Chapter 1246 Relatives

Chapter 1246 Relatives

Ever since alien martial artists invaded this world, humans and demons in this world were in danger, and they no longer had time to dig mines to earn money.

The Nine Firmaments Continent had also transferred almost 70% of its troops back to defend. The most urgent task now was to survive, not to dig for ore.

Probably only a portion of the soldiers who had mined were still digging for spirit ores here, and all other types of metals were completely ignored.

The Spiritual Veins were about two million kilometers away from where Xiang Nan was at this moment, and they had entered the core of the Demonic Beast Continent. They were not too far away from the Demonic Beast Imperial Palace.

Xiang Nan had also encountered a few groups of demon guards along the way. However, they all knew Xiang Nan. When they saw that it was Xiang Nan, they immediately surrounded him happily. After chatting for a while, they let him go.

From this, Xiang Nan learned that the Desert Queen's life had not been peaceful in the past year or two.

The Ten Thousand Monster Island of the Northern Region had always been eyeing the Monster Beast Continent. Three times before, they had sent envoys to the Monster race, hoping that the Desert Queen would submit to the island and bring a large number of Monster race experts to the island to worship.

The Desert Queen was determined not to do such a thing. The two sides exchanged a few times and it was very unpleasant.

Now, the situation between the Demonic Beast Continent and Myriad Demon Island had also become tense. In fact, Myriad Demon Island had sent two powerful demon races to ambush the Desert Queen. Even though they had failed, they had made the Desert Queen furious.

Therefore, when Xiang Nan arrived at the Spirit Vein Mine, he saw such a scene.

The Spiritual Vein Mine was a large pit that was "embedded" in the ground. It emitted intense Spiritual Qi fluctuations.

However, the miners could no longer see it. It was just that the demon army was stationed here, responsible for protecting the spirit veins.

Xiang Nan asked a demon. It turned out that the Desert Queen had already transferred back more troops. She was ready to welcome the attack of Myriad Demon Island at any time, but there weren't any more men to dig for ore.

This was a good opportunity for Xiang Nan.

The Desert Queen, the Nine Firmaments Imperial Clan, and the Huangpu Continent had always had a 30% share of the debt. Xiang Nan had come this time to take 70% of the spiritual veins. He would not move the rest that should have belonged to the Desert Queen.

The two of them were old acquaintances, so they still had to show some respect.

"Xiang Nan, are you here to dig out your spirit veins?" A five-meter-tall demon scratched his head and looked at Xiang Nan curiously.

Xiang Nan swept his eyes and discovered that this was a cow demon. This kind of demon race was more common in ore veins. They were strong and suitable for heavy work.

"Yes." Xiang Nan nodded, "Niuniu, I see many big holes in the ground. Can you tell me which one was hollowed out and which one has spirit stones inside?"

The ox demon scratched its head and grabbed something from its hair before putting it into its mouth.

"I don't know," he murmured. "You're going to ask the military."

Xiang Nan shook his head helplessly. He put up an arbor and looked into the distance. In the northwest of this Spiritual Vein Mine, there were two camps, one belonging to the demons and the other belonging to the Nine Firmaments Continent.

The soldiers in these camps were responsible for guarding the spirit veins. Because of the shortage of labor, they could only carry out a small amount of excavation.

After a quick glance, it was estimated that there would be thirty thousand demon troops and three people with lightning armies.

Xiang Nan randomly jumped into a mine and walked for a while before arriving at the end.

At the end was an icy cold layer of rock. Xiang Nan tapped on it with his finger, but after hearing it, he didn't have a clue.

He didn't have much knowledge of mining, so he knew that if he searched around like a headless fly, he wouldn't know when he would find it.

As far as this mine was concerned, it was hard to say whether it had been dug up, or if it hadn't dug up any spirit veins at all.

He had inspected dozens of large mines in a row, but the scene was exactly the same!

The spirit veins were not connected, but there would be faults. There were many problems to deal with when digging, and Xiang Nan did not want to explore too much of the professional knowledge involved.

It would be better to ask someone directly.

Xiang Nan flew into the northwest camp. He did not go to the human military camp, but to the demon army camp.

The selfishness of humans was much higher than that of demonic beasts. If they asked the armies of the Nine Firmaments Continent, they would probably not say anything.

Coincidentally, a demon general here had personally followed Xiang Nan to the Nine Firmaments Continent outside the Imperial Palace. He knew Xiang Nan.

The general was very enthusiastic. The moment he saw Xiang Nan, he held Xiang Nan's shoulder and wanted to treat him to a drink.

After a few words, Xiang Nan expressed his intention and said, "I hope I can take away the portion that originally belonged to the Huangpu Aristocrat Clan. If conditions permit, I will also take away a portion of the spirit stones of the Nine Firmaments Continent."

"With your relationship with the Queen, even if you take away our spirit stones, the Queen won't say anything else," the general said.

My family is big, so I'm confident in my words!

This spirit vein was only one of the countless spirit veins on the Demonic Beast Continent. Even if they were completely dug up, it wouldn't be a problem to search for new spirit veins.

The general unfolded a map for Xiang Nan. There were seventeen large mines on it, and all of them were marked with numbers.

"Mines 1, 5, and 10 have already been mined. They have become abandoned mines."

"Number two, number three, number nine, number eleven … The probability of these being detected is very high. We …"

Xiang Nan hurriedly interrupted him and said, "I don't know much about this. All you need to do is tell me from which mine I can obtain spirit stones more easily and directly."

The general pointed at Mine 8 and said, "It's this Mine 8. The spirit stones here are relatively shallow. If you dig ten kilometers deep, you'll be able to see the spirit stones."

"We estimate that the spirit stones in Mine 8 are relatively concentrated. They are in a semicircular section, covering an area of 300,000 li. If you have five years, you should be able to dig them out."

"This is called concentration?" Xiang Nan shook his head helplessly and said, "Forget it, just dig as much as you can."

"Alright!" The general patted his shoulder and said, "I'll call my brothers to help you dig together! But I have to leave 5,000 men on patrol, and I can only dispatch 25,000 men for you."

Hearing this, Xiang Nan was very touched. Originally, he had come here to dig for ore, but he felt very sorry for it.

In the end, not only did the demons not care, they even wanted to help themselves!

If he had the energy and time, he would have dug it up and taken it himself. If it wasn't better than that, why would he give it to someone else?

Xiang Nan gratefully drank a big cup with the general and said, "The demons really treat me as a relative. Xiang Nan can't help but be grateful. I don't know how to repay them."

The general laughed loudly, "In our eyes, you are our family. Since you are a family, don't say anything out of the ordinary."

"We …"

Before he could finish his words, a horn suddenly sounded from afar.

Wuwu … Wuwu …

The sound of the horn seemed so sudden and urgent in the dark night.

"Something happened!" The general rushed out immediately.

Xiang Nan was even faster than him. He turned into an afterimage and was already outside.

His heart thumped, and he had a bad premonition.

Aren't people from other worlds busy catching people alive and refining the Longevity Pill? Why would he have the energy to run over and get the ore?

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