Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 523 Mira’s Strength Part 1

A suffocating pressure wrapped around the two Elder's necks, and their faces instantly paled in fright.

'Divine Sea Realm!'

There were only a few people in the Unorthodox Faction who had reached that level, but as Elders and people who have lived a long time, they have come into contact with such people on numerous occasions, and the pressure each of them exuded was etched into their minds.

Their necks creaked as they turned to the person pressuring them and were stunned.

"It's… you?!?"


Master Izaria chuckled, "I had to let my disciple show off a bit in front of a group of beauties. Anyways, you two have served your purpose. You can go now."



Master Izaria ignored them and waved her hand like she was getting rid of a few flies.



The two turned into a blood mist without any retaliation. It really was like she had just swatted a few bugs.

Mira and the others who saw that felt chills all over their bodies. Although they knew she was powerful, they didn't think she was that powerful.

Master Izaria turned around and looked at them with a bright smile, "Alright! Ryuu and I took care of the annoying pests! Now, I think it's time for you girls to show us what you can bring to the table!"

Mira, Nova, and the others couldn't exactly say no in this situation, so they reluctantly nodded and flew over to the Spirit Stone Mine.

"Oh! Miss Foxy, I forget to say that I want to see you kill a few people in the Soul Transformation Realm. If you can't even do that against these weaklings, how will you be worthy of marrying my Disciple, Ryuu?"

Mira stopped, and her expression became increasingly colder. She felt like she had already given them enough face in consideration of her power. She didn't say or do anything when Ryuu stared at her tails with overwhelming desire, and she didn't make a fuss when Izaria tried to dig through her secrets.

However, this woman seemed to enjoy pushing people's buttons.

Mira might have reigned in control of her emotions and won't lash out at people so casually, but that didn't mean she didn't have a temper.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself down, Mira turned around with a neutral expression, stared Master Izaria straight in the eyes, and said in a frigid tone, "I'd rather die. Don't bring this up again."

Then, she turned and followed her teammates to the Spirit Stone Mine, leaving behind a stupified Master Izaria.

She stood there, rooted in place, staring at Mira's back with her mouth wide open. For one, she couldn't believe that a junior who had witnessed her power firsthand would dare say something like that straight to her face.

Secondly, she had a feeling that Mira wasn't joking when she said. She had a hunch that if she tried to do something and force her and Ryuu together, she might really kill herself!

Even she, someone who has lived for such a long time, felt her hair stand on ends facing such a firm resolve and apathy toward her own life.

'She's got a story.' Master Izaria mused, and she was sure it wasn't a good one.

This piqued her interest, but she quickly suppressed it and shook her head.

'I've already caused a rift between us. If I push too much, she might really off herself. Well, that's if the entity behind her doesn't intervene first.'

Master Izaria thought about the being that destroyed her ocular technique and trembled slightly. She didn't even dare to think of the power of that being.

'Is he an Immortal? But how? How can he exist in the Mortal Realm? Didn't the Heavens put laws in place to prevent Immortals from descending into the Mortal Realm?' She thought, but nothing made sense.

In the end, she just shrugged her shoulders and decided to stop thinking about it.

Still, she couldn't help but look forward to the waves Mira would create in the Mortal Realm.

'I hope she can entertain me.'


On Mira's side, she made her way toward someone at the Soul Transformation Realm.

Although she didn't like Master Izaria and would have already given her a severe beating if she were strong enough, she felt it might be worth fighting with someone at the Soul Transformation Realm.

Her strength has taken a massive leap just from understanding the basic applications of Qi, learning a few techniques, and going through a month of rigorous training.

Now, anyone in the Core Formation Realm was nothing but fodder to her. Even those in the Nascent Soul Realm couldn't put up much of a fight. Both the quantity and quality of her Qi are equivalent to someone in the mid-stages in the Nascent Soul Realm, and that's not even taking into account her tails, body, Scythe and Martial Intent, affinities, and everything else.

Naturally, Mira wanted to compare her strength to this world's standards while testing out the limits of her new techniques.

So, to start things off, she chose a man in the 1st Stage of the Soul Transform as her opponent.

Seeing Mira approach him, for some reason, his heart palpitated. He could sense that her cultivation was only at the 5th Stage of the Core Formation Realm, but he felt she was more frightening than the other six women she came with.

Whether it was the confidence in the gait, the coldness she exuded, or the scythe in her hand, the man didn't have a good feeling about her.

Still, as a man, he couldn't back down just because a scary woman appeared before him! That'd be too shameful!

So, he grasped his sword tightly, lowered his stance, and-


-turned tail and ran!

'Fuck if I'm going to challenge that woman to a battle to the death! Those two Elders already died at the hands of that psycho woman in the sky! If I stay here any longer, I'll end up just like them! The Unorthodox Faction can suck my dick if they think I'm going to protect this place with my life!' The man thought and increased his speed by activating a Movement Technique.

Mira was stunned for a moment but quickly regained her bearings, activated her Paragon Wings, and chased after the man!

A pair of ice wings appeared behind her, but they looked slightly different than usual.

One, there were more ice feathers.

Two, each feather was slimmer but incomparably sharper and had barbs along the edges.

Three, the various other elements inside them were no longer a jumbled mess and looked more refined.

Lastly, they no longer cost so much Qi to use, and she could keep them active without them constantly draining her Qi.

Mira waved her hand and launched a few dozen feathers at the man.

The man felt danger approaching and cursed.

"Bitch! Go find someone else!" She said while covering himself in Earth Armor. The feathers hit the armor but didn't penetrate far enough to hurt. Still, the man was shocked that they didn't break upon contact.

'I knew it! This woman is bad news!'

However, when he turned around to keep running-


-he ran head-first into a giant wall of ice!

"What the…!! Where'd this come from?!"

He was dumbfounded and attempted to go around it, but Mira had already caught up to him. She created that ice wall with the 1st Stage of her Ice Empress Technique, [Frozen Terrain], and it didn't disappoint.

'Fuck it! If you're so determined to chase me down to the ends of the earth, I'll just have to show you the difference in power between us!' The man gritted his teeth, stomped on the ground, and two massive stone arms erupted out and punched at Mira!

"So, you've finally decided to stop running like a scared little rabbit," Mira easily dodged the Stone Arms and glazed her eyes across the man, but there wasn't any emotion in them. Her respect for the man's strength disappeared the second he tried to run.

"Why? Why do you want to attack me so badly? If you want the Spirit Stone Mine so badly, just take it! I won't stop you!" The man asked.

Mira shook her head, "Nothing of the sort. I just want to test my powers, and you just happened to be the first person I came across."


The man opened his mouth but instantly closed it, not knowing what to say.

"Sigh…! I can't believe we have to fight for such a stupid reason!"

Mira shrugged, "That's the way of the world. If you don't like it, you should've gotten stronger."

The man nodded, then his eyes sharpened, "However, it's still up for debate who will win and who'll lose."

After saying that, tens of Earth Spikes shot out of the ground and flew toward Mira. f𝑟𝒆ewe𝚋𝒏૦𝐯el.c𝗼𝑚

"If you really can kill me, then I promise not to pursue you."

The man was speechless at Mira's response but didn't bother speaking anymore. He was going to do everything he could to survive.

Unfortunately, Mira didn't care about him or his thoughts and decided to go all out from the beginning.

She gently raised her hand like she was lifting a puppet on strings and said,

"Death Dominion."

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