I Love Destroying Worlds’ Plot

Chapter 884 - 884 14.160 Last Violet Star - The God of End and Hei Anjing.

Chapter 884 - 884 14.160 Last Violet Star - The God of End and Hei Anjing.

884 14.160 Last Violet Star – The God of End and Hei Anjing.

Hearing what his parents stated, Bai Qiyin said, “THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE! When the barrier shattered, I and Brother Hua were with Gege and his family upon this peak. It is impossible for him to be that devil! You are thinking of the wrong things, Mum and Dad! Gege had always been in Lan Zhuayan Sect.”

Bai Yuyan remarked, “Calm down, son. We are not suggesting that the devil in the white hood is your brother.”

Madam Bai added, “It’s just that... That devil is pretty similar to your elder brother which is weird itself.” She then looked at Hei Anjing who remained calm as he took care of his babies and asked him, “Do you know who he might be?”

Hei Anjing nodded his head and said, “He might be a being that was born by mistake. His source might be me but not only me. I heard a few things about the Infernal Region from my Imperial Father. Before the King of Devils becomes the ruler, there is a demonic entity that lives at the depths of their land. This is the coldest land in the Infernal Region. A demoness born in glaciers.”

“What’s with this demoness having something to do with this devil in the white hood?” asked Yun Huaxia.

Hei Anjing responds, “More than a few millennia ago, it was just after I was born. At that time, the relationship between the King of Devils and the Goddess of Love was unknown. It was only when the demoness of Infernal Region reported it to the throne that they learned about it. I don’t know how she did it but... That time there was news of me disappearing. The Imperial Mother was so enraged that she almost flipped the whole Heavenly Domain upside down. Only then did they find me near the Ascension Gates after the Demoness had said to disappear.”

“Devils are able to give birth to someone as long as they have a drop of blood and mixed it with theirs. This child can be considered their child born with their blood and mixed with another bloodline in it. The better the blood is, the stronger the artificial devil is. She might have taken my blood that time and mixed it with her and the blood of the Devil King. If that’s what she did then... That Devil Aunt and Uncle had fought had my bloodline and the bloodline of the Devil King. He is a devil with the strength of an immortal.” explained Hei Anjing.

Bai Qiyin asked, “Isn’t he a half-demon and half-immortal like Jieye?”

“No. Half Blood demons can only be born through a natural union of two beings. They cannot be artificially made.” said Xie Jieye. “But... If he truly has the same power as my wife then things are easy to understand. That pure white ice that hit you... That is Eternal Ice. A living entity of an Ice Element. It is something only Jing’er is supposed to be capable of wielding.”


Bai Yuyan, Xue Wuyue, and Yun Huaxia realized the threat the white hood demon poses after hearing Hei Anjing’s justification and Xia Jieye’s declaration about it. It implies that there is a second Hei Anjing on the side of the adversary. In this situation, their team lost one of its advantages.

“Elder Brother Yun, I know I agree to help you once you fight against the demons and the devils but... If this devil in white hood appears, I will have to focus on him once the war starts.” Hei Anjing warned. “You guys need to be very careful. Let me give you something first. I will give you an imprint to enable you to temporarily possess Immortal Physique like Qiqi. This should enable your safety.”

He reaches out to touch Yun Huaxia’s forehead with his hand. A snowflake imprint was made when Hei Anjing’s fingertips touched it.

Hei Anjing murmured, “Elder Brother Yun, I pray it never activates at all. This imprint would only activate if you are on the verge of death.”

“Brother, bring Yue and Yang with you. They would be able to assist you at whatever as long as it is feasible.” Xia Jieye said, “Because things are like that, it would be best to move quickly and covertly.”

On their knees, Zhi Yue and Zhi Yang appeared behind their superiors. They did not object to the Lord God’s command.

“As you command, My Lord!”

Hei Anjing said, “Aunt and Uncle should take a rest. Even though I had healed your injuries the fatigue in your bodies remains. There’s a hot spring in the sect. Please use it to relax.”

“Um~ that’s a good idea. This newly grown hand was a bit unsynchronized with me. I need to keep using it. Honey, let’s go to the hot springs.” Bai Yuyan said.

Madam Bai sighed and said, “Then let me join you.”

“Mom. Dad, I will prepare your necessities and clothes. Please go ahead and enter the springs. I will have someone send in your things.” Bai Qiyin said.

Yun Huaxia said, “I will also have someone clean up the house near our courtyard in my peak. Mother Bai and Father Bai can live there if they want.”

“We will leave it to you two,” said Bai Yuyan as he smiled at his son and son-in-law.

Hei Anjing and his family remained at home after the other had gone, and there was an unpleasant feeling between the two. The only sounds that can be heard in the neighborhood are the sounds of their kids laughing and flying around.

“Jing’er, do you know who the devil in the white hood that Bai Yuyan and Xue Wuyue described is?” Xia Jieye questioned.

Hei Anjing didn’t lie and nodded his head. Then he looked at his husband and said, “You know him too. Once you see his face you will understand everything. But remember to be careful when you see him... He... He hates you a lot.”Please visit 𝘧r𝙚e𝓌𝐞𝑏𝗻𝑜𝘷𝙚Ɩ. com

“Baby, what do you...” Xia Jieye was unable to complete his inquiry as he saw his wife shaking his head, obviously not willing to explain things while pouting. He only saw Hei Anjing pull the authority over the world to contact the others in Vearth.

