to make money. Especially for Xing Fei who had lost the protection of his family, if his relatives want to sell him he cannot do anything about it.

Additionally, Xing Fei’s relatives didn’t think much of him. He used to perform all the housework, and errands, including feeding the pigs or chickens and cleaning up excrement, like a slave for his uncle’s household. This Xing Fei used to live in a remote village not far from the Eastern City. All he can obtain from his uncle’s family after working hard all day is some dusty hard bread and a glass of cold water. He had been leading this lifestyle up to the point when he was sold to the brothel..com

He had lived his life with too little sleep and rest and Xing Fei’s only wish was to die in his sleep. That’s when he finally meets Devil Shulan. The Devil had offered him a contract telling him he would give him what he wanted the most.

Devil Shulan spoke, [You’ve lacked sleep and rest all your life and had been working like a slave ever since your parents died. Do you want revenge? I can help you punish those relatives of yours. Do you want to escape from the brothel? Come with me and I will save you. Everything you wish for, I will help you fulfill it~]

Unfortunately, despite the devil’s best efforts, Xing Fei doesn’t appear to be responding favorably to his enticement.

“Why should I seek revenge? When I don’t care much about them. Escape from the brothel? There is no need. Here, I was provided with a bed and food on a regular basis. It is better than living with hard bread and cold water,” Xing Fei said.

Devil Shulan was speechless for a moment. [Then what kind of desires do you have that called me here?]

“Maybe I want to be lazy and want to sleep forever, but I don’t want to die yet, and sleeping for a long time is impossible. Or are you able to let me sleep without dying?” Xing Fei pondered for a minute.

Devil Shulan said, [I can but... Your vessel would be in my complete control while you sleep. Is that alright with you? This means leaving this brothel and going to the places I’m leaving for. You might come to the Infernal Regions where the Devil Race lives.]

“But I should be able to sleep for a long time, right? And don’t do anything...” Xing Fei asked.

Devil Shulan said, [You can but...]

Xing Fei signed the bargain with the devil right away, becoming Devil Shulan’s vessel. Then he sensed something else invading his body. He initially felt uneasy, and when he sensed that he was losing control over his body, he fell asleep right away. Xing Fei didn’t respond in kind and resisted the urge to reject the foreign soul residing in his body.

Xing Fei said before falling asleep instantly: “Until then, you can do as you choose. Good night ZZzz. I might wake up if I’m hungry.”

Stunned, Devil Shulan spoke, [How come it’s more believable to say he is the God of Sloth than I do? He is even too lazy to keep living...]

Similar to this Devil, Shulan discovered his ideal vessel, who was attractive and met his preferences. The only drawback is that his body is generally under his control since it is lazier than he is. Most of the time, Xing Fei is asleep and only wakes up if he is hungry. That’s how the most unreasonable Devil’s Contract was signed.

Back to where the conversation was cut off. Devil Shulan just appeared and rejoined with Jin Baihua and Devil Fennu. He avoided Cao Roulan who was on her way back to the city, Not intending to get her involve as she herself didn’t want to.

“It’s still too early~,” Devil Shulan muttered, “Are we going to leave now?”

“Yes. We acquired what we came for and now it’s time to prepare for the demolition of the barrier. Aren’t you guys supposed to be gathering your minions?” inquired Jin Baihua.

Speaking, Devil Fennu said, [Not really... The scent of humanity is enough to draw the devils in while the barrier is down. As long as there is nothing to stop them, they will act.]

Jin Baihua remarked, “The Great Sects could become involved, but I don’t know about Chun Hongyun-Jun and the Ice Demon though?”

Devil Shulan frowned and said, “Would immortals care so much about other people? They might protect the people of the Western Region as they live there, but they do not have the right to directly get involved in the rest of the territory. Furthermore, aren’t they still busy with their children? I heard that the Immortal wife Chun Hongyun-jun had given birth to twins.”

