Chapter 1400 Defection

Chapter 1400 Defection

In Xiang Nan's eyes, Zhang Haiyue's words were no different from heresy, a trick commonly used by dictators.

However, Zhang Haiyue's words did wake Xiang Nan up.

You didn't do anything, you just sat back and enjoyed it.

What did I do? Xiang Nan asked himself, he had always claimed that he wanted to save his world and drive away the invaders.

But what did he do?

All he had done was to play with the Bai Clan and the Profound Sky Sect in their conspiracy, destroy them as much as possible, and delay their plans.

But this behavior is like, a chess piece.

Xiang Nan realized that he was just a chess piece on the chessboard, desperately trying to swallow the other chess pieces of the Bai Clan, but in the end, he was still on the chessboard. Everything he did could only bring a small hindrance to the Bai Clan's big chess game.

What he should really do was not obstruct the Bai Clan's chess game, but as a chess player, stand up and call the chessboard directly on the opponent's face!

Feng Xuan once said that in front of absolute strength advantage, all schemes and tricks were just a joke.

But he still didn't have absolute strength, could he just wait? Waiting for the heavens and earth to grow old, waiting for the Bai Clan to take control of the entire world, then he would carry his saber and kill all the humans in the world represented by the Bai Clan?

"Play a game?" Xiang Nan cut his palm, allowing drops of blood to flow out and gather in his palm.

"Tell me." Zhang Haiyue said nonchalantly.

Xiang Nan said, "Your Nature Sect is planning to mobilize the demon race to help the Northern Emperor attack the Western Emperor. Although I don't know what you've done, it's obvious that you're almost done."

"The current situation is no longer within your control. The overall situation has been decided. You are just wrapping up. Try your best to allow this plan to continue in a more satisfactory manner."

Zhang Haiyue said, "Continue."

The blood in Xiang Nan's palm was getting more and more. He said, "You are no longer important now, but do you want to play with something more exciting?"

"Help me fight against the entire demon race, the Bai Clan, and the Nature Sect with the strength of the two of us."

Zhang Haiyue's eyes lit up. It sounded like this plan was even more exciting!

"Why should I help you?" Zhang Haiyue couldn't suppress his fanatical expression.

Xiang Nan said, "The only reason you were able to accomplish today's feat was because of your status in the Nature Sect. Without all of this, how much change would you be able to make to this world?"

"You are not helping me, but I am turning into a knife, fulfilling your greater ideal."

"Go find the Demon Emperor!" Zhang Haiyue slapped his thigh and went straight to the point, "Convince the Demon Emperor to withdraw from this plan! This is all you can do now."

This Zhang Haiyue changed his face when he said that. He was not even willing to wait for Xiang Nan to convince him, so he couldn't wait to help Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan finally understood that the people of the Nature Sect were all madmen. That was not an adjective, but a true madman.

Zhang Haiyue didn't even hesitate for a second when he came up with an incomparably arrogant and bold idea.

Xiang Nan seemed to be deep in thought. He had also thought of this point, but it was not easy to persuade the Demon Emperor.

Since the Demon Emperor had already made a move, it meant that he had considered it thoroughly. Just by relying on his hard work and using Zhang Haiyue's style to influence the Demon Emperor with morality? To let the Demon Emperor discover his conscience and give up?

It was a joke.

Morality was a means by which the superior restrained the slaves, and these two words did not apply to them.

"Very difficult." Xiang Nan said.

The blood in his palm had already gathered into a small strand. He placed it on the leaf and handed it to Zhang Haiyue. He said, "Drink it."

Zhang Haiyue hesitated.

"If I want to harm you, I will do it directly," Xiang Nan said.

Hearing this, Zhang Haiyue drank his blood.

However, not long after he drank it, Zhang Haiyue's face suddenly flushed red, and he was extremely excited.

He quickly sat down cross-legged, and a faint white aura actually emitted from above his head.

Immediately after, the strength of Zhang Haiyue's aura began to soar at an astonishing speed! His physical strength and fitness had also greatly improved.


Zhang Haiyue couldn't suppress the impulse in his heart, and a furious roar resounded through the nine heavens.

The entire forest began to tremble.

"This … this is!" Zhang Haiyue looked at his body in surprise, "My strength! My strength!"

Xiang Nan said indifferently, "You have already heard Bai He's words. I have eaten three types of divine pills, and after you drink my blood, the power of these three types of divine pills will also appear in your body."

Zhang Haiyue was so happy that he could no longer express all of this in words, but what made him even more surprised was still to come.

Xiang Nan faced Zhang Haiyue and released a raging flame.

Elemental Invasion!

Zhang Haiyue was overjoyed and fell into great sorrow. He was shocked, but in front of Xiang Nan, he didn't even have the courage to escape.

However, the flames did not burn Zhang Haiyue to death. Instead, the arms that he had lost grew back!

"Revive by bathing in fire!" Zhang Haiyue sucked in a breath of cold air. He even had the urge to kneel down and kowtow to Xiang Nan.

How could this be? Happiness came too suddenly!

Not only had he not been brutally killed by Xiang Nan, he had instead obtained a portion of the effects of the three divine pills?

"Do you know what those five meridians martial artists are used for?" Zhang Haiyue said.

Xiang Nan said, "Tell me, I'll listen."

Wasn't it used to refine the Five Meridians Origin Pill?

Zhang Haiyue said, "I didn't lie to you before, but I didn't tell you the complete truth. Five-meridian martial artists can indeed refine five-meridian Origin Pills. However, the nearly 1,500-meridian youngsters you saw weren't prepared for the Origin Pills."

"Rather, I want to give them to the Demon Emperor's subordinates, the Eight Great Demon Sovereigns."

"Purpose?" Xiang Nan asked with interest.

Zhang Haiyue then revealed a plot that shocked Xiang Nan.

The demons didn't have any talent, and Xiang Nan knew this long ago.

The number of meridians and grade of a human martial artist's innate talent determined his martial arts attainments and how long he could walk on the path of martial arts.

However, the so-called talent of the demons did not exist. What they relied on was their bloodline!

Foxes were always easier to cultivate than dogs. The higher a race's bloodline was, the stronger a human's innate talent would be.

Just like the Desert Queen, she also had no talent. However, she was the desert snake race, the successor of the royal bloodline of the demon race. Therefore, regardless of whether it was her cultivation speed or her attainments in the future, she was no ordinary calf demon or Xiaolu demon.

The person in control of the black tower would also receive a blow from his innate talent. Even so, he could dodge it by swallowing the Five Meridians Origin Pill.

However, in this world, there were too few people with five meridians talent, and they were simply not enough.

Therefore, Bai He came up with a heresy idea, allowing the demons to directly control the black tower!

The demons weren't restricted by their innate talent.

However, how to persuade the demon race was something that came up with a lot of ideas.

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