Chapter 1134 A Fictitious Land of Peace Away from the Turmoil of the World

Chapter 1134 A Fictitious Land of Peace Away from the Turmoil of the World

Bi Cui Lake was a large area that spanned thousands of kilometers, like an inland sea.

The lake water was poisonous. All year round, it was refined and poisoned by various Xuandao cultivators. In the end, the lake water was extremely complicated. The entire lake was dark green, and it even emitted a faint green light at night.

Ordinary people would die if they touched such lake water, and martial artists would also be poisoned if they touched it.

However, strangely enough, a very peculiar type of spiritual herb grew around the enormous Jade Lake. It was called Jade Chrysanthemum. This type of chrysanthemum could cure a thousand poisons! High value.

Throughout the world, only Jade Lake produced Jade Chrysanthemums.

This caused a large number of commoners to reside around Jade Lake, and herb gatherers would come in all year round to test their luck. If they were lucky enough to pick a Jade Chrysanthemum, they wouldn't have to worry about food and drink for the rest of their lives.

"In the most poisonous place, there is a Jade Chrysanthemum that can cure a thousand poisons. It really is one thing for one thing." Xiang Nan looked at the strange green lake in front of him and sighed with emotion at the masterpiece of nature.

"I wonder if Lotus and the others will plant poison in their bodies after being captured by the Profound Sky Sect. If I can find a Jade Chrysanthemum, I can be considered to have a way out."

Xiang Nan looked at the little bird and said, "Go, fly everywhere. Find me one of the green jade chrysanthemums. Don't be greedy and eat it, or I'll break your wings."

Little Sparrow slapped Xiang Nan's face and flew away.

Xiang Nan was unconscious for three hours …

When he woke up, he suddenly saw a group of people gathered in a circle, looking at him.

He rubbed his face and thought to himself that if he saw the little bird in a while, he would stew it!

Damn it, a Heaven Scrying First Stage martial artist like me will be slapped.

A simple and honest middle-aged man laughed, "Little child, why are you sleeping alone by the lake?"

"Could it be that he fainted from the poisonous gas?" A chubby aunt said from the side.

Everyone pulled Xiang Nan up, patted his body with dirt, and fed him water and medicine.

"Where is your home? We'll send you back." The uncle smiled foolishly.

Xiang Nan scratched his head and said, "My family is far away. I can't find a way back."

"How pitiful." The aunt wiped the dirt off Xiang Nan's face with a wet cloth and said, "Then come back with us first. I reckon that you are young and can't run far. Your parents might come to find you."

This was a group of people who came in to pick herbs. They formed a herb-picking convoy.

Although Bi Cuiju could not be found, there were still some random poisonous weeds.

On other continents, sales of poisonous weeds were very limited, but they were best-selling here. It was just that one had to be extra careful when picking poisonous weeds.

Xiang Nan sat in the carriage and staggered along with the convoy.

He wasn't worried about Little Sparrow. That guy's cultivation had improved, and his nose was also very smart. As long as he didn't leave it a thousand miles away, it should be able to find him.

On the way, Xiang Nan asked the uncle if there were any missing children nearby.

The answer was yes!

Xiang Nan immediately became vigilant. In other words, there was a possibility that he would encounter people from the Profound Sky Sect here.

The convoy consisted of more than a hundred people. They walked along the lake for thirty to fifty li before arriving at a brightly lit village.

The village was built by the lake. A large number of wooden houses were built on giant trees, and wooden stairs rose around the trees, leading straight into the house.

Because the wooden house was very tall, lanterns were hanging everywhere, and it looked very happy.

Beneath the trees, there was a bustling night market that sold all kinds of snacks.

Although the lake was poisonous, the people living nearby were friendly and talkative.

In the village, there was a cute little boy with big eyes like Xiang Nan's. Moreover, there was always an adult smell in his eyes, which made the villagers like him very much.

Xiang Nan sat in the wooden house and looked down at the night market. People kept coming to visit him. Some were carrying eggs, some were carrying small shoes, and some were wearing cotton-padded jackets. They were all prepared for Xiang Nan.

The uncle happily said to Xiang Nan, "We're too dangerous here. We haven't had an outsider for many years."

"The robe you're wearing is so big. It should be your father's. The neighbors brought you clothes and changed it."

Xiang Nan's heart was warm. After putting on the children's clothes, he looked at himself in the bronze mirror and felt that he had regained his youthful appearance.

"Let's go! I'll take you to eat delicious food." The aunt walked over and pulled Xiang Nan down the wooden stairs.

The night market was brightly lit. People from the nearby villages also came to the market. Everyone was surprised to see Xiang Nan and kept asking questions.

Occasionally, Xiang Nan would be pinched twice.

Xiang Nan was very touched. The people here were simple, warm and cheerful.

A strange child came from the village. What's the big deal?

But here, Xiang Nan actually felt the treatment of an emperor. Everyone's enthusiasm made Xiang Nan feel that it was a little too much.

The uncle seemed to like Xiang Nan very much and kept buying him all kinds of delicious food.

In the blink of an eye, Xiang Nan's hand was already stuffed with sugar gourds, kebabs, and roasted birds.

Xiang Nan laughed. This was the world of his dreams.

If one day he gave up the clamor and struggle of the martial world, he would be willing to live and work in such a place and spend the rest of his life with his beloved.

"Ah, this child is so handsome!" A half-grown girl ran over and inserted a flower into Xiang Nan's ear.

In the first half of the night, every family carried lanterns to the lake.

The people lit a campfire and began singing and dancing according to the emerald lake.

Outsiders rarely passed by this place. Only herb gatherers lived all year round, so they could only entertain themselves and enjoy themselves.

That half-grown girl had a good impression of Xiang Nan Ji. She pulled Xiang Nan around and insisted on playing hide-and-seek.

Xiang Nan was completely ignorant of this kind of child's game. The more confused his eyes were, the more the fourteen or fifteen year old girl liked it. He pinched Xiang Nan's face and touched his hair.

Gradually, it was late at night, and the final celebration was over.

The little girl was reluctant to part with Xiang Nan, so she insisted on crying and dragging Xiang Nan to her house.

Uncle had been smiling foolishly all this while, but in the end, he still agreed.

Xiang Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He thought to himself, could it be that he really had so much charm? Even a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl fell for him?

After returning to the girl's house, the girl's parents also loved Xiang Nan very much.

The girl's mother held onto Xiang Nan's hand and sized him up. She smiled nonstop and said, "Why don't you just be our family's uncle?"

The little girl was not shy and smiled generously.

Xiang Nan knew that they were teasing him, so he laughed with them.

The child didn't have any worries. The family arranged for Xiang Nan to sleep in the same bed as the little girl.

In the middle of the night, a cool breeze blew in from outside the window, and a flapping sound of wings could be heard.

Xiang Nan quietly touched and got up, only to find that his hand had always been held by the little girl.

He struggled free and walked to the window, pushing it open. Outside the window, the little bird was standing on the edge of the window with a green chrysanthemum in its mouth.

He turned around to look at the little girl, then turned around to look at the little bird in the window.

Xiang Nan suddenly felt as if his past life's hatred and battles were just nightmares.

His heart was touched by a string, and it suddenly softened. His eyes were slightly moist.

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