Chapter 1352 Nature Religion

Chapter 1352 Nature Religion

The time restriction still hadn't stopped, but Xiang Nan's expression was already extremely hard to see.

He had never been so furious before. Even the hatred that Xuan Qingzhu had given him was not as great as the hatred that those green-robed men had brought with them the Little Sparrow.

Xiang Nan had always treated him as a fugitive. He had long since put aside his own life and death, but if possible, he would try his best to live longer.

But in comparison, he cared more about the little bird's life.

Xiang Nan was a lonely person. Regardless of whether it was the once arrogant Bai Muchen, because his status was too high, he would never be able to see the true hearts of others, nor would he be able to obtain a true friend. Even the most trusted lover would betray him.

As Xiang Nan in this life, he had been a loner ever since he stepped out of the Xiang Manor.

From the beginning to the end, only the little bird accompanied Xiang Nan. It could be said that the little bird had become Xiang Nan's spiritual sustenance.

With this little fellow who liked to eat insects and his eyes shining when he saw gems, Xiang Nan felt that he wasn't that lonely.

For the sake of this world, for the sake of humanity, he was constantly giving, regardless of any reward, but he was also constantly losing, he had never obtained anything because of his contribution.

He really didn't have much left to lose.

But now, the people of this world, those in green robes, even the little bird had taken away from him.

At this moment, Xiang Nan was very calm, so calm that it was a little unexpected.

However, he could feel an evil flame breeding in his heart.

"The Southern Emperor will find a way to make up for what you've lost. As long as you're willing to stay." The Veluriyam Sect Master said.

"Who are those people?" Xiang Nan said.

"Actually, just think about it. Your loss today is not that big. You have obtained the title of the number one artificer in the world and also obtained the precious Dao Grade Crimson Dragon Sword Technique. However, what you have lost is only a small demon pet." Said the Veluriyam Sect Master.

"Who are those people?" Xiang Nan said.

"There are some things that you don't understand, but that doesn't mean that they don't exist. There are some forces that you absolutely can't provoke. Although their existence doesn't sound reasonable, they do exist," said the Veluriyam Sect Master.

"Who are those people?" Xiang Nan said.

The Veluriyam Sect Master said, "If you lose something, don't find it. I advise you to give up this idea. Even the Four Emperors can't do anything to those people wearing green robes. You can measure your own weight," said the Veluriyam Sect Master.

The performance of the Veluriyam Sect Master was indeed very strange. Ever since he saw those green-robed people, he had felt helpless as if he had accepted his fate.

The green-robed men had even taken away the ancient black books of the Veluriyam Sect, but at this moment, the Veluriyam Sect Master did not immediately issue an order to chase after and kill the enemy.

This did not conform to the temper and temperament of the Veluriyam Sect Master. There must be some deep-seated reason that made him afraid, or at least made him helpless.

"I don't care." "I just want to know who they are," Xiang Nan said.

The Veluriyam Sect Master said, "I didn't tell you because I wanted to save you. I saved you because I wanted to leave behind a talented person for the Southern Emperor."

Xiang Nan said, "Let me ask you one last time, who exactly are they?"

"If you still refuse to answer me, I will investigate them myself! No matter who they are, I will make them pay the price."

At this time, the restriction of time disappeared, and everyone regained their ability to move freely.

The Veluriyam Sect Master took a deep look at Xiang Nan and said, "If you must understand, then follow me."

Xiang Nan followed Sect Leader Liu-Li to the study room. This was a very hidden place. There were at least three consecutive formations in the study room, blocking all the auras and sounds in the study room. Even if the people outside stood at the door, they would not be able to hear or feel anything inside.

The Veluriyam Sect Master was examining Xiang Nan's eyes. He did not sit down, nor did he invite Xiang Nan to sit down.

He was only confirming how determined Xiang Nan was to fight against the green-robed men.

The Veluriyam Sect Master himself was a decisive and resolute person, and in Xiang Nan's eyes, he also saw a crazy gaze that was reckless, capable of not needing anything, yet determined to achieve his goal.

Finally, the Veluriyam Sect Master sighed and said, "Looks like you're really determined."

Xiang Nan remained silent.

"Those people's identities are unusual," said the Veluriyam Sect's Sect Master. "If you say it out loud, it might scare you. Now, I'll try to scare you."

"If I really frighten you and make you give up your thoughts, it will be beneficial to both of us. Therefore, please listen carefully to what I say next."

The Nature Sect was an organization that had evolved several times. It was recognized as a very mysterious organization. Although these two points might be contradictory, there was a reason for it.

Because their membership was very special, the Nature Religion was also known as the second strongest power.

It was not because they were ranked second in strength, but because every member of the Nature Sect was a second generation member of each clan, sect, royal clan, and imperial clan.

The embryonic form of the Nature Religion was very different from what it is today. It was originally made up of young people of prominent status who gathered together to protest against the destruction of nature by humans.

The human beings' exploitation of ores and spiritual herbs, and their massacre of wild and demonic beasts made them feel indignant and secretly interfered with human strength.

What they advocated was the equality of all living beings. They believed that humans were no more noble than any other species.

Those who had such knowledge and thoughts were probably those who had never been worried about food, drink, or money since childhood.

Later, a second transformation of the Nature Sect took place. This transformation was caused by the addition of more prominent young people.

When the Nature Sect first attracted the attention of the human forces, even more prominent youngsters noticed the existence of the Holy See and excitedly joined it.

They weren't doing this for the sake of equality of all living beings. They simply felt that it was a very handsome and rebellious act to resist humans, their fathers, and the power they represented.

At this time, the Nature Sect had already violated its original intentions and had officially evolved into a very vulgar group, known as the Crown Prince's Party.

The explosive increase in the number of members caused the purposes of the Nature Sect to become chaotic and uncontrollable.

The core members who had once upheld the equality of all living beings were constantly joining because their status was even more prominent, and their rights were constantly being diluted.

All the young people who had joined the Nature Sect had their own thoughts. Because of the disunity of their thoughts, the Nature Sect did not condense its strength. The Nature Sect welcomed the first great crisis.

If a sect wanted to unite, then all its members would defend the same faith and pay for it regardless of the cost. This was the foundation of the sect.

However, at this moment, almost everyone in the Nature Sect was only trying to show off for themselves. Gradually, this sect began to fade away, becoming a disorganized group that could collapse at any moment.

At this time, a person with a far-reaching vision appeared and tried to turn the tide.

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