Chapter 1159 Taste

Chapter 1159 Taste

Xiang Nan snatched the brocade box from Guan Xiao's hand and looked over, saying, "Three Corpses Soul Refining Pill, there are two small words below, rank six!"

"Take them all out!" Guan Xiao was excited. Once she heard about the Tier 6 pill, she could no longer remain calm.

She simply slapped the lower jaw of the dragon's mouth. Swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh swoosh

In the blink of an eye, there were more than a hundred brocade boxes on the ground.

These were all sixth-grade pills!

"Hiss" Even Xiang Nan couldn't help but gasp.

Sixth grade pills! Such a treasure was extremely rare outside.

An expert from the Profound Sky Sect hurriedly said to Guan Xiao, "Ghost Doctor, you are an expert in spirit herbs and poisonous herbs. Could it be that you are unable to recognize the types of these pills?"

Guan Xiao shook her head and sighed, "A Tier 5 pill is a big threshold."

"It's not that our modern martial artists are unable to refine pills above the fifth grade, but that we don't have such good materials."

"The ancients have plucked all the spirit herbs above the fifth grade, leaving us little."

"Spiritual herbs above the fifth grade will take tens of thousands of years to mature."

Guan Xiao looked at a brocade box in her hand. "So, I have only seen fifth-grade pills at the highest level. These are all sixth-grade pills. I have never seen them with my own eyes, and I can't distinguish them."

"Also." Xiang Nan added, "The names of ancient pills may not be the same as ours. Many of the cultural treasures of the Profound Dao have been lost. As far as I know, nearly 70% of the pills on the market are renamed in modern times."

"That's right." Guan Xiao nodded, agreeing with Xiang Nan's words.

"I don't care!" A martial artist shouted loudly, "You can't just touch every single pill and explode!"

"I'll take a few first."

This person was the closest to the door. He bent down and grabbed three pills, then turned around and ran away.

"Come back!" Guan Xiao's face was as cold as frost. She wanted to chase after him, but when she saw the medicinal pills all over the ground, she immediately stopped.

She pulled out her black whip and shouted, "Whoever dares to rob the pills again, don't blame me …"

Before he could finish speaking, a miserable scream suddenly came from outside the door.

Everyone hurriedly ran to the door and saw that the martial artist outside had actually been burnt to ashes.

Amidst the ashes, the three medicinal pills were still burning. In an instant, they had also turned into ashes.

"Defense mechanism!" Xiang Nan slapped his forehead. "No wonder the pills here are kept separate from the brocade box."

"If a thief doesn't know the correct method to obtain the pill, once he leaves the Good Fortune Hall with the pill, he will immediately be burned to ashes by the pill."

"Then how did the first martial artist obtain the brocade box just now?" Guan Xiao was puzzled, "Could it be that he knows the right way?"

"No." Xiang Nan shook his head, "He took a complete brocade box. It was originally filled with medicinal pills. That was a pill that was prepared in advance before the destruction of the Soaring Dragon Sect, right?"

"That's right." "The first one we see now is the last one before the destruction of the Soaring Dragon Sect," said Guan Xiao thoughtfully.

It seemed that the pills in the dragon's mouth were not paired with the brocade box.

"This is interesting." Long Xingyun hugged his shoulders and smiled, "The Tier 6 medicinal pills on the ground are unknown and cannot be taken away, so we can only try them on the spot."

With a whip, Guan Xiao rolled up more than a hundred pills and put them into her storage ring.

Everyone looked at her coldly, but no one made a move.

"Don't waste your energy." Xiang Nan shook his head, "Even if we don't snatch it from you, you won't be able to bring it out."

"Don't tell me you want to eat all the pills one by one? Why don't you take them out and use our advantage in numbers to try the pills?"

Guan Xiao thought for a moment, sighed, and still threw the pills on the ground.

Xiang Nan collected the brocade boxes and went to identify them one by one.

The result was astonishing. These pills weren't just rank six pills, they were also mixed with five rank seven pills!

"Seventh grade …"

Seeing these two words, everyone was overjoyed to the point of going crazy.

Grade Seven Dragon Blood Pill; Seventh Stage Heavenly Yellow Pill; Seventh Stage Void Pill; Grade 7 Reincarnation Pill; Seventh Grade Aniseed Pill.

There were a total of 135 pills and 140 brocade boxes on the ground.

One pill was eaten, one pill exploded, and three pills spontaneously ignited.

Of the remaining 135 pills, seven were grade seven pills, which could be said to be extremely rare.

Among them, there were still 80 poison pills that were used to harm people.

"Reincarnation Pill? What the hell?" Zhang Jing was speechless.

Xiang Nan said, "I really know about this pill, because it is too famous and recorded in the history books."

Guan Xiao directly snatched Xiang Nan's words and said, "If you swallow this pill, you can immediately reincarnate. If you are not satisfied with your talent, you can try one."

Long Xingyun said, "I wonder if there are any seventh grade pills among the four that exploded and spontaneously ignited just now."

Everyone, look at me, look at you. The super pills guarding the ground are in an impasse.

One hundred and thirty-five pills, eighty of which were poison pills!

"The proportion of poison pills is already over half." Long Xingyun kept sighing, "It means that out of every three pills, almost two are poison pills."

"It can't be counted like this." Meng Qing said, "What if I'm not lucky enough to eat ten poison pills? Ten of them are poison pills."

"I don't care what you think. Anyway, I'm going to eat one. If I don't even have the courage to fight to the death, what kind of martial artist would I be?" Long Xingyun sneered.

He actually picked up a pill from the ground and stuffed it into his mouth.

Xiang Nan looked at Long Xingyun in surprise. He thought to himself that although this kid's character was very bad, his courage wasn't small.

Trying to eat pills was just risking one's luck, risking one's life!

If he was lucky, he would be able to consume a Tier 6 medicinal pill or even a Tier 7 medicinal pill, but if he wasn't lucky, he would directly die.

Everyone cautiously looked at Long Xingyun and kept far away from him. No one dared to approach him, fearing that he would suddenly explode and be affected by the fish pond.

Long Xingyun's expression changed again and again, and he kept frowning.

A little later, he suddenly cried out, "Ah!"

Everyone was so frightened that they retreated repeatedly and hurriedly observed him.

"What's wrong, Old Yun!" Zhang Jing hurriedly asked.

Long Xingyun was first shocked, then ecstatic, "The pills I ate actually gave me an intent!"

"My God!"

Long Xingyun raised his right hand and all the pills on the ground floated up!

"Discovery period!" Xiang Nan was shocked, "At least it's the initial stage!"

Xiang Nan cultivated the Insight Technique, which was divided into three stages: the Void Spirit Stage, the Emergence Stage, and the Flare Stage.

That Long Xingyun was so proficient in retrieving objects from the air, this was the most typical feature of'intent ', and its strength should be at the Emergence Stage.

After Xiang Nan had cultivated the second level of the Terminator Dragon Soul, he finally managed to reach the Instant Discovery Stage. Long Xingyun ate a pill and arrived!

"Haha! Hahahaha!" Long Xingyun laughed wildly excitedly, "Even if I don't waste time cultivating the Insight Art, I still have the Insight!"

Guan Xiao's intestines were about to turn green with regret. If she had eaten this pill just now, wouldn't she also have the intention?

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