Chapter 1380 Shortcut

Chapter 1380 Shortcut

The speed of light charge was even more powerful than the speed of light slash.

The only thing that the Speed of Light Slash relied on was the strength of Xiang Nan's Dipper Qi. The strength of Xiang Nan's Dipper Qi determined how strong the Speed of Light Slash was.

However, the speed of light charge could not only use Xiang Nan's Dipper Qi, it could also use his body's strength! With the Dipper Qi and the strength of his body, the damage caused by directly hitting the enemy was completely incomparable to the Speed of Light Slash.

Only in this way could Xiang Nan display his powerful three-part dragon body.

Xiang Nan explained, "The first difference is that sealing is one-off. Once you successfully seal, you can activate the power of the formation once, but only once."

"But the array formation is different. As long as I set up an acceleration array, as long as I stand in the acceleration array, I will be able to use the full speed of light countless times."

"That's indeed a flaw." The serpent muttered.

Xiang Nan said, "The second big difference is that although sealing is very convenient, it can be used anytime and anywhere. As long as I want to, I can form seals, unlike formations that need to be set up in advance."

"But the problem with sealing is that it's too slow."

"If it was a small formation, it would definitely be faster than setting up the formation directly. However, the more complicated the formation, the faster the formation would be. It would not be as fast as setting up the formation directly."

"This should be easy to understand, right?"

The eight-eyed snake said, "Very easy to understand. After all, you only have one pair of hands. When the formation is simple, both hands can be completed quickly, but when it is complex, two hands are not enough."

"Looks like this step really won't work."

"Something's wrong!" "What did you just say?" Xiang Nan's eyes moved.

"I say, this step won't work. What's wrong?" The big snake said.

Xiang Nan hurriedly shook his head, "Previous sentence."

The serpent thought for a moment and said, "I said, you can only use your hands."

"That's right!" Xiang Nan patted his forehead and said, "I thought of it! I'm so stupid. How could I forget about it?"

"What if I have two hands? What if I have three!"

"What do you mean?" The Great Snake asked curiously.

"Look at this." Xiang Nan stopped his flight and floated in mid-air. Then, his body trembled and two new Xiang Nan came out from the left and right.

"External avatar?" The big snake suddenly said, "I see."

External avatar was a very basic cultivation technique. Xiang Nan had never used it before. That was because this type of cultivation technique was very useful in low-level battles, but high-level battles became chicken ribs.

The reason for that was because the higher the level of a battle, the more important it was to control the timing. There was often a small mistake between the two sides that could determine the outcome.

Just like the battle between Xiang Nan and Zhang Haiyue, both of them had the ability to kill each other. The key was to see who could find the chance to hit each other first.

When Xiang Nan and Zhang Haiyue fought, he was completely focused on the battle. He was not sure that he was 100% confident that he would be able to dodge Zhang Haiyue's attack and successfully hit Zhang Haiyue.

If he were to use his avatar at this time and focus on three things, he would simply be courting death on his own initiative.

However, the problem was that the avatar didn't have to be used for battle! He can also be used to assist.

Xiang Nan's heart suddenly brightened. He said happily, "Not only can my avatar help me quickly form an acceleration array, it can even help me complete the Taiyi Divine Art! Watch!"

After saying that, Xiang Nan immediately controlled his two avatars and arrived in front of him.

The three items are arranged in a triangle.

In Xiang Nan's mind, he quickly went through it and adapted the acceleration array from a formation to a hand gesture of forming a seal. With his current profound dao attainments, this was not difficult.

Then, the three Xiang Nans formed seals at the same time!

Normally, the maximum speed of setting up an array would be ten seconds, while forming a seal with two hands would take twenty-five seconds.

However, it wasn't eight seconds for the six hands to form a seal at the same time, but one second!

Just like a person dialing an abacus, two hands dialing an abacus, the entire process might take ten seconds, twenty seconds.

However, with six hands moving together, ten, a hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, or even a hundred thousand of them could be completed in an instant!

Theoretically speaking, it wouldn't even take a second for the three Xiang Nan to form a seal together.

However, the movements of his hand gestures would take at least a second. This was the fastest speed for the three of them to seal at the same time.


Xiang Nan's eyes lit up. The acceleration array had indeed succeeded. In just a second, it had completed a complicated acceleration array!

He waved his hand and a saber light shot towards the horizon at the speed of full light.

However, this method of sealing was one-off. If he wanted to perform a second speed of light slash, he had to seal again.

"Extremely fast speed, canceling out the one-off flaw." Xiang Nan said excitedly.

"Since this can succeed, then I can take out my Azure Dragon and use it again!"

The Azure Dragon going out to sea was a very shallow charge, but what if it increased the charge to the speed of light? What terrifying destructive power that was.

The most terrifying thing was that the Azure Dragon had not only used his Astral Qi, his physical strength, but also his saber!

"Let's look at Taiyi Divine Art again."

Xiang Nan set up a vast Righteous Qi diagram on the ground. There were eighteen stars on the Righteous Qi diagram.

Afterwards, Xiang Nan stood outside the formation and sent an avatar to swim the 18 planets!

As a result, a broken blade really appeared above Xiang Nan's head!

"This" The Eight-eyed Snake was stunned. "In the future, you can fight while letting your avatar wander through the formation!"

Xiang Nan laughed loudly, "The most wonderful thing is that my avatar doesn't have to perform any complicated movements. It just mechanically walks from the first star eye to the eighteenth star eye, and then walks back and forth like this."

"This is the simplest kind of walking. It doesn't involve any complicated calculations or movements. It won't distract me at all."

"Amazing." The eight-eyed snake praised.

Xiang Nan said, "Thanks to your reminder, I have been guarding an incarnation of a cultivation technique, but I have not been able to make good use of it. It is truly a waste of heavenly treasures."

At the very beginning, Xiang Nan's avatar could only last for about ten seconds. That was because his cultivation was too low.

Now, he was no longer Xiang Nan of the Origin Realm, but Xiang Nan of the Divine Martial Realm.

The duration of the avatar had already reached a completely negligible length. The avatar consumed Xiang Nan's spiritual energy and Astral Qi at any time.

However, his spiritual energy was at the third level of Good Fortune, and his Astral Qi was inexhaustible. Even if he released his avatar to last for a few days and nights, it wouldn't be a problem at all.

The eight-eyed serpent said, "Then hurry up and prepare. We can't be as reckless as last time when we face the Nature Sect."

"First, get a blade light that is enough to kill a Martial Sage."

Xiang Nan nodded, "Last time, I misestimated Zhang Haiyue's realm and was anxious to save the little bird, so I didn't have time to condense the saber light."

"This time, with the help of an avatar, it will be much easier."

Thus, Xiang Nan set up a vast Righteous Qi Diagram on the ground, and then let his avatar swim on the Righteous Qi Diagram.

The saber light above his head began to increase.

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