Chapter 1431 Almost Died

Chapter 1431 Almost Died

Doing that would be too inefficient.

The serpent said, "If their true bodies can be imprisoned in dreams, that is to say, dreams are another real world to them?"

"Try and see if you can catch them in your dreams."

Xiang Nan smiled and said, "Your idea is a bit too fantastic. However, you can try it. After all, they are anti-law creatures. Perhaps they can really do it."

Xiang Nan entered a dream from afar.

In his dreams, all the real surroundings were in his dreams.

In the human world, Xiang Nan often did this, but in his dreams, there was no way he could have a real impact on the real world.

What about this time?

Xiang Nan floated into the valley with common sense. Sure enough, those Nether Wolves immediately discovered Xiang Nan in their dreams!

"Heavens, the Nether Wolf in reality has seen me!" Xiang Nan's eyes widened.

"These things are too shocking! They can actually see my dreams!"

"Catch! Catch!" The big snake urged.

Three Nether Wolves had already pounced towards Xiang Nan.

"Ha, I'm immortal in my own dreams." Xiang Nan reached out and grabbed the claws of a Nether Wolf.

That sharp claw cut into Xiang Nan's wrist, but it was actually not cut off!

Xiang Nan tossed his hand and directly ran a Nether Wolf into his dream! He then transformed into a dream cage and imprisoned it.

"Hahahaha, you really can!"

Xiang Nan laughed excitedly. He threw one Nether Wolf after another into his dreams and imprisoned them. In less than a minute, with Xiang Nan's speed, three hundred Nether Wolves were all in his pocket!

"Find that spider!" "That spider is even more powerful than the Nether Wolf. It can directly annihilate an anti-law creature," the serpent said excitedly.

"Let's see if there are any other small spiders in that place."

Xiang Nan immediately flew into the sky and arrived at the continent above his head.

It was here that he encountered that strange little spider the last time.

However, this time, Xiang Nan stood in the depression and looked around. He didn't find any small spiders.

Xiang Nan muttered, "I remember that it was the little spider that fell from the sky. Could it be in the area between the two continents?"

Xiang Nan raised his head and looked up. There was nothing special in the middle of the two continents.

But looking at it, he suddenly discovered something.

A small ball that looked like the fruit of a certain plant had a large number of small protrusions on its surface.

Although the two continents weren't far apart, they were still tens of thousands of meters away. The small fruit was only the size of a watermelon, floating in the middle of the void. It was really difficult to find it.

Moreover, this thing was not easy to attract attention.

Xiang Nan floated over curiously and circled around the small fruit twice, saying, "Where did this thing come from?"

"There don't seem to be any giant trees nearby. Where did they get the fruit?"

The serpent said, "It may not be a fruit. You only use human logic to judge. Perhaps this fruit itself is a tree."

"Strange." Xiang Nan reached out and grabbed the watermelon-sized fruit in his hand, saying, "Is this thing … edible?"

"I wonder if eating the plants from the Nether Realm will have a miraculous effect."

"My God, quickly put it down!" The big snake suddenly cried out in alarm.

Xiang Nan didn't react for a moment and said, "What's wrong?"

"Put it down, put it down! That thing isn't a plant, it's a creature!" The big snake's face turned green.

"You're in a dream now! You can only touch an anti-law creature, but the fact that you can touch this little ball now means that it's not a plant at all!"

Xiang Nan was also shocked and hurriedly let go of his hand.

Just as he let go of the ball, the ball suddenly exploded.

A dense cluster of small spiders spread out from the ball!

Too many!

Upon closer inspection, there were probably over a hundred of these little spiders, all of them wrapped in plants!

These spiders were too close to Xiang Nan. When they exploded, they immediately covered Xiang Nan's entire body!

His hair, neck, and clothes were filled with spiders. Some of them even began to drill into Xiang Nan's ears.

Xiang Nan felt his hair stand on end as he got goosebumps all over his body. He hurriedly shook his body and threw all the spiders out.

"I'm rich!"

Xiang Nan shouted angrily and formed a small sphere out of thin air. This sphere was made from a dream, and its outline was exactly the same as the spherical fruit just now.

Xiang Nan couldn't care less about being disgusted. He took a deep breath and the strong wind sucked all the spiders into his mouth. Then, Xiang Nan aimed at the Dream Ball and blew it out again, blowing all the spiders into the ball.

In the end, he completely sealed the ball and held it in his hand.

"My God, luckily it was in a dream." Xiang Nan's personality caused him to not be afraid when he gathered spiders. It was like fighting with humans. He was the type who grew more courageous the more he fought.

However, once he succeeded, he would start to be afraid, so scared that his hair would stand on end.

Fortunately, it was in a dream! If he accidentally touched this small ball in reality, wouldn't he be dead to the point where not even dregs remained? He didn't even have the chance to be reborn after bathing in flames.

He recalled that he had traveled back and forth between the two continents several times in this damned place, and felt his back go cold.

Now that he remembered it, every round trip back then was likely to hit this small ball.

"Hurry up, hurry up and go back! I'll see where your body is! Hurry up!"

One uneven wave after another!

The big snake's sharp voice broke Xiang Nan's thoughts. He hurriedly looked at his body and discovered that a snake had already arrived at the foot of his true body.

Xiang Nan was in a dream, but his true body was still sleeping in the Nether Realm!

"Holy sh*t!"

Xiang Nan cursed loudly and quickly flew towards his true body.

The vaporous black snake had already arrived at Xiang Nan's feet. It only tentatively stuck out its tongue and licked Xiang Nan's boots.

The boot immediately collapsed, annihilated, and formed the most basic elemental particles!

If he licked it again, it would reach the soles of his feet!

Xiang Nan had witnessed this process of material annihilation before. If he was licked by a snake to the sole of his foot, then he would definitely lose more than one foot!

Instead, an obliterated black hole would collapse on his feet. The flesh and blood around his feet would collapse into elementium particles and collapse together. The collapsed area would grow larger and larger until Xiang Nan's entire body collapsed into an elementium particle that was so small that he was eventually swallowed by the black snake.

This snake was at least on the same level as the little spider!

Xiang Nan was so frightened that his soul almost flew away.

The snake finally reached out again and licked Xiang Nan's toes.


Xiang Nan's dream body whistled past. Just as the messenger was about to touch the toe of his true body, he grabbed the black snake.

He didn't even have time to look at the black snake. Instead, he immediately turned around to look at the soles of his feet.

Fortunately, the soles of his feet were intact.

"Hu …" Xiang Nan broke out in cold sweat. "Damn it! I almost died here."

If he really died here, then he would be wronged!

After spending so many days in the Nether Realm, he hadn't died. After obtaining Nether Silver, Nether Iron, and capturing the dragon-shaped creature and Nether Wolf, he was about to leave when he was licked to death by a snake. Wouldn't that be useless?

"Hurry up and leave. This place is too dangerous." The snake's voice trembled.

Even after knowing that he could deal with the Nether Realm with the Dream Dao, Xiang Nan almost died!

Just how terrifying was this damn place!

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