Chapter 1414 Poison

Chapter 1414 Poison

This debate lasted for three hours, and even the radical factions had already decided on the route and target of the attack.

The Demon Emperor had not spoken from the beginning to the end. After he heard the reason, he nodded slightly, expressing that he could understand.

But now, the Demon Emperor signaled everyone to stop and said, "Let's first take a look at the power of the Demon Origin Pill before coming to a conclusion."

On the spot, a demonic wolf man who had been selected beforehand entered everyone's field of vision.

This demonic wolf ate a demonic essence pill in public and transformed into a Second Grade demonic beast!

It was a fire wolf! His entire body turned red. At this stage, the combination of his flesh and blood body and elements had reached a balance point, officially stabilizing in the second stage region.

If it was any less, it would deflect towards the flesh and blood, and if it was any more, it would collapse towards the pure elementium creatures of the third stage.

The second stage was a combination of half elementium and half flesh. He possessed a terrifying control over elementium.

Demons had strong immunity to spiritual energy, while Second Grade demonic beasts had astonishing dominance over elemental energy!

Apart from Dao Luck, there were no more effective ways to harm Second Grade demonic beasts.

This scene shocked all the demons, and their hearts leaned towards the radical faction.

The people from the Nature Sect finally breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on their faces.

As for Zhang Haiyue, he glanced at Xiang Nan indifferently. Although he didn't say anything, he was clearly urging Xiang Nan to think of a way quickly. Otherwise, there was no way to save him.

In fact, apart from the Snake Girl, even the other three Autarchs who had been standing on her side were shaken.

"May I say something?" Xiang Nan suddenly raised his hand.

"You don't have the right to speak here!" Autarch White Ape suddenly looked coldly at Xiang Nan and shouted, "Humble human!"

The Monster Emperor, however, pressed down his hands and signaled for everyone to calm down. "Everything we did was based on the threat that humans posed to us. I think we should listen to the opinions of the human race."

No one expected that the Demon Emperor would actually agree!

What is happening here, what is being discussed, is how to deal with humans! They didn't immediately rush over and tear Xiang Nan into pieces. It was already extremely rare for this human to actually want to speak.

Xiang Nan cleared his throat and floated up from the Southeast Palace.

At this moment, everyone's gazes were focused on Xiang Nan alone.

The Master of the Dream butterfly looked at Xiang Nan with interest and said to herself in a voice that only she could hear, "What kind of pleasant surprise can he bring me? There is actually some expectation."

Xiang Nan first bowed to the Demon Emperor and then said, "I heard the reasons from both sides just now. As a bystander, I also feel that what they said makes sense, but they didn't get to the point."

The demons were furious.

The Demon Emperor suppressed his hand once again to calm everyone down. Only then did he say to Xiang Nan, "Tell me the reason."

Xiang Nan said, "Radicals and conservatives are all thinking about the future of the demon race. However, there is a very serious problem that they did not expect."

"That is, can the Demon Origin Pill really turn the demon race around? This is the most important point."

As soon as he said this, Zhang Haiyue immediately gave Xiang Nan a thumbs up.

The Demon Emperor smiled and said, "Why not? We've already shown it just now. This shows that the Demon Origin Pill is still very effective."

Xiang Nan shook his head, "I'm not referring to this. Let me ask everyone first, how should we improve our strength?"

"Do you want to increase your martial skills? Do you want to increase your physical strength? Or do you want to increase the strength of your Astral Qi and Demonic Qi? Or do you want to increase your weapon? All of these are fine."

"But our energy is limited. We can only choose one of them at most."

"The demon race has been cultivating martial arts for so many years. Now, it's too late to suddenly start to devote more energy to evolution, isn't it?"

Xiang Nan raised a finger and said, "The human race has a kind of thing called Insight Technique. After practicing it, it is very powerful, but it takes too long and distracts too much energy, so most human martial artists abandon it."

The Demon Emperor thought for a moment and said, "You compared the Demon Origin Pill to an Intent Decision? Do you think the Demon Origin Pill will distract us?"

"Nonsense!" Autarch White Ape angrily said, "Intent Art is too inefficient to cultivate. That's why it was abandoned by humans. However, the Demon Origin Pill is instantly effective! If you eat it, it will immediately work!"

A mocking voice came from the scene, and he felt that Xiang Nan's brain had gone crazy. He actually compared the Intent Art with the Demon Origin Pill.

However, the Demon Emperor did not laugh. Neither did the elders and elders of the Nature Sect. There was even a serious expression on their faces.

Xiang Nan nodded his head and said, "Eating the Demon Origin Pill will yield immediate results. However, the crux of the matter is that the human race does not have that many five-meridian martial artists. They can cultivate into the Demon Origin Pill for you to eat."

"If I were a demon, if my friends ate the Demon Origin Pill and suddenly turned into a Second Grade demonic beast, do you think I would be able to sit still? Do I still have the heart to cultivate any martial techniques?"

"What will I do? I will desperately search for the Demon Origin Pill. I also want to eat it!"

"I will waste my entire life searching for the Demon Origin Pill. My cultivation will be wasted in this long period of time."

With a wave of his hand, Xiang Nan swept across the entire black forest and said, "The powerful effect of the Demon Origin Pill has caused you to immediately give up your pursuit of martial arts and place your dreams on a small Demon Origin Pill."

"However, the number of Demon Origin Pills is extremely limited. You have seen how good it is. You will desperately want more. However, this is not realistic."

"It has disrupted your Dao Hearts, causing you to want to ascend to the heavens step by step, forgetting about your original heart that is steadily climbing step by step."

Xiang Nan smiled faintly, "The Demon Origin Pill is not the future of the demon race, but the poison that blocks the future of the demon race."

At this moment, everyone fell silent.

That's right. The reason why weapons can be pursued by every martial artist is because every martial artist can have at least one weapon of their own. However, the Demon Origin Pill is not like this.

A demon beside you ate the Demon Origin Pill, and it suddenly far surpassed you. Are you still cultivating? What the hell is there to cultivate? After cultivating for decades, someone else can crush him after consuming a single pill. Is there any point in cultivating?

"We can let some people eat it." The supreme white ape said, "We can choose the most outstanding young men and women from every race. After eating the Demon Origin Pill, we can reproduce the descendants of Second Grade demon beasts!"

"It will be an incomparably long process," Xiang Nan said. "In this process, you are already enemies of humans. You will suffer a frenzied counterattack from humans."

"Look at the fate of the demons right now. That's your future."

Autarch White Ape said, "We can also eat distant experts to resist the attacks of humans! They are powerful."

"Are these people going to sacrifice themselves, or are they going to reproduce?" Xiang Nan said.

"Let me give you the most important advice."

Xiang Nan paused and said, "Even if you really let Second Grade demonic beasts resist humans, it would still be useless, because Second Grade demonic beasts are no match for the Bai Clan."

"Why do you say that?" Autarch White Ape was furious. He believed that Xiang Nan was using a contemptuous gaze to slander the demon race.

Xiang Nan smiled faintly. He held the hilt of the saber in his right hand and said, "Because, I am the Bai Family."

"I can prove to you that none of the demons on the scene can resist the attacks of the Bai Clan."

"If you don't believe me, you can send someone to fight me. I can fight until you are convinced."

At this point, Xiang Nan added another fierce offensive. He said, "Furthermore, I'm using your own martial skills to hit you."

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