Chapter 1396 World Sound Transmission

Chapter 1396 World Sound Transmission

The war was approaching and was about to break out. Everyone was mentally prepared, as if an all-out war between the two emperors of the Northwest was inevitable.

However, no one had expected that the war would start in such a manner, with Beihuang Baihe as the resource provider and the demons as the swordsmen.

The online newspapers that the demons had ambushed the Western Emperor Continent quickly spread out like snowflakes across the various regions of the world.

Even in the Battle of the Five Emperors, he did not show his face. For some reason, he was persuaded by the Northern Emperor to participate in this dispute.

The Demon Emperor's intervention caused the situation to undergo a qualitative change.

The Southern Emperor, who had unswervingly supported the Western Emperor, began to hesitate.

The attitude of the Eastern Emperor became even more critical. The battle between the three emperors of the north, south, and north made it necessary for the Eastern Emperor to stand.

Or with the two emperors of the southwest, devour the Northern Emperor and the Demon Emperor, or vice versa.

However, no matter what, as long as the Southern Emperor helped the Western Emperor, the Eastern Emperor would stand. If the Eastern Emperor intervened, they would fall into a new five-emperor battle. This time, the onlookers would no longer be the neutral Demon Emperor, but the Demon Emperor who had been eyeing the humans covetously at the beginning of the month.

The world was in turmoil, and there seemed to be only two last paths left for mankind.

Either they would ignore the battle between the two emperors in the northwest and let the scale of the war stay within a small range, leaving them to fend for themselves.

Either directly participating in the battle would result in a new Battle of the Five Emperors. Before or after the battle ended, the invasion of the Demon Emperor would inevitably come. At that time, they would fight to the death with the Demon Emperor, and everyone would be finished together.

Either way, Beihuang's actions were pushing humanity into the abyss of despair.

As the storm approached, the humans of the Six Emperors World had already begun a large-scale escape plan. The pessimist faction said that they wanted to dig an underground world as deep as three thousand meters deep to avoid the flames of war in the Battle of the Five Emperors.

After the war, the humans hiding in the underground world also used their own actions to show that they were willing to give the world to the Demon Emperor. Humans were submerged beneath the surface of the earth, and from then on, humans became invisible reptiles.

On the other hand, the radical faction expressed that they would give up the Six Emperors World and give it to the battlefield, while they chose to enter this plane to avoid catastrophe.

This plane wasn't the only one in Xiang Nan's world. In fact, there were many other planes.

However, the result of doing so would definitely arouse the resistance of the inferior planar martial artists, thus erupting in a subplanar war.

At that time, the Six Emperors World and the Inferior Plane were engulfed in war at the same time, and the survival of humanity was still uncertain.

In addition to the pessimists and radicals, there is a relatively neutral conservative.

Conservatives argue that the main problem in this battle is not hiding, but dissolving.

If someone could persuade the demons to give up interfering in the human race's battles, then the battle between the two emperors in the northwest would be easily resolved. At that time, the Northern Emperor would lose the confidence to swallow up the Western Emperor and end up in a truce.

In fact, the conservatives had really done the same. They had sent two groups of envoys to the Demon Emperor Continent to try to meet the Demon Emperor for negotiations.

However, the apostles who went to negotiate did not hear anything. Humans had sufficient reason to believe that it was the demons who refused to negotiate and directly killed the human messenger.

However, this did not cut off the confidence of the conservatives, who believed that the Demon Emperor's determination to fight had not yet reached its peak.

One could tell from the invasion of the western border of the Western Emperor Continent by the demons.

After the Monster Race's sneak attack plan was interrupted, the Monster Race did not immediately send more reinforcements to attack the Western Emperor Continent. Instead, they had remained silent until now.

However, there was still no clear message as to who had interrupted the Monster Emperor's sneak attack plan.

Some people said that the Eastern Emperor had secretly dispatched Moon Shadow's experts to intercept the sneak attack of the demon race, but others believed that Moon Shadow did not possess such formidable strength.

The Nine-tailed Fox, one of the Eight Great Monster Sovereigns of the Monster Race, died at the border of the Western Emperor Continent. Although the Nine-tailed Fox was the last of the eight, there were only a handful of people in the world who could kill her.

Apart from the Six Emperors, the only sect master who had the strength to kill the Nine-tailed Fox was the sect master of the six super sects of the human race.

The people of the World-saving Sect had once appeared in the Western Emperor Continent, which was the most suspected target. However, the World-saving Sect had always advocated helping the world and saving others. The style of killing the Nine-tailed Fox and the World-saving Sect were not the same.

The heads of the other five super sects did not show any signs of moving in the Western Emperor Continent.

In that case, Beihuang Baihe, who bordered the Demon Emperor Continent, and the Western Emperor became the last two suspicious targets. In the end, everyone decided to target the Western Emperor in collusion with the Demon Race.

Some people believed that the Western Emperor had killed the Nine-tailed Fox and interrupted the Monster race's sneak attack plan, causing the Monster Emperor to become hesitant again.

The scale of the invasion of the demon race was not large. It was interpreted by humans as a tentative attack. If everything went smoothly, it would strengthen the confidence of the Demon Emperor in annexing the Western Emperor. Fortunately, the truth was exactly the opposite.

Humans began to admire the position of the Western Emperor, believing that he had great courage! In the face of disaster, daring to kill one of the eight Demon Clans without hesitation was equivalent to refusing to bow to the enemy forces in the face of danger.

In contrast, the Eastern Emperor and Southern Emperor, who had been watching the wind, had instead become cowardly mice that were disdained by others.

However, only the Twin Monarchs and Demon Monarchs of the Northwest knew the truth.

Ever since the Demon Emperor launched the sneak attack, they had been monitoring the heads of the six human super sects with a clear attitude, while the Northern Emperor's people were also monitoring the Western Emperor.

They knew that the one who killed the Nine-tailed Fox was not the Western Emperor, and the Western Emperor himself was well aware of this.

Since none of the people who had the ability to kill the Nine-tailed Fox had appeared at the border of the Western Emperor Continent during that period of time, then who was the mysterious person who killed the Nine-tailed Fox?

This mystery had become one of the factors that truly made him uncertain.

At this sensitive time when everyone's hearts were tightened, any unexpected powerful expert's intervention would directly lead to the outcome of the war.

Until we find out who this person is, perhaps peace will last for a few more months.

Perhaps, some people had already thought of a general outline, such as Beihuang Baihe.

Although he couldn't be 100% sure of what he was thinking, he still had his own thoughts.

It was on this day that Beihuang Baihe spoke for the first time in the world with great might.

This speech left everyone confused, unable to see the truth behind the fog, and unable to guess the true intentions of the Northern Emperor.

This was because this was the first time the Northern Emperor had displayed his voice in public. However, this was an unprecedented time, and it was not aimed at a single faction, but at a single human.

Xiang Nan.

The Northern Emperor's voice spread throughout the six regions, including the Endless Forest.

"Today, as the Bai Clan's Grand Ancestor and one of the Six Emperors, Bai He and I will announce a person's situation."

"This person is a traitor who escaped from our Bai Clan. And now, he claims to be Xiang Nan."

"It's also him. He officially declared war on the Nature Sect half a month ago. That's right, this and that Xiangnan belong to the same person."

"These next words are for those who are dealing with Xiang Nan and those who intend to deal with him."

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