Chapter 1084 Hong Qing

Chapter 1084 Hong Qing

"Xiang Bei! I've been waiting for you." Old Man Tian Ji immediately walked over excitedly.

"Xiang Bei, are you still alive? That's great!" The other two girls also ran towards Xiang Nan.

These two were Su Ran and Xiao He.

"How are you? Are you alright?" Xiao He hurriedly checked Xiang Nan's condition and found that he was not seriously injured. Only then did he feel relieved.

"Good boy, your life is big enough! You did a beautiful battle." Old Man Tian Ji sat down and patted Xiang Nan on the shoulder. He smiled and said, "Your ticket has already spread throughout the Steel Continent."

"Right now, all the forces are looking for you."

Xiang Nan smiled and said, "By the way, I was just about to leave the Steel Continent. This time, I wanted to say goodbye to you. I'll leave tomorrow at noon."

"However, I originally planned to bring Xiao He back to the Southern Domain first, but I have something to do now. I need to make a transit trip to the Hong Qing Continent."

"En, let's not talk about this. Let me examine this knife-shaped scar for you." Old Man Tian Ji looked at the scar on Xiang Nan's face seriously and said, "Xiao He has already told me about it."

"The origin of this scar is not simple."

Xiang Nan Xia subconsciously touched the scar on his cheek and said, "Can you see anything?"

"I need to examine it carefully." Old Man Tian Ji took out a large pile of things. There were potions of different colors and a two-colored prism.

After the examination, Old Man Tian Ji sighed and said, "Things are a little tricky. Come out and I'll talk to you outside."

Xiang Nan and the other four walked out of the lighthouse. In the snowstorm, Old Man Tianji lowered his voice and said to Xiang Nan, "I'll tell you the origin of this scar. Don't be scared. Prepare yourself in advance."

Xiang Nan smiled and said, "Although I don't dare to say that I have experienced great storms, I still have some experience. If you have something to say, just say it directly."

Old Man Tian Ji said, "This is not a scar, but dead meat! To be clear, this is a piece of the skin of the undead."

"What?" Xiao He and Su Ran were both shocked.

"What do you mean?" Xiang Nan hurriedly asked.

Old Man Tian Ji said, "You went to the Underworld and sealed your undead with the Evil Sword, didn't you? At the same time, you also relied on this Evil Sword to obtain the ability to live forever, didn't you?"

Xiang Nan nodded.

Old Man Tian Ji said, "That undying ability does not belong to you, but to your undead!"

"You borrowed your Undead's Undying ability, but there is a price to pay. Every time you use this ability, the Undead will invade a portion of your body."

"In the future, when that undead occupies more than half of your body, you will turn around with him. You will be sealed inside the Evil Sword, and the undead will replace you and live in this world."

Hearing this, Xiang Nan broke out in cold sweat.

"Xiang Bei, listen to my advice. Don't use this Evil Sword anymore."

Xiao He hurriedly said, "Xiang Bei only has a small scar on his face. It shouldn't be a problem, right? If you use it a few more times, it will at most spread to your neck."

Old Man Tian Ji shook his head, "Haven't you heard of this change? If the undead invaded a portion of Xiang Nan's body, their strength would be a bit greater."

"This time, Xiang Nan only has such a small scar. The next time, his undead parts will double."

Xiang Nan nodded and said, "I understand. From now on, I will not use the Dead Sword again unless I have to."

Xiang Nan instantly understood the cause and effect. He had always known that the Dead Sword would devour the master and devour more than one master.

However, Xiang Nan had always believed that this was because the previous owners of the Dead Sword did not know the correct method to use this sword.

But now, it seemed that he was mistaken. It was precisely because the previous Sword Masters knew how to use this sword. They had all obtained the ability to live forever!

However, this ability was an irresistible temptation for martial artists, causing the previous Sword Masters to sink deeper and deeper, unable to extricate themselves, and eventually being devoured by their own undead, disappearing into this world.

This sword was extremely evil. It actually knew how to use the greed of human nature.

Xiang Nan was extremely happy. Fortunately, Old Man Tian Ji had solved a great mystery for him. Otherwise, when he realized that something was wrong, it would really be too late.

Old Man Tian Ji said, "Everything is born with its own order. Life and death are the cycle of the Heavenly Dao. How can you not pay a heavy price for not dying against the heavens?"

Xiang Nan nodded in agreement.

"I have something else to tell you." "The Star Guild has already made up its mind to officially start a war with the Profound Sky Sect," Old Man Tian Ji added.

"This is a good thing." Xiang Nan said.

Old Man Tian Ji nodded, "Yes, the Star Guild has already issued a hero's order to gather all the heroes in the world to the Central Plains to form a strong team of martial artists to deal with the Profound Sky Sect."

"I suggest you go there. After all, the Star Guild's influence is all over the world. They have countless precious information and all kinds of channels that you don't know."

"If you can go to the Star Guild and share information with them, it's better than fighting alone."

"En … That's right." Xiang Nan also thought that this was a good idea. On the one hand, after joining the Star Guild, he would be able to better deal with the Profound Sky Sect. Not only would he be able to quickly find Jiang Xue Lu, he might even be able to find the whereabouts of the next World Exterminating Divine Lightning.

"However, the Star Guild is very cautious. They are worried that people from the Profound Sky Sect will sneak in, so the requirements are very strict," said Old Man Tian Ji.

"You must return to your own sect in the Southern Domain and be personally recommended by your sect's sect master. Only then can you take the Hero's Token to the Central Plains. Otherwise, if you go there alone, they won't accept you."

"Understood." Xiang Nan replied.

This was what he was most happy to see. From the beginning to the end, he was very dissatisfied with the Star Guild. He knew that the Profound Sky Sect had made a big move, but he was still unwilling to make a move.

Now, with the Star Guild joining us, dealing with the Profound Sky Sect will be much smoother.

Xiang Nan said, "Xiao He, come with me to the Hong Qing Continent. After you finish your work, I'll take you back to the Southern Domain."

Xiao He naturally agreed without the slightest hesitation.

Before leaving, Xiang Nan entered the lighthouse and distributed a few jars of wine to the travelers. After finding out the exact location of the Wu Clan, he cupped his hands and said goodbye.

Outside the lighthouse.

Old Man Tian Ji said to Xiang Nan, "You can leave first. I will also take Little Girl Ran Ran to the Southern Domain to avoid the limelight."

"At this moment, the world is in turmoil. Only the Blue Tide Continent is the safest place, because there is a Heavenly Tribulation Realm Haotian Emperor guarding it."

Xiang Nan said happily, "That's the best. After I return to the Southern Domain, I will definitely treat you and Miss Su Ran well."

After bidding farewell to Old Man Tian Ji, Xiang Nan and Xiao He officially embarked on a trip to Hong Qing Continent.

I wonder how good my hometown is if I don't go out.

After witnessing the turmoil in other regions of the world, Xiang Nan missed the Blue Tide Continent incomparably.

In his hometown, martial artists could not fight in the city. In his hometown, everything was in order.

Xiang Nan finally understood that the strength of a regime often gave the people a sense of dependence and security.

The Blue Tide Continent was now the Holy Land of Martial Arts in the entire Southern Domain, and it was no longer what it used to be.

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