Chapter 1249 Innate Attack

Chapter 1249 Innate Attack

Xiang Nan's initial assumption was that there must be a grand spirit enhancement formation hidden within the black tower.

Inside the black tower, there were at least a hundred powerful cultivators.

These cultivators used the black tower's own formation to increase their spiritual power, and each cultivator was used as a formation eye to form an even larger formation.

Only in this way could they explain why they could control the demonic beast army with their minds in a short period of time and let the demonic beast army self-destruct.

However, in reality, Xiang Nan scanned the black tower with his lightning-like gaze, but he didn't find any cultivators or profound dao formations.

He really didn't understand. In the end, he had no choice but to contact Feng Xuan through the Golden Eagle Eye.

"Simple and to the point."

The first thing Feng Xuan said was this.

"Because of the increase in distance, the consumption of the Eagle's Eye has increased. The long distance between the Blue Tide Continent and the Demonic Beast Continent has allowed each Eagle's Eye conversation to last at most 30 minutes. You need to speak faster and leave me some time to think," he said.

Xiang Nan quickly explained what he had seen and heard to Feng Xuan and attached his conjecture.

Feng Xuan didn't even think about it and directly replied to Xiang Nan, "It's not mind control. There are two reasons."

"Firstly, mind control can indeed control a person's behavior and change his mind. However, self-destruction is considered self-destructive. The survival instincts of humans will surely generate enormous resistance."

"In other words, you can control a person to do anything, but if you let that person do something that hurts him, he will resist. He will never be so decisive and self-destruct the moment he comes into contact with the air wave."

"The second reason is that it is not impossible to achieve instant control. However, it must be a cultivator with an extremely high cultivation level. For example, a Divine Martial Stage general must be a Half-Saint Stage cultivator in order to achieve instant mental control."

"But if a Martial Saint expert really comes, they don't need to create a black tower and directly kill everyone."

"Then how should I explain it?" Xiang Nan couldn't figure it out.

Feng Xuan said, "Now, let me ask you some specific details. You must definitely tell me clearly, no matter how small the details are, you mustn't miss them."

"You can ask." Xiang Nan said.

Feng Xuan asked Xiang Nan a series of questions. Some of them seemed to be very baffling, as if they had nothing to do with the black tower, but Xiang Nan also answered them one by one.

Then, Feng Xuan fell silent.

As time passed, Xiang Nan was extremely anxious, because the golden eagle's eyes were about to expire, leaving only five minutes left.

Finally, a voice came from Feng Xuan's side.

"Xiang Nan, I'm afraid I have to tell you a very bad answer."

Xiang Nan's heart skipped a beat and he said solemnly, "Say it. I'm mentally prepared."

Feng Xuan said, "I suspect that Otherworldly martial artists are using a method that we cannot understand. In my own words, it is called the Innate Attack."

"You said that when the black tower attacked, you had a very strange feeling that there were some fluctuations in your talent."

Xiang Nan nodded and said, "That's right, be more specific."

Feng Xuan said, "Let me ask you, if a person with a single heavenly grade bloodline cultivated the Heaven Shaking Saber, what would be the result?"

Xiang Nan frowned and said, "There is no result. Heavenly grade single bloodline people simply cannot learn the extremely high grade Heaven Shaking Saber."

Feng Xuan said, "Yes, it's like an empty wine cup. It can't hold a jar of water."

"If you possess a single Heavenly grade meridian, but in an instant, you possess three Heavenly grade meridians and learn the Heaven Shaking Saber, then your talent will return to the single Heavenly grade meridian, what will happen?"

Xiang Nan was stunned for a moment and said, "You mean …"

"Yes." Feng Xuan said, "When I was studying Origin Pills, I discovered that Origin Pills can affect a martial artist's innate talent. It can even allow a martial artist to obtain new innate attributes after consuming Origin Pills for a long time."

