Chapter 1388 Have To Be Saved

Chapter 1388 Have To Be Saved

More than ten Moon Shadows had already surrounded Xiang Nan's table.

As for Xiang Nan, he was still sitting face to face with Zhang Haiyue and did not act rashly.

Zhang Haiyue said, "You'd better not use the Scarlet Dragon Sword Technique. There are too many mortals here. They simply cannot withstand the violent elemental fluctuations."

"Even if you didn't attack them, the temperature in the air is enough to instantly turn all mortals within a radius of several dozen kilometers into steam."

The last time Xiang Nan used this move, it was still in the City Lord's Mansion's barrier. However, there was no barrier here, which brought a lot of trouble to Xiang Nan.

One of the Moon Shadow's men placed his hand on Zhang Haiyue's shoulder and said, "Zhang Haiyue?"

As they spoke, the Moon Shadow's eyes were staring at Xiang Nan. The greatest threat they could feel was not Zhang Haiyue, but the martial artist in front of them who seemed to be only at the first level of the Divine Martial Arts.

This was not a judgment brought about by perception, but a terrifying intuition!

"What exactly did you do?" Xiang Nan asked again.

Xiang Nan definitely did not want to be used as a saber. If this Zhang Haiyue really did something that angered both God and Man, how could he help him deal with the people of the Eastern Emperor?

"Must I ask?" Zhang Haiyue said.

The person from the Moon Shadow had already pulled out a rope and tied Zhang Haiyue up, keeping an eye on Xiang Nan's movements.

Zhang Haiyue also looked at Xiang Nan.

Until the people from Moon Shadow tied Zhang Haiyue up and walked to the window to prepare to take off, Xiang Nan was still drinking at the table. He did not raise his head to look at Zhang Haiyue, but said indifferently, "Don't try to let me save you, unless you are honest with me."

I, Xiang Nan, caught you! I didn't become your Zhang Haiyue's fighter!

"Don't forget." Xiang Nanruo said meaningfully, "Fifty thousand li."

Zhang Haiyue sighed and said, "According to the original plan, I should have left here last night. I didn't need to meet anyone from the Moon Shadow."

"However, since you want to know so much, just wait here for one more day. You will see what you want to know."

Xiang Nan stood up and cupped his fists towards the people from the Moon Shadow. "Gentlemen, I have offended you. This Zhang Haiyue is now my hostage and cannot be taken away by you."

The leader of the Moon Shadow turned to look at Xiang Nan. He thought for a moment and tried to ask, "Are you Xiang Nan?"

Xiang Nan nodded.

Many of the Moon Shadows were surprised. The leader said, "You really caught Zhang Haiyue. This is quite shocking."

"Are you surprised?" Zhang Haiyue laughed, "If it wasn't for Xiang Nan catching me, do you really think that your people from Moon Shadow would be able to find me?"

The experts of the Moon Shadows immediately hesitated.

One of them lowered his voice and whispered in the leader's ear, "What should we do? This Nan is personally declaring war on the Nature Sect all over the world through the Nan Emperor."

"We don't know how close this Xiang Nan is to the Southern Emperor. If we take Zhang Haiyue away, will we offend the Southern Emperor?"

The leader hesitated.

"Give me face." Xiang Nan cupped his fists and said, "After I get what I want, I will give Zhang Haiyue to His Excellency the Eastern Emperor for free."

The leader thought for a moment and apologized to Xiang Nan, "Sorry, I can't satisfy your request. We have to take this Zhang Haiyue away."

As the leader spoke, the other members of the Moon Shadow immediately drew out their swords without hesitation.

Xiang Nan stood up and grabbed the giant saber in his hand, saying, "I have no intention of opposing the Eastern Emperor, but this Zhang Haiyue is very important to me. I can only offend everyone."

"Attack." The leader had already made up his mind to take Zhang Haiyue away no matter what.

The members of the Moon Shadow immediately disappeared.

They were extremely fast, and they were very good at concealing themselves.

Before Xiang Nan could make a move, he had dodged three times in a row. On his left arm, right leg, left rib, and neck, there were a few small cuts that were caused by the sharp sword cutting through his skin.

"Sure." Xiang Nan said, "Being able to touch my skin, the Moon Shadow is indeed worthy of its reputation."

Xiang Nan had already used his powerful sixth sense to predict the approaching danger, but he was still unable to completely dodge the enemy's attack.

These people's fighting instincts were incredibly strong.

"Very few of us survived the first round of our attack," the leader of the Moon Shadow said with a serious expression. "You're not bad."

Xiang Nan could tell that Moon Shadow's people were also very restrained.

None of them used a vast range of martial skills, relying solely on their fierce combat skills.

Xiang Nan nodded slightly. Just this alone made him have a good impression on the people of Moon Shadow. At least, these people would not ignore the lives of mortals.

The leader said, "Xiang Nan, I heard that you have a good relationship with the Southern Conquest King. Please forgive us for having to attack you today. If possible, we hope that you can escape and not force us to kill you."

Xiang Nan closed his eyes and said, "Since we can't reach an agreement, please take action."

Inexplicable sword lights began to flicker in the air again. These sword lights came from unknown directions, without any warning at all.

As for Xiang Nan, he closed his eyes in the face of the enemy's fierce attack, which made the people of Moon Shadow feel very puzzled.

However, the next scene left them dumbfounded.

Xiang Nan's body glided to the left. His speed was not fast, but he suddenly made a move and pointed out a Moon Shadow member in the air.

This finger directly stabbed at the Moon Shadow member's throat.

Following that, Xiang Nan turned his hand and pointed behind him with his left hand, pointing at the other member of the Moon Shadow.

His body soared into the air. Almost at the same time that his hands pointed out, he jumped into the air and suddenly fell down. His legs knelt in the air, kneeling on the shoulders of the two Moon Shadow members, pressing them to the ground.

In the previous instant, these people had been hiding in the air at an extremely high speed, coupled with their formidable concealment ability, not showing any outlines.

Now, he was being controlled by Xiang Nan with such precision and clarity.

"There's no need to fight. You guys leave."

Before the next round could begin, the leader had already waved his hand and summoned all of his team members back.

Xiang Nan smiled.

The leader said, "They are not your opponents. There is no point fighting any longer. I am not talented. I will personally experience Mr. Xiang's moves."

As he spoke, the leader emitted invisible ripples. These ripples did not appear in the air, but anything enveloped by the ripples could generate feedback and return to the leader's comprehension.

This move was similar to Xiang Nan's mind, but it wasn't as comprehensive as his mind.

He already knew every detail of his surroundings like the back of his hand.

But strangely, neither the leader nor Xiang Nan attacked, and both of them lowered their heads.

It was as if he was carefully comprehending something.

In the leader's senses, the wine glasses, plates, dishes, the surrounding diners, tables and chairs, and even the main building of the inn became incomparably clear in his heart.

"He's calculating." Xiang Nan said to the snake in his heart, "This person is different from his subordinates. He does not believe in intuition and only calculates accurately in the envelope."

"He is affecting all the surroundings, forming the shape of numbers in his heart."

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