Chapter 1035 Silent Retreat

Chapter 1035 Silent Retreat

When the two combat puppets closest to Xiang Nan heard this, their eyes immediately lit up as they turned around and ran in Xiang Nan's direction.

Su Ran was so angry that he wished he could pull the commentator down and slap him fiercely.

Xiang Nan, on the other hand, placed the giant saber in front of him, ready to welcome the battle at any time.

At this point in the competition, the 178 participants had already dropped to 77.

For those who were weaker, every weaker person was an extremely precious resource! The first one to be slaughtered was one! Try to reduce the number of contestants to 50 in the shortest time possible.

Xiang Nan was ready at any time. In less than two minutes, the two nearest puppets had already been touched.

The two of them exchanged glances with each other and immediately split up to attack Xiang Nan.

These two puppets each held a giant battle axe. They were not flexible enough, but their attack power and resistance were extremely strong.

The two of them jumped up one after another, using the weight of their falling bodies to increase their chopping power!

Originally, the battle axe was extremely heavy, and with the power to jump and fall, the two of them clearly wanted Xiang Nan's life.

Behind Xiang Nan was a tree. If he wanted to retreat immediately, there was no way to retreat. If he bypassed the tree, he would waste a certain amount of time. He would definitely not be able to dodge it.

"Stupid." Xue Bufan sneered, "He thought that he could defend against the attacks of the enemies behind him by relying on the giant tree."

The middle-aged man looked at Xiang Nan thoughtfully. He felt that it was not normal for this young man to be calm.

As a result, on the battlefield, Xiang Nan's movements were very unexpected.

He suddenly took two steps forward, then flipped backwards, stepped on the tree trunk, and sprinted upwards by force.

Two axes also fell from the sky, and Xiang Nan narrowly avoided them! The blades of those two axes were only half a meter away from Xiang Nan's puppet stomach. They were extremely dangerous!

Xiang Nan and the two of them missed each other high and low. He grabbed one of the puppets by the shoulder and swung it to the left like a swing. Then, he stabbed the puppet's back with a huge saber!

He swung towards another falling puppet. He stepped on the back of the puppet, kicked it on the tree trunk and bounced it back. Then, he slashed the puppet's head down with an oblique slash.

The two puppets were taken away by Xiang Nan in the time it took off and landed!

As for the two contestants, they were deliberately avoided by Xiang Nan and were not slaughtered.

This scene caused the audience to be very stunned.

"Wow!" A commentator opened his mouth wide.

Xiang Nan flipped backwards again and landed beautifully!

But the moment he landed on the ground, Xiang Nan suddenly felt his body tilt, and his huge body actually collapsed with a loud boom.

"What?" Xiang Nan was stunned.

Su Ran and the commentator were also stunned.

Xiang Nan grabbed the tree trunk and stood up. Looking down, he immediately felt incredulous.

His legs fell off?

"This" Xiang Nan was stunned by the sudden situation.

He had clearly not been chopped off by the enemy, but why were his legs broken at the same time!

At this moment, he was directly supported by two broken legs, "standing" on the ground, and his body was a whole section shorter.

Xiang Nan realized that something was wrong. He grabbed a broken leg and looked at it. His expression immediately darkened.

Hollow shaft!

The axis of rotation of the puppet's knees was actually hollow! This kind of thing was simply not enough to support the puppets in high-intensity battles. It would easily be crushed.

Xiang Nan didn't even think about it and immediately looked at Xue Bufan. He knew that he had been schemed.

He was already very cautious. After obtaining the puppet in the morning, he carefully inspected all the formations.

However, he had missed out on the axis of rotation!

"Narrator, I request a suspension of the match!" Su Ran shouted angrily.

The commentator immediately stopped the match and asked all the contestants to stay in place.

The two staff members hurriedly entered the battlefield and inspected Xiang Nan's puppets. Then, they shouted through the horn, "The puppets of the Su Ran squadron have hollow knees. They have been broken because they cannot withstand high-intensity pressure."

Su Ran was furious and shouted in Xue Bufan's direction, "Xue Bufan! You despicable bastard!"

The audience looked at Xue Bufan in unison. Everyone was shocked.

Playing tricks on the participating puppets was a big deal! Once found out, they'll be banned for life.

"What evidence do you have to prove that I did this?" Xue Bufan shrugged nonchalantly.

"You and I know very well, don't play dumb here!" Su Ran shouted.

Xue Bufan didn't seem to care at all, "If you don't have any evidence, don't spit it out. Otherwise, I'll sue you for maliciously slandering the higher-ups of the squad and disqualifying your Su Ran squad!"

After examining it carefully, the staff member said, "The place where Su Ran's squad puppets were repaired yesterday does not belong to the Xue Clan's property."

"But at the same time … it doesn't belong to the Yu Clan."

They emphasized this second sentence. Obviously, they also suspected Yu Tian, but it turned out that this was not the case.

Xiang Nan immediately understood. Although the person who repaired the puppet did not belong to the Yu Clan, the Yu Clan had a very professional cultivator in the puppet repair industry. They must have sent people to sneak into the repair shop and replace the axis of rotation on their knees.

In this way, he wouldn't be able to investigate any further.

Su Ran shouted, "I request that the competition be stopped immediately!"

The commentator pondered for a moment and said, "There is no such precedent. The application is rejected."

"Su Ran's team can choose to continue participating in the competition. However, you can also make an exception and have the right to abandon the competition once. May I ask if Su Ran's team will compete together?"

"Continue the match." Xiang Nan said before Su Ran.

All the spectators looked at Xiang Nan in surprise.

"This kid's puppet doesn't even have legs! Even walking is a problem. Does he still want to compete?"

"You really don't know the heavens and earth. Miss Su Ran is too pitiful."

Su Ran anxiously said, "Xiang Bei! You only have two hands, how can you fight? Quickly abandon the match."

Xiang Nan smiled at Su Ran and said, "I know how long you've been preparing for this match and how much effort you've put in."

"No one knows how much you've suffered and how many times you've lowered your head, but I do."

"In order to participate in the competition, you didn't hesitate to give up everything you possessed, did you? As a member of the Su Ran Guild, I have to be worthy of the word Su Ran Guild."

"There's no need to say more. The competition will continue."

The scene was deathly silent, but everyone gave Xiang Nan a respectful look.

"You are a true warrior!" The commentator nodded at Xiang Nan and shouted, "The match will continue!"

Su Ran covered her face with both hands, tears falling down her fingers.

She was not moved to tears, but because her lonely heart finally had a support.

For a long time, she had been desperately preparing everything by herself. There were experts who refused her invitations, and there were people who kept withdrawing from her squad.

But today, someone knows how to cherish her dedication and is willing to fight for it.

Suddenly, Su Ran felt that all her efforts had not been in vain. Even if she lost the match in the end, at least she had worked hard. At the very least, there were people who were willing to accompany her and move forward together towards her dreams, not to mention retreating.

However, the current situation had become even worse.

It was good that Su Ran did not pause. With this pause, all the participating puppets on the scene knew that Xiang Nan had lost his legs.

Standing there was a puppet that had lost both its legs. This was simply a fish that had been stranded. It had been picked up in vain!

For a moment, ten puppets were running towards Xiang Nan.

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