Chapter 1438 Make A Move

Chapter 1438 Make A Move

Everyone's faces were filled with hope, as if they had seen a new dawn.

The members of the military applauded as well, praising the outstanding contribution the Caiguang Clan had made to the world.

The big shot continued to explain how difficult it was to make this Spiritual Energy Cannon!

Spiritual stones are not difficult to obtain. Formations, for example, have taken 40 to 50 years to develop. The key is the barrel materials of the Spiritual Qi Cannon.

It had to be able to withstand high temperatures. Until the last three years, the Caiguang Clan had not found suitable materials. In the past, the materials were not even enough to fire a single spiritual energy bomb. The barrel of the gun would instantly melt into molten iron.

Then … Wait, wait, wait.

A series of difficult questions were deliberately underestimated by the big shots, proving just how much the Caiguang Clan had contributed.

The atmosphere at the scene reached its peak, and everyone was overjoyed.

Only then did Xiang Nan realize that the second joyous thing that the woman from the Caiguang Clan was referring to was this.

The great figures claimed that the birth of the spiritual energy cannon was an epoch-making invention. In the future, they would mass produce this kind of spiritual energy cannon and sell it to the military at the cheapest price in order to do their bit for the world.

Xiang Nan whispered to the woman from the Caiguang Clan, hoping to introduce himself to that important person.

However, this woman appeared to be in a very difficult situation. She said that Xiang Nan had already met the important figures of the Caiguang Clan, but he was not qualified to talk to the upper echelons of the Caiguang Clan.

Xiang Nan frowned and whispered, "You promised me."

The woman said guiltily, "Sorry, I really …"

At this time, the great figure of the Caiguang Clan announced another important event. That was, he had already invited Gale to the banquet.

All of a sudden, everyone went crazy.

Someone even pulled open a huge banner with the name of Gale and the picture of a sturdy man written on it.

The woman from the Caiguang Clan no longer had the mood to pay attention to Xiang Nan. She looked at the sky excitedly, her eyes filled with admiration, waiting for the arrival of the strong wind at any time.

Soon, a ray of light appeared on the horizon. A human flew over at a "very slow" speed.

Everyone cheered and jumped, and countless people shouted "Gale".

Xiang Nan was not interested in seeing the wind at all. He held a glass of wine in his hand and wondered how he could get in touch with the upper echelons of the Caiguang Clan.

Are they going to walk over directly? I'm afraid they won't talk to me. Otherwise, why don't we just capture them?

If he did this, what was the difference between him and those scum he hated?

Just as he was thinking, a strong wind descended.

Xiang Nan heard many young people say excitedly, "He can fly! He really can fly!"

The strong wind landed steadily on the ground with a calm smile on his face. This person was over 1.9 meters tall and had a country-shaped face. He looked extraordinary and heroic.

However, Xiang Nan was surprised to discover that this gale was injured.

He had a few broken ribs, and there was a poison flowing in his body, which weakened the power of the gale.

But the gale did not show itself, perhaps to keep the public from worrying.


A strange laugh came from the crowd. It was from the strange person who possessed the water element.

All the drinks on the scene floated up and quickly flew towards the strange person, condensing into a huge water ball in the air.


The scene immediately became panicked, but the crowd quickly quieted down, because they knew that they were safe with the strong wind.

The strange man walked out of the crowd with a sinister smile and said, "Gale, I didn't expect you to really dare to go on the road. Why, aren't you suffering enough?"

Gale's expression was solemn, but he didn't make a move.

Everyone was looking forward to the strong wind beating the strange man to the ground, but this scene did not occur.

"What, you don't dare to make a move? Is your poison still uncured?"

The strange person's words caused the scene to fall into panic again. The woman looked at her idol, Gale, with incomparable worry.

"Since you have good news to announce today, then I will join in. We also have important news to announce."

"We have formed the World Extermination Organization! We want to exterminate all mankind! This world should be completely shuffled and taken over by us mutants!"

"A tiny human doesn't deserve to live in this world!"

"And the World Extermination Battle will start in three days …"


Before he could finish speaking, a military general carried a spiritual energy cannon and fired at the strange person.

The strange person quickly dodged, and the spiritual energy cannon deflected and exploded outside the manor. A huge heat wave rolled back, blowing everyone into pieces.

The crowd screamed and fled everywhere.

The strong wind gritted his teeth and finally moved. He took off on the flat ground and rushed towards the strange person.

"Haha, you're clearly injured, but you're still trying to be brave. Alright, I'll kill you today!" The strange person immediately condensed the wine into an ice shield.

Gale Peng slammed into the ice shield and was bounced back.

Xiang Nan could tell that the strength of this gale far surpassed that of an outsider, but the poison affected his strength and made him fall into a weak state.

This scene caused the crowd to panic to the extreme.

The strange man grabbed Gale's neck and shouted, "Is it great to have a Spiritual Qi Cannon? Everyone present here today is going to die!"

"Gale, I'll take you first!"

The strange person condensed an ice crystal dagger and stabbed the gale's neck. However, the gale's physical fitness still existed. This stab did not pierce through it.

The crowd scattered and fled, crying and shouting endlessly.

Xiang Nan ignored it. He really didn't want to interfere in this world's battles. That was unfair to anyone in this world.

In the chaotic scene, Xiang Nan was the only one holding a glass of wine and lowered his head to ponder. He was still thinking about how to approach the upper echelons of the Colorful Light Clan.

"Caiyue, run! My child, run!"

In the crowd, a woman's voice caused Xiang Nan to suddenly raise his head.


The woman from the Caiguang Clan rushed towards the outsider for her idol's sake.

"Don't come over!" Gale was being held hostage by an outsider and he hurriedly persuaded the woman to retreat.

The woman didn't listen at all. She picked up a broken table leg from the ground and smashed it on the mutant's head.

The strange person sneered and threw out a few ice crystals, shooting towards the woman.

At this moment, a shadow flashed and blocked the woman's path.

A few ice crystals smashed into the shadows and shattered.

It's Xiang Nan.

Gale was shocked, and the woman was also shocked.

Seeing Xiang Nan's two-meter-tall figure turn around, the woman still did not react. She was shocked and said, "You … are you an outsider?"

Xiang Nan fixed his gaze on the woman and said, "Your name is Caiyue?"

The woman subconsciously nodded.

"Whoosh" Xiang Nan sighed and said, "Alright, for the sake of this name, I'll help you today."

As he spoke, Xiang Nan turned around and walked towards the strange person.

"What, are you also an outsider? What is your ability? Are you iron and steel?" The outsider smiled sinisterly.

As he spoke, he threw out a string of ice crystals to attack Xiang Nan.

The ice crystals landed on Xiang Nan's body, not even a single hair bending.

"Good acquaintance!" The alien took a deep breath and circulated his power to the limit, blowing towards Xiang Nan.

The cold wind tried to freeze Xiang Nan into an ice sculpture.

Xiang Nan remained expressionless and did not retaliate. The cold wind blew on his body, not even affecting him in the slightest.

Under the astonished gaze of an outsider, Xiang Nan walked in front of him and said, "Let's go. Don't come back. I don't want to hurt you."

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