Chapter 1393 Sea Of Fire

Chapter 1393 Sea Of Fire

The entire city's people and martial artists were panicking.

"Monster invasion! Monster invasion!"

The scene fell into an apocalyptic panic. Countless people rushed onto the streets, some desperately looking up at the whales in the sky, some desperately hugging their heads and fleeing for their lives.

Tens of thousands of rays of light rose from the city. These rays of light rose up into the sky and immediately turned towards the east, transforming into a meteor shower.

Those were all martial artists who had the ability to fly.

The inn was also in chaos. Some people jumped down from the window. The waiter didn't want his own inn anymore. He didn't even have time to gesture for his luggage and ran away with his head crossed.

Xiang Nan sucked in a breath of cold air, "The demon race has always been neutral, but why did they suddenly invade the Western Emperor Continent?"

"Look over there!" Sun Dianxiong suddenly pointed at the sky beneath the whale's stomach.

That was the direction of the meteor shower where tens of thousands of martial artists had fled. To the west was the Demon Emperor Continent. To the east, they would go deep into the heart of the Western Emperor Continent to seek help.

Right there, a black tower-shaped object appeared beneath the whale's belly and above the meteor shower of martial artists.

This thing should be more than three hundred meters tall, but under the cover of the whale, it was almost hard to distinguish, making it look very pocket-sized.

"Black Tower!" Xiang Nan grabbed Sun Dianxiong's arm and shouted, "Run! Run!"

"Run as far as you can, don't come back!"

When Xiang Nan said those words, the black tower in the distance had already lit up.

A small ring appeared, and then a spark exploded in the meteor shower.

Xiang Nan knew that the small ring was the Qi Wall that filled the black tower. It was a talent blow! Because it was too far away, it looked like a small white ring.

As for the dense meteor shower, they were all martial artists. Once they were struck by the innate energy wall, they would instantly self-destruct and have no ability to resist.

At this time, a black tower appeared above the inn.

The three hundred meter tall black tower floated above the inn and looked in all directions. There was an identical black tower floating in all directions in the entire city. There were a total of thirty-six black towers that covered the entire area.

"Hurry up and leave!" Xiang Nan grabbed Sun Dianxiong by the collar and shouted, "Don't turn around! Run as far as you can, or all of you will die!"

The black tower above him began to tremble.

Sun Dianxiong saw that Xiang Nan was not joking. He was also shocked by the black tower's strange ability and said, "Brother Xiang, where are you?"

Xiang Nan said, "Ignore me, you guys leave quickly! Use your fastest speed!"

Sun Dianxiong gritted his teeth and immediately flew east with his subordinates.

Fortunately, they were all late Divine Martial Realm experts, and their flying speed far exceeded that of the Sonic Qi Wall.

However, even so, it was still very dangerous. Because there were black towers in every region, Sun Dianxiong and the others immediately surpassed the black tower above them, but at the same time, they were also heading towards the other black towers.

Buzz …

Thirty-six black towers that covered the entire city began to flicker at the same time.

Sun Dianxiong and the others increased their speed to the limit and fled desperately in the gap between the rings of Qi walls.

Fortunately, Xiang Nan reminded them in time. When the thirty-six annular gas walls spread out to one another, they happened to have escaped from the city through that crack.

Five seconds ago.

Just as Sun Dianxiong and the others left, Zhang Haiyue immediately condensed his Dipper Qi into the shape of two arms. He escaped from his waist and swallowed a Origin Pill into his stomach.

Five Meridians Origin Pill!

Xiang Nan immediately recognized the number of innate meridians contained in the Origin Pill.

Zhang Haiyue sneered and waved to Xiang Nan, "Goodbye."

Each black tower had a total of five floors of Qi walls! The five layers were stacked together and spread out in a ring.

Five Meridians Innate Strike!

This was something Xiang Nan hadn't expected. Who was going to control the black tower when the five meridians were struck by innate talent?

Even five-meridian martial artists would be suppressed by these five layers of energy waves, causing their bodies to explode in an instant!

Zhang Haiyue swallowed a five-meridian Origin Pill. His Origin Pill talent was immediately offset by the black tower's Qi Wall, leaving behind his own true talent.

However, Zhang Haiyue couldn't laugh anymore, because he discovered that Xiang Nan was standing in front of him intact.

"It's not possible!" Zhang Haiyue was ready to see Xiang Nan explode in front of him, but this did not happen.

Within five seconds, all the martial artists in the entire city exploded!

The Innate Strike was only aimed at martial artists. By suppressing their cultivation realm, their martial techniques lost their foundation, causing them to self-destruct.

However, ordinary people were not afraid of this kind of Qi Wall. It didn't matter whether they had a cultivation realm or not, because they hadn't practiced any martial arts or techniques. Instead, they could escape a calamity.

The Qi Walls engulfed the mortals, but the mortals felt a slight weakness in their bodies and did not cause any adverse reactions.

On the other hand, a large number of martial artists who didn't have the ability to fly and had slow reactions and didn't have time to join the Meteor Shower self-detonated. The flames they produced were divided into dots in various parts of the city.

A large number of civilians were instantly destroyed into ashes by this self-detonating wave of fire.

Even so, at least seventy to eighty percent of the people in the city were still alive.

On the other hand, countless tiny white scales suddenly opened up on the whale's stomach in the sky, and a pillar of flame spurted out from each of the scales.

Millions of flame pillars condensed into a flaming tsunami that engulfed the entire city.

Countless humans were burned to ashes in the flames.

A child about four or five years old hugged his head and ran while crying. His hair burned and his clothes burned.

"No, no, don't burn me, don't burn me …"

The child cried loudly. A fire was burning on his back. He cried and ran. He tried his best to breathe, but the flames took away the air he could breathe. He even sucked the flames into his lungs.

The tiny figure staggered and fell to the ground. Its entire body emitted flames, and it struggled to squirm a few times. There was no longer any movement.

Some parents pounced on their children, using their flesh and blood to block the flames, but the flames burned, leaving behind three black corpses.

Some old men stood by the window and watched the scene with tears in their eyes. They were engulfed by the flames that poured in from outside the window and were unable to say a word until their deaths.

Xiang Nan felt as if he had been struck by lightning. He felt as if the heavens and earth were spinning. Looking at the human tragedy, it was as if another tragedy had occurred on the steel continent.

But this time, the speed at which humans were slaughtered was more than a thousand times faster than that of the Steel Continent!

Why …

Xiang Nan punched Zhang Haiyue in the face, knocking him upside down, causing his left cheek to collapse.

"What did you do!" Xiang Nan roared angrily.

However, Zhang Haiyue's face was filled with horror. He didn't expect Xiang Nan to survive. He didn't even know what other method he could use to kill this man named Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan's fist rained down on Zhang Haiyue's face, chest, shoulders, stomach, thigh, and calf.

Zhang Haiyue was unable to be immediately killed by Xiang Nan because of his first level Martial Saint realm.

He endured Xiang Nan's anger.

Those fists smashed into Zhang Haiyue's shoulder, breaking his shoulder bones, smashing his flesh and blood into mud, smashing the mud into blood foam. Blood foam splashed into the air, and with Xiang Nan's fists, they were swept back onto Zhang Haiyue.

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