Chapter 1402 Play Big

Chapter 1402 Play Big


Xiang Nan waved his fist and scolded himself for being extremely stupid!

The Bai Clan was not a commercial clan. How could they have the ability to secretly split and disintegrate the Huangpu Clan in another world?

The Bai Clan had made such a big commotion in their inferior plane world and even created a spatial passageway, but the people of the Six Emperors World didn't know anything about it!

It was because behind it was a natural sect that was knowledgeable and grasped almost all of the resources, intelligence, and information in the Four Emperors' region, helping!

The Nature Sect could call upon all the information of the Six Emperors World, or they could intentionally seal off a portion of the information.

From the Eastern Emperor, the Southern Emperor, and the Western Emperor, they didn't know what the Bai Clan had done to the second plane.

Xiang Nan rubbed his temples and sighed, "What a big game."

Heavenly Devil Religion, no wonder they were a bunch of lunatics. They were as crazy as the Nature Religion.

The Heavenly Devil Religion was an extension of the Nature Religion. In other words, Dream Butterfly was also a member of the Nature Religion.

However, Xiang Nan forcefully convinced herself that Dream butterfly was still young, so it was impossible for her to know about these plans. She was only a member of her own world, and was absorbed by the growing Heavenly Devil Religion.

Xiang Nan kept telling himself that all of this conspiracy had nothing to do with Meng Die. She did not know about it, and she would not harm her brother Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan did not comment.

Zhang Haiyue said, "How is it? Do you still think that our Nature Sect is a group of young people who only know how to play tricks?"

Xiang Nan was silent.

Zhang Haiyue said, "Although this plan is very complete, there is a small problem, and that is you."

"Just like my attitude towards you, from the beginning, no one thought that you would create any waves. It was already too late when this small wave of yours grew bigger and bigger and evolved into a monstrous wave."

"You already know who I am." Xiang Nan said.

Zhang Haiyue nodded, "Of course. Otherwise, when there were so many people in the Veluriyam Sect, why would I kill you instead of provoking anyone?"

"I was just helping the Bai Clan solve a small problem, but what I didn't expect was that I didn't succeed."

"And Bai He is not honest. He actually didn't tell us about the three divine pills you ate and the White Tiger Formation."

"It caused me to misjudge your abilities. Otherwise, I wouldn't have fallen into this state."

Zhang Haiyue did not underestimate Xiang Nan. If Xiang Nan hadn't eaten the Vermillion Bird Divine Pill, Xiang Nan would have died several times when the two of them fought at the border for the first time.

"There's another person. I'm scared." Zhang Haiyue said.

Xiang Nan nodded, "Xuan Qingzhu."

Zhang Haiyue said, "I knew her a long time ago, but after seeing her last time, I finally understood that a woman can be so ruthless."

"Bai Muchen, it's not wrong for you to die at her hands."

"Why did you take Little Sparrow away?" Xiang Nan asked.

Zhang Haiyue said, "You are indeed thinking in the wrong direction. I do not intend to kill your little bird, nor do I intend to play with it."

"That's the most peculiar little demonic beast I've ever seen. I'm going to give it to the Demon Emperor as a small gift."

"Have you already offered it?" Xiang Nan asked.

Zhang Haiyue shook his head, "Not yet."

"Even today, the Demon Emperor is still hesitant. She is determined to help White River, but she is unable to accurately judge the direction of the battle."

"If we destroy the Western Emperor, we will pay a huge price to the Demon Emperor. She is also unwilling to accept this kind of cooperation, so she is probing."

Xiang Nan said, "The calamity that destroyed the city two days ago was the Demon Emperor's first test."

Zhang Haiyue nodded and said, "There have always been different voices under the Demon Emperor. He has eight subordinates, and of these eight, only the Nine-tailed Fox supports cooperation with White River."

"My task now is to give the other eight great gifts so that they can see for themselves the power of the Demon Origin Pill and shake them up. I also support the joint efforts of the Demon Emperor and White River."

At this point, Zhang Haiyue thought for a moment and said, "If it weren't for you interfering, the thousand youths from the five meridians would have already been refined into Demon Origin Pills in front of the Sovereign Profound Snake."

"Sovereign Profound Snake!" Xiang Nan patted his forehead and said, "So it's her!"

"No wonder, before I left, she said that a group of humans were going to pay tribute to her."

When the snake girl and Xiang Nan parted ways, she did say that, but Xiang Nan did not realize what she was referring to at that time.

Zhang Haiyue told Xiang Nan that the eight Monster Race clansmen had always been at odds with each other.

This joint plan with White River made the relationship between the Eight Paragons even more intense because of their different thoughts.

The Black Snake and the Nine-tailed Fox had a grudge against each other a long time ago. This time, the Nine-tailed Fox stood on the Demon Emperor's side and wanted to get rid of the Black Snake for absolute reasons.

Coincidentally, he was met by Xiang Nan.

Zhang Haiyue was also shocked when Xiang Nan said this.

He didn't expect that the Nine-tailed Fox would actually sneak back and attack the Sovereign Profound Snake. Otherwise, it was very likely that they would encounter that great battle. Perhaps, they would all be killed by the Profound Snake.

"Then why is the Black Snake cultivating a human cultivation technique?" Xiang Nan asked.

Zhang Haiyue said, "She has been cultivating human martial arts for hundreds of years. She thinks that the demon martial arts are too narrow-minded and do not have the tolerance of a human martial art that can swallow mountains and rivers and take everything."

"Not only do we humans have all sorts of different attributes of martial arts, we also have all sorts of strange profound arts."

"Sovereign Profound Snake is very yearning for human culture. She firmly believes that the future of the demon race is bound to be unified with the highly intelligent human race."

"That's why she doesn't recommend that the Demon Emperor attack the Western Emperor Continent. Doing so will create hatred between humans and the demons."

"Perhaps the demons can obtain the Western Emperor Continent, but it's not worth it to turn against all humans because of this."

Xiang Nan nodded, "She doesn't want the Demon Emperor Continent to become the second endless forest."

Xiang Nan asked again, "When the World-saving Sect declared war on me, the Demon Emperor said that if you can't afford it, don't play. Why?"

Zhang Haiyue laughed, "Do you think he is speaking for you? You are wrong, he is mocking our Nature Sect."

"What he means is, either don't do it or do it big. Even you, a small Xiang Nan, can't die. This means that we still don't have the greatest determination to get things done."

"However, Bai He answered her. It was yesterday that we heard Bai He's world sound transmission."

"He told the Demon Emperor with his actions that if we want to kill a person, we are not afraid of losing our dignity! We can use the Dragon Slaying Knife to kill an earthworm, and we will not frown."

Xiang Nan asked, "How should I convince the Demon Emperor?"

Zhang Haiyue said, "It's very difficult. The Demon Emperor is a top-notch expert. He won't listen to the Supreme Profound Snake. In the eyes of a top-notch expert like the Demon Emperor, there are only two things he can see. One is benefits, the other is threats."

"Bai He, you've already shown the Demon Emperor your benefits. If you don't have any greater benefits for the Demon Emperor, you can only show the Demon Emperor your threats."

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