“I will ask my uncle about this situation for a while. Look after the twins.” Hei Anjing said.

Xia Jieye could only watch in silence as his wife locked him out of their bedroom and went into it. He definitely didn’t want him to go inside with him and had no desire to inform him of the existence and identity of the devil wearing a white hood. However, despite the fact that he recalls every detail of their past, there is a sneaking suspicion that he may have overlooked something crucial. He couldn’t help but become lost in his thoughts as he struggled to remember what he had forgotten.

Meanwhile, inside the bedroom...

The Origin God was spoken to directly by Hei Anjing. Only he, who was part of that incident, could possibly know what is going on in the current circumstance. But as soon as the connection was created, the person who stood before him was the God of End, with whom he usually argues with.

The God of End spoke, “Thee finally did summon me mine own issue! This fusty one hadst been wanting to warneth thee about something...”

Translation: [You finally summoned me, my child! This old one had been wanting to warn you about something...]

“Why the hell is it you!?” grumbles the God of Destruction.

When a person he didn’t like at all arrived in front of him, Hei Anjing’s mood became depressing. Although the God of Origin assisted him with his husband’s resurrection, he may still manage to show some respect but the God of End is different. He truly doesn’t like him at all. Since this being is to blame for everything that is going on between him and Ye Xiajie, his lover, he despises him.

The God of End says, “The god of origin toldeth me to taketh ov’r. Aft’r all, thee and darkness w’re ‘riginally und’r mine own jurisdiction.”

Translation: [The God of Origin told me to take over. After all, you and Darkness were originally under my jurisdiction.]

Hei Anjing said, “Are you the one who woke him up?! How can you allow him to come into this world?! Do you want to kill A’Xia!?”

“Of course not, mine own issue! that gent waking up wast beyond mine own controleth. The only reasoneth that gent did wake up early is because thee as the main dominant soul is gettjng weak’r. Those gents art starting to waketh up one by one. Thee needeth to hie and completeth the second phase of the trial, mine own issue.” said the God of End.

Translation: [Of course not, my child! Him waking up was beyond my control. The only reason he woke up early is because ‘you’ as the main dominant soul is getting weaker. They are starting to wake up one by one. You need to hurry and complete the second phase of the trial, my child.]

Hei Anjing was aware that everything this annoying God was describing was true. He has repeatedly damaged his soul, and he is barely able to keep it from disappearing. This soul of his would not be able to continue existing outside the Nether System if it were not for the assistance of his vessel in this world. He really does need to act quickly.

Then he recalled his hubby standing outside the room with these twins. Hei Anjing couldn’t help but hope that he might live a little selfishly. He wished he could spend more time with him. Till he, at least...

Hei Anjing asks, “Can I stay in this world for a bit longer?”

The God of End responded, “T’s not yond thee can’t but... With yond sir in thy w’rld, the moment that gent did see thy husband, that gent shall forsooth wanteth to killeth the darkness. The envy of being hath left high-lone in the abyss f’r countless millennia is extremely hard to beareth. That gent can only catch but a wink to ease his loneliness. Thee shouldst beest able to und’rstand that gent. T’s just thee loveth darkness too much yond thee ign’re the teen in your heart.”

Translation: [It’s not that you can’t but... With that man in your world, the moment he sees your husband, he will definitely want to kill him. The hatred of being left alone in the Abyss for countless millennia is extremely hard to bear. He can only sleep to ease his loneliness. You should be able to understand him. It’s just that you love darkness so much that you ignore the pain in your heart.]

The two starts to get somber. Hei Anjing mainly ceased speaking, and the God of End did not respond. Hei Anjing was still hesitant despite understanding the meaning of the End’s comments. He wished he could spend more days with his love and more time with his children, but this dream is no longer possible. His love would be at greater risk the longer he hesitated. Simply put, they have too many foes. Race of the Ye Gui. Ye Mo. The Hei Clan traitors and the World Eater, a deadly catastrophe.

The God of End felt awful for him upon seeing him like this. He was aware that this child had been through far too much pain in order to track down his husband’s scattered soul after searching the cosmos and its many realms for a very, very long time. When they eventually met, his qi and vigor were practically depleted. He hardly had enough time for his partner and his children afterward.

The God of End spoke, “Snoweth, this god is not preventing thee from staying in yond w’rld. Thee can stayeth as longeth as thee did want coequal until yond w’rld dies but. Yond ego wouldn’t alloweth wend of thy husband. That gent already knoweth that gent existeth th’re and wouldst forsooth tryeth his most wondrous to killeth that gent.”

Translation: [Snow, this god is not preventing you from staying in that world. You can stay there as long as you want even until that world dies. But that ego wouldn’t allow your man to exist. He already knows he is there and would try his best to kill him.]

Hei Anjing asked, “Is there a way to forcefully pull him out of this world?”

The God of End answered, “Th’re is! his reasoneth f’r existing in yond w’rld is to killeth the darkness. If ‘t be true that gent hesitat’d coequal f’r a second, the w’rld wouldst rejecteth that gent.”

Translation: [There is! His reason for existing in that world is to kill the darkness. If he hesitated even for a second, the world would reject him.]

Hei Anjing said, “I will remember.”

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