Chapter 1358 Invisible Saber Light

Chapter 1358 Invisible Saber Light

In order to prevent the world from distorting the truth and maliciously slandering the despicable methods of the Nature Sect after today's battle, they had invited the elders of the Relief Sect.

After today's battle, the World-saving Sect would announce to the world the true story of today's battle.

The Nature Sect wanted to win beautifully, and everyone was convinced of it.

Everyone was not an idiot, and they could see this.

Someone whispered, "Since we want to pursue fairness and justice, why did we send members of the Divine Martial Fifth Layer instead of the same Divine Martial First Layer as Xiang Nan?"

As soon as this person spoke, everyone else's expressions changed. They quickly moved away from the speaker, fearing that they would enrage the Nature Sect and bring harm to the fish pond.

The World-saving Sect Elder laughed and said, "Perhaps you all have forgotten that Xiang Nan is challenging the entire Nature Sect. Therefore, theoretically speaking, even if the entire Nature Sect rushes forward and kills Xiang Nan together, it will not be considered bullying."

"But the truth is, the Nature Sect has a broad mind. They can avoid fighting with more and less, but they can't avoid defeating the weak with strength, right?"

"If the Nature Sect can only send people who are lower than Xiang Nan and weaker than him, then this is not a challenge, but a meaningless indulgence."

The Nature Sect was actually not angry!

Everyone thought it was very novel, but there was no way to refute the elder's words.

Being able to guarantee that he wouldn't fight too much was already considered to be giving Xiang Nan an exceptional favor. Xiang Nan had no reason to ask for more!

Everyone looked at Xiang Nan with reproachful eyes and quickly got rid of the suspicion of being "ignorant".

This was an incomparably ridiculous scene, because in fact, Xiang Nan had never spoken.

"Is that enough?" Xiang Nan finally spoke. He expressionlessly looked in the direction of the Nature Sect and said, "Why didn't the person I was looking for come?"

"Don't you have the courage to face me?"

The ugly man who robbed the bird was not present, so naturally the bird was not present either.

The Nature Sect did not burst into laughter or mock Xiang Nan. Instead, they looked at Xiang Nan indifferently, as if they were looking at an icy-cold corpse that had been dead for a long time.

It was the same sentence. They didn't have any hatred or contempt for Xiang Nan. The only thing they did was not care.

One of the Nature Sect members stepped forward and said to Xiang Nan, "I'm sorry to tell you that the person you're looking for has other tasks to perform, so there's no way to rush to a victory battle."

"I have to admit that you are very brave. You are also the first person in history to declare war on our entire Nature Sect on your own. If it weren't for the fact that you were already standing against us, you would really be qualified to join the Nature Sect."

Everyone nodded. Xiang Nan was from the Bai Clan. From his background, he was definitely qualified to enter the Nature Sect.

"However." The man changed the subject and said, "From now on, all your words and actions will be ignored by the Sect of Nature, because in our eyes, you are now dead."

"In that case, let me play in this first battle."

As he spoke, he descended from the sky and said to Xiang Nan, "You declared war on the Nature Sect and made an appointment for three days. We are here to attend."

"It's not because we value you, but because we value each and every one of us who dares to challenge the actions of our Nature Sect."

"I, Liu Qingwu, a member of the fourth step of the Nature Sect, challenge you."

Liu Qingwu pulled out a long sword from behind him and said, "Don't say that I bullied the small with the big. I respect your courage enough. I can instinctively kill you with one move, but now, I will let you live to the third move."

"Show me your weapon and let me give you a ride."

Xiang Nan pulled out his huge saber, and the black saber trembled in the air.

This Liu Qingwu's attainments were really ordinary. Not only could he not compare to the Bai Clan's Heavenly Martial Cultivator, he could not even compare to the Veluriyam Sect's Yue Xiaolou.

The Nature Sect believed in the suppression of the realm. They were extremely confident that with the suppression of the fourth realm, they would be able to completely crush Xiang Nan, who was at the first level of the Divine Martial Arts.

"Actually" Liu Qingwu smiled and said, "In front of me, you don't even have a chance to attack, but I'll give you this chance."

"I'll make my move first. I promise I won't kill you in one move. As for what you have, just show it."

Liu Qingwu's body trembled, but seeing a ball of Astral Qi enveloping his entire body, the Astral Qi formed a balloon of Astral Qi, but this was not a shield! The reason for that was because the surface of the balloon was covered with revolving Astral Qi blades.

This was a martial skill!

After Liu Qingwu condensed the Dipper Balloon, he immediately rushed towards Xiang Nan and said, "Let's do it!"

"If you can break through my defense, I will admit that you are outstanding!"

The excitement of the spectators had long since calmed down. When they saw that the people from the Nature Sect were at the fifth level of the Divine Martial Sect, they had no sense of expectation at all, because this was a one-sided crushing.

Liu Qingwu's victory was certain and unquestionable.

Everyone had even started to pack their things and was ready to leave at any time, waiting for Xiang Nan's death.

Liu Qingwu's momentum wasn't that violent. He felt that killing Xiang Nan was like the most normal breathing. There was no need for him to make a bitter enmity.

Xiang Nan, on the other hand, raised his blade.

Under Xiang Nan's feet, there was the White Tiger Formation, and at the same time, there was an acceleration formation that had been constructed long ago.

"You didn't bring the person I wanted, so no matter what you said, you must give me an explanation today. If you don't, I will kill you until you are willing to give it to me."

Xiang Nan's right arm trembled, and the saber light condensed!

Under the support of the acceleration array and Xiang Nan's lightning intent, the blade light quickly reached the full speed of light!

A blade light that reached a speed of 600,000 kilometers per second instantly sliced open Liu Qingwu's balloon and his body in a manner that no one could see with their naked eyes!

Before Liu Qingwu could react, he was still sprinting forward, but in everyone's eyes, his body was inexplicably split into two as Xiang Nan's blade descended!

"Hiss …"

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, unable to react at all.

"How … how did you kill him?" Everyone panicked.

Looking at Xiang Nan again, his expression was expressionless. Obviously, he had expected such a result long ago.

The naked eye was unable to capture the speed of light. It could only capture light. These were two different concepts.

The reason why a person can see light is because the light is a continuous illumination or refraction on the eyeball.

What kind of concept was this? The speed at which one looked at things was also the speed of light.

Therefore, when something moves in the opposite direction from you at the same speed of light, the speed of light produced by your eyes will maintain the same speed as this thing. As long as the speed of that thing remains the same, your eyes will never catch up to it.

Those bystanders were standing behind Xiang Nan.

Therefore, only the people from the Nature Sect and the elders of the World-saving Sect standing opposite Xiang Nan saw something and Liu Qingwu was already dead.

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