Chapter 1046 Secret Passage

Chapter 1046 Secret Passage

In the chaotic ruins, in the river of blood, there was only one building group, standing alone on the horizon.

Crystal Palace!

When Xiang Nan arrived at the Crystal Palace, it was already filled with people.

It seemed that Old Man Tian Ji was not the only one who could think of the Crystal Palace's function. Many martial artists also knew the origin of the Crystal Palace.

"Move! Move!" Xiang Nan hugged Su Ran and squeezed into the crowd.

The person in charge of the Crystal Palace stood at the entrance, his heart burning with anxiety. He shouted to the person who was running towards him in the distance, "Hurry up! Hurry up! Come in!"

"Everyone, quickly enter the Crystal Palace!"

A small group of seven men and two women was running towards this place from the ruins of the street. Their eyes were filled with hope of rebirth.

At this moment, 700 arrows wrapped in Yuan Qi descended from the sky!

The rain of arrows instantly enveloped the small group of nine martial artists, piercing through their entire bodies and shooting them into pieces! They were shot into beehives, then shattered from the beehives, and then shattered into powder!

Everyone in the Crystal Palace Hall was stunned when they saw this scene.

Someone even broke down and burst into tears. "I don't want to die here. I'm just here to watch the match in Amethyst City. I still don't want to die!"

"Who can save me! Who can save this pitiful person?"

The bustling crowd remained silent.


A huge battle puppet descended from the sky and landed heavily at the entrance of the Crystal Palace.

The person in charge of the Crystal Palace shouted angrily at the puppet, "If you do this, you will be punished!"

The combat puppet carried a huge saber and quietly looked at the person in charge.

However, under the gazes of everyone, the combat puppet actually raised its huge saber and was about to chop it down!

"You dare!" The person in charge widened his eyes and unexpectedly opened his arms to protect the entrance of the Crystal Palace with his flesh and blood. He shouted, "Try touching a strand of my hair!"

"My Crystal Palace is the property of the Huangpu Aristocrat Clan. If you dare to make a move, my Huangpu Aristocrat Clan will definitely let you see what the real end of the world is!"

A streak of light arrow pierced through the air and suddenly pierced through the combat puppet!

Then, a faint voice sounded in the air, "I'm sorry that some of our subordinates don't know much about the Huangpu Clan. I'm sorry to disturb you."

"We guarantee that the Crystal Palace will be safe and sound, and will not be affected in any way."

A martial artist crawled out of the combat puppet. He gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Since when are you afraid of the Huangpu Aristocrat Clan? Isn't their clan amazing? At most, we can kill them together!"

"Idiot, shut up!"

A streak of light shot over and directly nailed the martial artist to the entrance of the Crystal Palace.

"So young" Xiang Nan heard the archer's voice. He looked like a young man under 30 years old.

The rebels no longer posed a threat to the Crystal Palace, but they sealed off all the land and air areas of the Crystal Palace to prevent anyone from entering.

Rows of battle puppets formed a circle, each carrying a ten-meter heavy saber in a fierce manner.

The two military airships circled above the Crystal Palace.

The person in charge of the Crystal Palace shouted, "Everyone, don't go out. Don't take half a step out of the Crystal Palace. This is the only protection I can provide you."

"If you don't go out, could it be that you're trapped here?" A martial artist roared angrily, "Sooner or later, we will run out of water and food!"

"You are from the Huangpu Aristocrat Clan. Hurry up and think of a way to solve the problem. Call for reinforcements! Kill all these rebels!"

The person in charge was also saddened by the scene of countless civilians being slaughtered. He said disappointedly, "I… I don't have that much authority. I…"

As he spoke, a woman's trampled corpse drifted along the river of blood to the entrance of the Crystal Palace.

The person in charge was stunned, but he actually covered his face and cried bitterly.

"Xiang Bei, what should we do?" Su Ran also cried anxiously, "Those civilians are so pitiful."

Xiang Nan lowered his head and gritted his teeth. He was already trying his best to endure.

However, in the face of such a scene, he had no choice.

"Come." Suddenly, a voice entered Xiang Nan's ears.

Xiang Nan turned around and saw the back of an old man walking towards the depths of the Crystal Palace.

"Let's go." Xiang Nan grabbed Su Ran and immediately followed the old man to the backyard.

This was a residential area with many high-rise steel buildings.

The old man turned around and said, "I have a way to leave."

"Uncle Tian Ji!" When Su Ran saw the old man, he was immediately overjoyed, "Why are you here?"

Old Man Tian Ji dotingly stroked Su Ran's long hair and said, "Silly child, before your father died, he entrusted you to me. How could I not save him?"

"How are we going to get out?" Xiang Nan frowned and said, "That Zhu Bochun has already sealed off the entire city with his spirit formation. Presumably, he is at least an expert at the late Divine Martial Stage."

"With my ability, I definitely can't bring Su Ran out."

Xiang Nan could escape on his own, but if he couldn't take Su Ran away, he definitely wouldn't escape on his own.

Old Man Tian Ji said, "Don't worry. Before this, I have already dug a secret passage. There are a large number of formations in that secret passage that can not be suppressed by the Spirit Formation."

"Let's escape through the secret passageway. It won't be a problem."

"Uncle Tian Ji!" Su Ran was extremely shocked and said, "You knew about their plot long ago? But you … But why didn't you say it earlier?"

Xiang Nan was also furious. He grabbed Old Man Tian Ji's collar and shouted, "Why didn't you say it in advance? If we had been prepared earlier, how could so many people have died?"

"Listen outside. They are still slaughtering civilians!"

Old Man Tian Ji sighed, "What's the use of saying it in advance? Can you stop them, or can I?"

"The Fallen Snow Sect has been colluding with the rebels for a long time. They have already planned for today's massacre. Even if they let the civilians move ahead of time, where can they go?"

"The entire Iron and Steel Continent is going to fall. There's no way to escape."

Hearing this, Xiang Nan's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

The officials of the Iron and Steel Continent didn't have a monarch like Emperor Haotian who could defend one side, so they couldn't contend against the sects.

No one could stop the local sect if they were determined to fight for territory with the civilians.

"Hurry up and leave. It will be too late." Old Man Tian Ji hurriedly said, "Right now, they won't rush in, but after they finish slaughtering the city, it's hard to guarantee that there will be experts who will sneak in and find Ran Ran quietly."

Su Ran gritted her teeth and said, "If you want to leave, bring along the people from the Crystal Palace. Otherwise, I will never leave!"

"Of course!" Old Man Tian Ji shouted, "Everyone is in turmoil right now. It's hard for them to protect themselves! What do you care about other people?"

Su Ran said, "Everything I have is bestowed on me by the people of the Iron and Steel Continent! Without them, there would be no such thing as me today. I can't just watch as I die!"

"Don't mention it." Xiang Nan said, "It's fine to bring these people along. As long as we escape from Amethyst City, everyone will go their separate ways and won't become a burden to us."

Old Man Tian Ji stomped his foot and said, "Alright! Xiang Bei, go and call everyone over. I'll bring Ran Ran to the secret passage entrance to activate the formation first."

"Yes." Xiang Nan nodded and immediately ran to the hall, announcing this matter to everyone.

Hearing that he could escape, the ugly face of humanity was immediately exposed.

Those people ran towards the backyard like crazy. There were even powerful martial artists who beat and kicked some civilians to the ground, even killing seven or eight of them on the spot.

"Stop!" Xiang Nan roared angrily.

However, it was important to escape. No one could stop Xiang Nan. A trampling situation had already appeared in the chaotic hall.

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