Chapter 1024 Su Ran’s Dilemma

Chapter 1024 Su Ran's Dilemma

Xiang Nan held Su Ran's arm and used the Nine Purities Cosmos Technique to heal her injuries. At the same time, he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

He roughly understood something.

Su Hongtian had never married and had children in his entire life. He had created a puppet that was infinitely close to humans with some unimaginable profound dao ability, Su Ran.

In other words, Su Ran was the greatest masterpiece of Su Hongtian's life. However, Su Hongtian gradually developed feelings for Su Ran and really treated her as his daughter.

So much so that Su Hongtian would rather commit suicide than reveal Su Ran's secret when he was forced into a corner.

Presumably, in the entire world, only he and Old Man Tian Ji knew about this secret.

Creating a person was truly a heaven-defying feat. It violated the laws of life.

Xiang Nan looked at Su Ran's vivid appearance and felt his nose ache. He sympathized with this tenacious girl.

What made Xiang Nan feel even more sad was that he observed Su Ran with his lightning-like eyes and discovered that Su Ran, this living puppet, was almost reaching the limit of his life.

This Su Ran still had at most a year to live, but she didn't know anything about it.

"If Su Ran is Su Hongtian's biggest secret, then why would he let Su Ran get the other three fifth stage Heaven Scryer combat puppets?"

"Could it be that other than Su Ran, Su Hongtian also has other secrets? Could it be that the so-called Profound Grade or Dao Grade cultivation technique really exists?"

"Perhaps it's a profound dao technique." Xiang Nan looked at Su Ran thoughtfully. It must be because Su Hongtian had discovered a powerful Profound Dao technique in the Devil Sea that he was able to refine Su Ran.

In other words, even Su Hongtian himself had not completely mastered that profound dao technique, so Su Ran was incomplete. She could only live to the age of twenty-three at most.

What if he obtained the Profound Dao technique? Can this increase Su Ran's lifespan?

"Am I asleep?" Su Ran woke up in a daze. She subconsciously touched her right arm and said, "Why does my arm hurt so much?"

She lowered her head and saw that her right arm was perfectly unharmed.

"You're too tired. Go to sleep." Xiang Nan patted Su Ran on the shoulder and turned to the bathroom.

Xiang Nan soaked in the bathtub, unable to calm his mood for a long time.

He made up his mind to protect the poor but strong girl no matter what.

She had never hated the world. On the contrary, she loved the world that was unfair to her. She gave people boundless spiritual encouragement.

At the very least, she knew that she had biological parents, but she was truly an orphan. Even her only false father had left her.

She was alone, strong enough to live in the world. She painstakingly chased after her father's footsteps, willing to pay the price of her life.

Xiang Nan had to admit that he was moved by Su Ran.

The competition continued. In the blink of an eye, it was already the eighth day of the competition.

On this day, Su Ran tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

"What's the matter?" Xiang Nan lay on the ground, and when he heard Su Ran's tossing and turning voice, he asked.

Su Ran suddenly sniffled and started crying softly.

Xiang Nan was the one who couldn't hear her cry the most. He hurriedly went to the bedside and gently stroked her hair. "If you have any difficulties, just tell me."

Su Ran covered her face under the quilt and sobbed while saying, "I don't have any money. I'm afraid I won't be able to fulfill the last wish my father gave me."

"How should I put it?" Xiang Nan said softly.

Su Ran grabbed the corner of the quilt with both hands, revealing two pitiful big eyes. "In order to buy ten Tianyuan 5th layer combat puppets, I have almost lost my fortune."

"Adding on the fact that I hired Mr. Wu Xiu and those ten contestants, the cost is even greater."

"Although I'm already desperately singing and earning money, I'm running out of oil."

Only then did Xiang Nan know that Su Ran was already in such a tight situation.

Su Ran's combat puppets had indeed achieved good results after being personally modified. Up until now, there were still three combat puppets that were forcefully holding on, advancing to the eighth day.

Although these three puppets had won the battle, they had suffered heavy losses, almost reaching the point of being half-crippled.

Everyone else was from the Qing Clan, raising ten combat puppets, but she had to pay for it herself.

The cost of repairing the combat puppets was truly astronomical.

"Don't worry, there must be a way before the car arrives." Xiang Nan patted Su Ran on the shoulder and comforted, "We even survived the death crisis. Will we still be stopped by this small difficulty?"

"But …" Su Ran grabbed the corner of the quilt, her pair of pitiful big eyes flashing as she looked at Xiang Nan, "I don't have the money to pay you anymore."

"Actually, all the guards I hired were returned by me today. I can't even pay you for this period of time."

Xiang Nan couldn't help but smile bitterly. He had fought for her so many times, but in the end, he didn't even get a single copper coin.

"It doesn't matter. I don't want your money." Xiang Nan gave her a brilliant smile.

Looking at Xiang Nan's smile, Su Ran sniffled and started crying softly again, "I'm already alone now, only you are willing to accompany me."

"Will you end up leaving me like everyone else?"

Many things had happened to Su Ran these past few days. Those guards who were once employed by her chose to leave because they were afraid of being implicated and could not get the hire money at the same time.

As for the guards assigned to her by the City Lord's Mansion, they were also threatened by the other clans, so they were partly transferred. Currently, there were only ten left.

Xiang Nan smiled and said, "No, I don't care about money. As long as I have a bite to eat, I will follow you."

Su Ran broke into tears and laughed.

Early in the morning, before dawn, Xiang Nan felt someone tugging at his ears.

"Get up, you lazy bastard!"

Xiang Nan opened his eyes hazily and said, "It's still three to four hours before dawn. How long did you sleep?"

Su Ran was in high spirits and did not look as pitiful as last night. She waved her small fist and said, "The early bird eats the worm!"

"Let's go. Follow me to see the cultivation of the team members. After that, we have to go to the arena. There are a lot of things we need to do today."

"I'm going down first. Wash up and quickly follow me."

Xiang Nan stood up helplessly and simply washed his face. He was very surprised in his heart.

As a martial artist, he didn't have much time to sleep and could still hold on. However, Su Ran didn't know where he got so much energy. In recent days, he had only slept for three to four hours, and the next day, he was able to get up in high spirits.

Perhaps it was her father's last wish that had been supporting her until her death.

Thinking of this, Xiang Nan's eyes couldn't help but soften.

In the underground training ground, seven of the ten players had already been eliminated and dismissed by Su Ran. She could not afford to pay any more hiring fees.

Although the remaining three players weren't satisfied with being pulled up so early, they cooperated quite well and were still working hard on their training.

"Come on! I'm sure you'll make it to the finals!" Su Ran stood at the side and cheered for the three players.

After watching their training, Su Ran went to find the person in charge of the Crystal Palace.

Standing in the corridor outside the door, Xiang Nan could only hear Su Ran's pleading voice.

"Please forgive me for a few more days. I can live in the Crystal Palace myself, but my team members must stay here. I must give them the best treatment."

"As long as I earn money in the future, I will definitely give you the money I owe."

An old man's voice sounded. The old man laughed and said, "Of course we can trust Miss Su Ran's promise."

"But you must also understand us. After all, we are businessmen. Everything is in line with our interests."

"Actually, you have been in arrears with our accommodation fees since the first day of your stay. If you can't find a way to solve the problem by tonight, we can only ask you to leave the Crystal Palace."

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