Jin Baihua expressed curiosity and asked, “Hm... Is it conceivable for a man to give birth? In the mortal realm, such occurrences have never happened before.”

Devil Shulan’s lips curled up into a mocking smirk. His human body was in perfect harmony with his laziness and his amusement in toying with or teasing Jin Baihua.

“Why? Are you interested in giving birth? But first, you need a man to produce a kid with you. How about me, darling?” Devil Shulan jokingly asked

Jin Baihua said, “Forget it. I am no longer interested,” with a disgusted expression on his face as he looked at Devil Shulan.

On the other hand, Devil Shulan thought that Jin Baihua’s response was rather unusual. Isn’t the aspect of his vessel extremely lovely? Hei Anjing is indeed more beautiful and ethereal, but Xing Fei has an uncertain sense of femininity because of his developing characteristics. He is more beautiful than most ladies, at least.

It seems that Devil Shulan had forgotten about Jin Baihua’s taste in men. He likes gentle-looking gongs like Yun Huaxia.

Ignoring the antics of the two which is almost a daily routine for them, Devil Fennu explains, [It wasn’t easy for a man to give birth. You need a pill called Rebirth Pill and the materials to make this are mostly rare. Moreover, it requires a high talent for Pill Refinement. But you don’t need it.]

Jin Baihua was a little perplexed as to why he wouldn’t require such a thing if he desired to give birth as a male. When Devil Shulan noticed his confused appearance, he couldn’t help but chuckle at him and remarked.

Devil Shulan answered, “Brother Fen is right. You genuinely wouldn’t need it at all. Devils are capable of switching their gender during mating season. So you may be at the top or the bottom or even give birth on your own.”

Jin Baihua entirely lost interest in childbearing and raising babies after learning this news. He made the decision to concentrate on his current task and departed the Eastern city with Devil Shulan within Xing Fei. The two set off for the edge of the world, which is close to the infernal region. They intended to start tearing down the barrier and ignite the conflict between mortals and demons.

Unbeknownst to these two, someone is observing every move they have made from above. The hood of this man’s cloak concealed his face, and he was dressed in white robes. His bottom face is all that is visible.

“Take your time. Didn’t I even help you get passed the barrier around the Jin Tiangui Sect and help you reach your goals~ Soon enough I should be able to get what I wanted to~”

As soon as the man in white hood noticed that Jin Baihua and Devil Shulan had left, a cheeky smile flashed at the corner of his lips and he vanished away.

Eastern City, At the Lan Zhuayun Sect...

Crimson Cloud Peak...

After birth, children of immortals quickly developed. The twins, who were first just meant to be babies incapable of even crawling, are now flying around their dad and father. The twin was given names. The second young prince is known by the name (Ye) Yun Jingmo, while the tiny princess adopted the Hei Family’s name and was known as Hei Anxia. The elder generations adored these babies the most, and because they were born immortals, they weren’t as delicate as other newborns. They are stronger than the majority of the sect’s youthful adherents, it may be argued.

Anxia, the princess, is a cheeky little girl. She enjoys pulling off her older relatives’ white beards as well as her brothers’ and uncles’ hair. She enjoys grinning and occasionally biting their faces with her unattended gums. A fun-loving little minx. On the other hand, despite (Ye) Yun Jingmo’s striking resemblance to Hei Anjing, his temperament is just as icy as that of Xia Jieye. He dislikes making noise and would scowl if there was too much of it. If you make too much noise, he will fly and remain in front of your face, looking icily at you until you stop talking. Zhi Yue and Yun Fan are his go-to targets.

Even though his visage more closely resembles the perpetually phony smiling Hei Anjing, he is one frightening little baby since his aura is remarkably similar to that of his other father. But as long as you weren’t too noisy Yun Jingmo would allow himself to be held. The only one he wouldn’t scold regardless of the noise is his younger twin sister, Anxia. Such an obvious double standard is a mirror image of Xia Jieye towards his wife. Today is another peaceful day for Hei Anjing, Xia Jieye and their family.

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