Chapter 1418 I Love Them

Chapter 1418 I Love Them

Xiang Nan said, "The advantage of speed can indeed be ignored. When you reach a certain speed, even if the enemy sees your attack, they will not have enough speed to dodge. This will turn the combat consciousness into a chicken rib."

"However, once your combat awareness increases, you will be able to predict your attack path."

'"The biggest flaw of the speed attack is that it is too fast, so it doesn't have the space to change its moves. Even if you miss the enemy's body, you can't change directions temporarily and chase after the enemy immediately."

"So …"

As Xiang Nan spoke, he also gave up dodging and flew around.

The flames that filled the sky were swept together by Xiang Nan, forming a flame barrier!

This was still within the scope of the Fire Cloud Technique, but it had changed the way it was used, turning the attack into a form of protection.

And that flame barrier was very, very mansion! It was only about half a meter wide and two meters high. Because it was narrow, it made up for Xiang Nan's lack of attainments, allowing more flames to condense into a smaller area, causing the density of the flame barrier to increase.


The next time the Blazing Dog charged, it didn't even have time to stop. It directly smashed into the fire barrier. He was bounced back by the fire barrier, causing his shoulder bones to shatter, and even four or five of his ribs to break.

Xiang Nan flashed out from behind the fire barrier and smiled, "The speed type attack is very powerful, but the trouble is, once the enemy can accurately determine your path, your advantage will become your death hole."

Pa pa pa!

The Demon Emperor smiled and applauded, "Well said."

At this moment, the people of the demon race were speechless.

The people of the Nature Sect were also speechless. They never expected that Xiang Nan's understanding of martial arts had reached such an astonishing level.

Xiang Nan went straight to the point and told everyone the reason for his victory without any concealment.

Everyone knew why Xiang Nan was able to win, but he was unable to do so.

Battle consciousness is different from martial skills. You can tell others about martial skills. As long as others have time, they will basically be able to learn them.

However, even if you told him clearly about battle consciousness, he wouldn't be able to learn it, because consciousness wasn't something that could be obtained through learning.

Consciousness should be a martial artist's most precious treasure. To a certain extent, it was the same as the innate constitution. It was something that could be encountered but could not be sought.

However, the most terrifying thing was that Bai Wuya wasn't the only one who had done so, because Xiang Nan wasn't the only one who had learned from Bai Wuya in the Martial Tower. At that time, there were many more people who had learned together.

However, Xiang Nan was still the only one who obtained Bai Wuya's true inheritance.

"Be sincerely convinced." The Blazing Dog lost its arrogant attitude. He bowed to Xiang Nan and said, "Thank you for your mercy. In fact, the moment I hit the barrier, you had the chance to pierce through my heart, but you didn't do so."

Xiang Nan knew that he would definitely hit the barrier, and he also knew that the moment he hit the barrier, he would immediately stop. At that time, it would be an excellent opportunity to kill his Blazing Dog, and the Blazing Dog would definitely not be able to defend itself.

However, these were still not the results that Xiang Nan wanted. He wanted a more shocking scene to suppress these demon clansmen.

Xiang Nan shook his shoulders and began to move his hands and feet again, saying, "Do you want to try attacking in groups?"

"Perhaps you all think that I have a way to unlock the power of the Fish Tuo and the speed of the Blazing Dog, but what if multiple enemies attack me at the same time?"

"Should I focus on deciphering power or speed? Will I be in a rush and mess with myself?"

Xiang Nan said, "Please send out more than ten demon experts at a time. I want to fight ten, twenty, thirty, and a hundred of them at your disposal."

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air, unable to believe their ears.

"This is outrageous!" This time, even the Sovereign Fire Dragon was enraged. He roared, "You don't put us in your eyes!"

"Are you here today to trample on the dignity of our demon race? But we treat you like a guest!"

"We will give you the right to speak and even challenge our qualifications!"

Xiang Nan bowed to the Sovereign Fire Dragon and said, "It was precisely because of my respect for the Demon Emperor and the friends of the demon race that I was able to ruthlessly accept such a challenge."

"I need the friends of the demon race to realize their shortcomings as soon as possible. This shortcoming cannot be made up by merely using Second Grade evolution."

"I know that this will offend you, but if you can deepen your understanding of martial arts because of this, then I will lose this notoriety."

No matter what others thought, at least the Demon Emperor, Snake Girl, and Master of Dream butterfly began to applaud.

"What kind of man is this?" Master Dreambutterfly murmured to himself with interest, "It is very difficult for you to analyze his character with his behavior at a certain stage."

"How many things did he carry from his own world to the Six Emperors' world?"

Xiang Nan's words conveyed a meaning that many people understood but were unable to do.

There are some things that we must do. Even if we sacrifice ourselves and offend everyone after we do it, we still need someone to do it. If others are unwilling, then I will do it.

Master Dreambutterfly suddenly realized that Xiang Nan didn't do so much for himself.

Everyone was living for themselves, but this Xiang Nan might not be.

"Who are you doing this for?" The Demon Emperor suddenly asked, "For the sake of the Western Emperor?"

Xiang Nan shook his head and smiled, "If I said it was for the sake of life, you guys would definitely laugh at me for speaking too fake and pretending."

"Then you should think that I am doing this for the Bai Clan. In order for my enemy, the Bai Clan, to have no chance to grow stronger."

The Demon Emperor said, "There is a question. If you can answer me sincerely, I will agree to your request."

"Excuse me." Xiang Nan said.

The Demon Emperor said, "Why do you go against the Bai Clan? With your personal talent, you can take on very important responsibilities in the Bai Clan. You can even be nurtured as an elder."

"Are you telling the truth?" Xiang Nan asked.

"Tell the truth," said the Demon Emperor.

Xiang Nan nodded and thought for a moment before saying, "I have very good parents. They have no grace to me for giving birth, but they have grace to nurture me."

"I have a very good grandfather. He showed me that as a man, he should have the responsibility. When the family was down to the point where there were only a few people left, he never gave up on his efforts."

"I have very good friends. They can risk their lives for me. They can use their bodies to block my swords and knives. If necessary, they can give their lives to me."

"I have a very good master. She treats me as if I were herself. If I want it, if she can do it, she is even willing to take off the sun and give it to me."

At this point, tears flashed in Xiang Nan's eyes as he said, "However, the Bai Clan did not give me any of this. However, the Bai Clan's cold blood did not bring me hatred. Instead, it made me realize that I did not have nothing. On the contrary, I had too much."

Xiang Nan took a deep breath and looked at the Demon Emperor, saying, "Like you, I love these people who treat me well. I don't want them to die."

"If the Bai Clan's plan succeeds, everything I care about will be destroyed by the Bai Clan, just like the Bai Clan destroyed me back then."

"I love them, I want to give them a good life, so I can only fight with my teeth clenched! Whoever dares to attack the person I love, I will f*ck his eighteen generations of ancestors! Even the Bai Clan is no exception!"

The Demon Emperor smiled and said, "Yes, you are the same as me."

"Come on, Xiang Nan."

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