"But this is based on the premise of consuming beneficial Origin Pills. In other words, if you are a Heavenly Grade Innate, then you'd better consume a Heavenly Grade Origin Pill as well. If you are an Earth Grade Innate, then you can also consume an Earth Grade Origin Pill. However, if you consume a Heavenly Grade Origin Pill, the benefits will be higher."

"But if you flip it over, the situation will be different. Suppose you are a Heavenly Grade Fire Vein and you ate a Mortal Grade Water Vein Origin Pill, what do you think will happen?"

Xiang Nan said, "Tell me the result directly."

Feng Xuan said, "They used the 'Visceral Pill'. They used the Mortal Grade Origin Pill. By releasing the structure of the Mortal Grade Origin Pill, they swallowed the martial artist in the form of a breath wave."

"If you see two waves of energy, it means that they are two Mortal Grade Origin Pills with different attributes."

'"If you possess a Heavenly Grade Fire Vein, when you are devoured by the power of a Mortal Grade Origin Pill, your realm will become instantaneously unstable, causing a neutralization phenomenon. In other words, your realm will suddenly fall to a Spirit Grade in a short period of time."

"Of course, this process is very fast. The Origin Pill needs to be consumed for a long time to stabilize. Therefore, your talent is neutralized. It will only take a few seconds for you to recover."

"But these few seconds are enough. I think you already understand what I'm going to say."

Xiang Nan's heart skipped a beat as he said, "The gifts of those demonic beast soldiers were neutralized by the dirty pills in an instant, causing their gifts to be unable to carry the cultivation techniques and martial skills they had learned."

"Once a martial skill surpasses the carrying capacity of its innate talent, it's like forcefully pouring a tank of water into a wine cup and self-destructing on the spot!"

"That's right." Feng Xuan said, "This time, the black tower released a total of two kinds of waves. In other words, martial artists below the Heavenly Grade Three Veins will undoubtedly die if they encounter waves!"

"This has nothing to do with realm. It's a direct attack on talent."

"Aren't they afraid themselves?" Xiang Nan asked, his heart jumping.

Feng Xuan said, "The talent of alien realm martial artists is much higher than ours. I suspect that the weakest talent in the alien realm is also the talent of the heavens."

"And what is better than a single heavenly grade vein is a single heavenly grade vein and a single mortal grade vein."

"But they can increase their innate attributes by consuming beneficial Origin Pills."

"As you can see, the three people on the black tower must all possess the attributes of the Heavenly Grade Three Veins. The dirty pill can weaken two of their veins, but at least they will have one left."

'"The reason why they didn't choose it was because the two waves of Qi entered and exited at the same time. Instead, they alternated with each other, so as to leave room for themselves, so that they wouldn't lose both of their Heavenly Grade talents at the same time, causing their bodies to explode and die as well."

"Then" Xiang Nan's heart stirred.

Feng Xuan said, "Therefore, they did not continue to attack the Imperial Palace, because the black tower's consumption of Origin Pills is also enormous. They will not be able to hold on for that long."

"They didn't come to the Demonic Beast Continent to destroy it, but to defend their spiritual veins."

"Although alien realm martial artists can use the spatial passageway to quickly bring in more spirit stones of a higher grade from the alien realm, they will not spend much energy on extracting spirit veins from the Demonic Beast Continent."

"But they don't want it. At the very least, they can seize it, making it impossible for us to exploit it."

Xiang Nan thought for a moment and said, "Then I …"

Before he could finish speaking, the Golden Eagle Eye's energy had already been exhausted, and it interrupted on its own.

Xiang Nan took a deep breath and looked at the black tower. "I have the Heavenly Spirit Five Meridians and the Divine Grade Lightning Meridians, so I can break into the black tower."

"As long as I take down the black tower, I can dig out the spirit stones of mine 8. At that time, not only will the Eight-eyed Snake recover a portion of its strength, but it will also have a steady stream of Dipper Qi to continue accumulating the speed of light slashing into the Haotian Mirror!"

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