Chapter 1184 Seeking Reasoning

Chapter 1184 Seeking Reasoning

All of the Son of Heaven Peak's martial practitioners were extremely furious as they stared fiercely in the direction of Mid-night Peak.

The smell of gunpowder on both sides grew stronger and stronger.

The elder discussed with the other six elders. In the end, he slapped the table and pronounced the verdict in court.

The Ascending Dragon Sect's mission was accomplished thanks to the Mid-night Peak martial artists. Although Wang Chuang was the leader of the five, only three of them had died.

However, because of the outstanding contributions made by the two of them, the hundred Starlight Coins they were supposed to obtain were transferred to Wang Chuang and the others.

Wang Chuang, Xiao Hai, and Mei Mei shared 250 Starlight Coins equally. In addition, Wang Chuang had killed more than a hundred Heavenly Profound Sect disciples, so he would be rewarded with more than a dozen Starlight Coins.

As for Son of Heaven Peak, it was a waste of effort. All the members were rewarded with five Starlight Coins each.

Wang Chuang and the others all hugged their shoulders and laughed, laughing so smugly.

After hearing this result, Long Xingyun almost went mad.

There was no such thing as bullying!

Long Xingyun slammed the table angrily and shouted, "What kind of justice is this? What kind of judgment is this! The people of Midnight Peak are unreasonable, and the Libra Temple is also unreasonable!"

"Impudent!" The elder scolded with a dignified expression.

"Xiao Yun." Xue Ziyan was worried that Long Xingyun would make things worse, so he hurriedly tried to dissuade him.

But Long Xingyun didn't listen to Xue Ziyan at all.

Then Xue Ziyan hurriedly looked at Xiang Nan and said, "You are the client, quickly pull him back! Don't let him cause trouble!"

However, Xiang Nan's expression had already turned cold. After hearing the verdict, he was also very dissatisfied. He only said indifferently, "There is no need to pull it. We, the Son of Heaven Peak, will not suffer this loss."

Long Xingyun shouted, "If we had known this was the case, why would we have sacrificed our lives for the Guild?"

"Could it be that the lives of our Son of Heaven Peak's more than a hundred brothers have been sacrificed in vain!"

"Those brothers are alive in heaven. How can they die in peace after hearing such a verdict!"

The elder shouted, "How can the Libra Temple allow such nonsense! Long Xingyun, I will give you one last warning, otherwise you will be sent to the Heavenly Prison!"

"Wait!" Xiang Nan stood up and raised his right hand, "I have something to say."

"Who are you?" The elder looked at Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan said, "Son of Heaven Peak, Xiang Bei, this is my identity token. You can take it to check."

Long Xingyun was suddenly stunned. He turned around and looked at Xiang Nan. He recognized Xiang Nan's voice and asked in shock, "Are you still alive?"

Xiang Nan originally didn't want to stand out, because there was one thing he couldn't explain.

That was, if he could escape, if he could kill Guan Xiao, why didn't he?

This would actually implicate Xiang Nan.

But now, Xiang Nan could not help but stand up. He had to ask for an explanation.

After checking the waist token, the elder knew that it was not easy for Xiang Nan to escape, so he softened his expression and said, "If you have anything you want to say, just say it."

Xiang Nan chuckled and looked at Wang Chuang, "I didn't expect that I would be able to come back alive, did I?"

Wang Chuang's expression changed slightly as he said, "Congratulations on escaping this calamity."

Xiang Nan turned to look at the elder and said, "I can prove that the people from Ziye Peak are maliciously obstructing our plan."

"First of all, the people of Ziye Peak did not save them. When Guan Xiao slaughtered the martial artists of Son of Heaven Peak, the five martial artists of Ziye Peak only watched coldly from the sidelines and did not lend a helping hand."

"That's because the time hasn't come." Wang Chuang quibbled.

"What time?" Xiang Nan replied, "Is life important or mission important? Isn't it more powerful to accomplish the mission if more of us survive? Can you refute that?"

Wang Chuang choked.

"Second, Ziye Peak didn't trap me to save me. They wanted to snatch the credit from Son of Heaven Peak," Xiang Nan said.

"Nonsense!" Xiao Hai jumped up.

Xiang Nan said, "Xiaohai poisoned me before everyone cultivated martial arts skills. You said that you trapped me for my own good. I would like to ask, before that, how could you know that I don't have time to cultivate martial arts skills?"

Xiao Hai rolled his eyes and said, "Who said that? How did you prove that I poisoned you before? I clearly had no choice but to use the poison to soften your defense when you were about to die."

"Play this game with me?" Xiang Nan sneered and took out a small porcelain bottle, "Fortunately, I had the intention to force the venom out and store it a little."

The elder had someone bring the venom over.

Xiao Hai panicked.

Xiang Nan said, "The venom's attack time is an hour after poisoning. It is a chronic toxin. Elders can check this point."

There were Profound Dao experts amongst the elders. The Profound Dao elder sniffed the venom and immediately proved Xiang Nan's words.

Xiang Nan looked coldly at Xiao Hai. "Can you tell that I won't be able to learn a martial skill in an hour? If you said that it wasn't malicious poisoning, what explanation can you give?"

Xiao Hai was stunned by the choking and opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

"Also." Xiang Nan said, "I can also prove that Long Xingyun was able to defeat Guan Xiao at that time, and the Mid-night Peak martial artists obstructed Long Xingyun in order to snatch credit."

"How do you prove it?" Wang Chuang's expression was gloomy.

"Hahaha." Xiang Nan laughed, "Wang Chuang, you're sure that I can't find any evidence, right? Then you're wrong."

Xiang Nan took out a pen and paper, wrote a few large paragraphs of text, and held them with both hands.

A staff member took it and presented it to the elders.

Everyone was whispering, not knowing what Xiang Nan was writing.

When the elders saw the words, their expressions changed slightly.

Xiang Nan said, "Long Xingyun had already learned the power of the divine image. Isn't that right? Wang Chuang."

Many people saw it, and Wang Chuang could not refute it, so he could only nod his head.

Xiang Nan said, "As for Guan Xiao, she only learned half of the Heaven Shaking Ring at that time. Isn't that right?"

Wang Chuang nodded again.

"That's why I said that Long Xingyun could have defeated Guan Xiao back then. If it weren't for you blocking it, we wouldn't only be able to escape, we might even annihilate the Profound Sky Sect," Xiang Nan said.

Wang Chuang sneered and said, "You said that you can fight if you can? I said that he can't! Everyone witnessed how powerful that Heaven Shaking Ring is."

"Do you really think that I can't produce any evidence and that I'm still spouting nonsense?" Xiang Nan hugged his shoulders and smiled, "Unfortunately, you think your plan is perfect, but you missed the most important point."

Xiang Nan pointed at the elder and said, "What I wrote down for the elders is precisely the Heaven Shaking Ring's incantation."

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

Wang Chuang's face was filled with disbelief.

The reason why he felt that he had eaten Son of Heaven Peak was because the martial skills in the Coiling Dragon Wall Cave could only be passed down and could not be written down. Of course, he could say whatever he wanted.

Unexpectedly, the Heaven Shaking Palm's first layer of incantation was the Heaven Shaking Ring.

"I don't believe it!" Wang Chuang said angrily, "Those martial skills can only be passed down, not …"

Before he could finish speaking, Xiang Nan had already raised his index finger. Above his index finger, there was a ring of flames that shook the heavens, buzzing and trembling.

Wang Chuang's expression changed.

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