I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

1535 I Got A New Race!

“Cool!” I constantly shifted my attention towards something else. “My soul points… Damn! Since when I got three zeroes beside the billion? Hahahaha! I got rich! Just in time for a crazy experiment!”

I got ten hours, and during which I’d not be able to do anything much.

So why won’t I use this time and start doing something useful? For example, I’d start merging a few bloodlines together and see the final result. For example, could I summon a new army of terrifying races, be it an old one or a newly formed one from the merge?

This time I got to consider the upcoming battle up ahead. “I got the Bulltors and shield bearer souls… If I merged both with the soulers, then what kind of races I’ll get?”

I wanted a race that was strong at offence and defence. Soulers were already hellish killers, one who was enough to take down any enemy no matter who it was.

Even if they faced a hindrance or an obstacle, they were enough to kill this dude after flashing for many times attacking him.

But that didn’t mean they were invincible. In fact, they got killed many times already, ending up losing too much of their numbers on many occasions.

The battles I was going to get into were going to be quite bloody and brutal. If they were left to fight without having any defensive cards added up to them, then the loss I was going to have was going to be quite severe.

My best choice was to merge them with a race that was adept and quite special in defence. That put the shield bearers at the top of my choice list. And then the Bulltors came next.

These two were considered as hellish defensive troops I got. If the end race was having the best out of these bloodlines, then things were destined to end up quite great for me.

I wanted to roam the entire enemy lands and look for bombs, but that also meant I needed to establish strong bases at the places I spotted, leaving behind my forces out there to dig the ground and take out all the bombs hidden underground.

To do so, I needed to leave tons of troops alone for a long time. And to be honest, I didn’t trust any troops to stand their ground without my presence.

It was impossible and quite impractical for me to babysit any forces I’d leave behind. Or else this was going to take a long time without doubt.

I should just focus more on strengthening the forces I’d leave behind, or else things would end quite bad in the end.

The only other option I got was to just ask Isac to join up and help me in building defences all over the places I spotted bombs at.

But that wasn’t even possible.

To do so, I’d need to move tons of materials, working hands, and also provide enough protection for all these to build up fortresses and defences.please visit panda(-)N0ve1.co)m

And even if I managed to do all that, in the end things would end up quite bad. After all, we were going to do all this in the heart of the enemy mainlands, their territories, where tons of forces would be present, alongside hellish amounts of weapons and offensive and defensive preparations.

That was indeed quite illusional if I wanted this to work. Not to mention it’d consume lots of time in the end.

So I had no other option but to throw away an endless number of warriors in these zones and pray this was going to work.

And that was why doing this merge, finding a new breed of warriors, a race that could handle both offence and defence quite efficiently was a must.

pAn,Da-n0v e1,c,m

The initial attempts all failed! The end result focused more on either one of these bloodlines, not taking the best of each race and adding these up into the new one.

For example, I ended up having a new race that could flash and pass through opponents. It was just like the soulers, but not as deadly and lethal as them.

They could just pass through things, then use the brutal physical strength of Bulltors to fight the enemy.

They didn’t affect the enemy souls or even impact them in any way. Another failed attempt gave me the deadly nature of the soulers, by absorbing the enemies’ souls, but they lacked any defensive or high speed movement.

They got slightly better in overall physical strength, but not enough to satisfy my high standards. And in return for that, I kept testing, doing this merge one time after another, even trying out new souls.

I got the Hectors and Dragons souls and bloodlines stored as well. And so I tried out everything, even trying to merge more than two bloodlines together at many times.

“At last!” and after many failed attempts, after close to seven hours of doing so without getting a satisfied result, I got a race that suited my needs.

It was the result of merging the Soulers, Dragons, Bulltors, Shield bearers, and Hectors together in one race. The new race got many benefits, like it got a sturdy layer of shell like beads that covered almost their whole bodies. And underneath this, another muscular layer came, covering their bodies and adding another layer of protection.

Not to mention this added more strength to the overall power and might of this race. They could flash forward, pass through anything, absorb the souls of their enemies, and kill them.

This meant they got many weapons up their sleeve, ones that could take down any opponent using pure might or the unbelievable soul absorbing ability of the soulers.

On top of all that, they got wings! That meant they could fly and fight in the sky, making them the quiet force that I needed.

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