Chapter 1464 Wood

Chapter 1464 Wood

It was still the same place where Xiang Nan had jumped away from before. The water elements he had transformed into had condensed back into his original form.

In front of him stood five experts.

"What happened?" Xiang Nan frowned.

In that instant, his body uncontrollably disintegrated into water elemental energy, and he returned to his original path uncontrollably.

"Xiang Nan, you are ours!"

A woman rushed forward first.

These people were more decisive and did not have any unnecessary conversations. They were much happier when they came up and fought.

The situation on Xiang Nan's body happened too quickly, causing him to not have the chance to judge the enemy's situation.

He could only hurriedly block the blow with his backhand saber, and the heavy sword in the woman's hand slashed fiercely onto the giant saber.


Xiang Nan, who was in the 1st level of the Divine Martial Stage, was directly struck backwards by the female expert at the 7th level of the Divine Martial Stage, and several giant trees were smashed apart in succession with a thunderous rumble.

As for the heavy sword in that woman's hand, if she dared to fight against a huge saber made of pure Nether Silver, the result would be a crash, shattering it into pieces on the ground.

"What?" The woman was shocked and only held a lonely sword hilt in her hand.

The man frowned and fiercely knitted the water sword in his hand.

Xiang Nan suddenly appeared on the spot again. He was still flying backwards. Originally, he had already flown ten miles away, but in the blink of an eye, he was pulled back.

He was greeted by four heavy swords!

They had long known that Xiang Nan would be dragged back to this place and had made an attack in advance.

Xiang Nan immediately summoned his Dream Body and raised his cultivation to the fifth level of the Divine Martial Arts. He struck back with a single saber, but he was able to attack first, hacking together with the four heavy swords at the same time.

Clang clang clang clang clang!

Four loud noises rang out, and the four heavy swords shattered together!

The four of them were also struck by violent lightning energy, and their bodies froze for a period of time.

Xiang Nan attacked and chased after them, hacking three people in a row!

When the fourth person was about to be hit, he turned into a water element and was dragged away by the tall man.

"What kind of damn reaction is this!" The tall man scolded angrily, "The Northern Emperor did not mention this!"

The two of them transformed into water elementium and quickly fled into the distance.

"You want to leave?" Xiang Nan's horizontal saber immediately slashed out with a single slash of light.

The second Light Slash struck the two fleeing men, directly splitting them in half.

At the same time, a hand behind him rested on Xiang Nan's shoulder. The tall man's ferocious voice sounded, "You've been fooled. Those two are just dummies condensed from water elements."

Xiang Nan's heart sank, and he immediately turned around to attack.

However, there was no way he could seize the first opportunity without any calculations or intentions.

The water sword transformed into a stream of mercury-like liquid that entered Xiang Nan's shoulder along the tall man's arm. It quickly transformed into a water cord and tied Xiang Nan up.

"You can't escape." The tall man laughed loudly, "This water cord is made of pure elemental dao luck, so you can't even release your Dipper Qi, you can't even break free …"

Buzz buzz!

Under Xiang Nan's control, the giant saber suddenly rotated and slashed towards Xiang Nan himself.

The blade sliced through the water cord, splitting the water cord in half!

"Damn it!" The tall man's expression changed, "This is impossible!"

Xiang Nan was tired of hearing the most words the enemy had said.

The giant saber cut through a shadow and pierced through the man's chest in an instant.

This saber had a saber spirit. Without Xiang Nan personally holding it, it could even complete some offensive movements.

The woman grabbed the water sword and immediately fled into the distance.

Xiang Nan was even faster. Thunder and lightning exploded all over his body. His left hand grabbed the woman's shoulder, and the giant saber in his right hand pierced through his body! He stabbed the woman's back in the opposite direction.

All five of them died, none of them alive.

Xiang Nan hurriedly disbanded his Dao Luck. He had already used a total of three minutes.

"It really is a variety of methods. There are all sorts of methods." Xiang Nan frowned.

The serpent said, "These people are all chasing after you with their sect's treasures. You will face unimaginable attacks."

Xiang Nan grabbed the water sword and said, "This thing is quite peculiar. I wonder if I can …"

Before he could finish speaking, an aged voice suddenly came from the water sword.

"Come back."

The water sword dissolved into water elemental energy in Xiang Nan's hand, turning into a mist and fleeing into the distance.

"Perhaps he is the true owner of the water sword." Xiang Nan shook his head.

He was almost able to find the World Exterminating Divine Lightning just now, but he was pulled back by someone in a critical moment.

This made Xiang Nan very annoyed. This was the third time he was going to perform a spatial jump.

Still accurate positioning.

He jumped 70,000 miles away and left a crack on the spot.

As soon as he left, two trees around him joined together and condensed into a man with an evil expression. The man also jumped into the crack.

Xiang Nan stepped forward while the man followed suit.

"I still can't feel it." Xiang Nan's heart skipped a beat. Even though he was already here, why couldn't he sense the fluctuations of the World Devastating Divine Lightning?

"This is …"

Suddenly, Xiang Nan discovered that two extremely slow tentacles wrapped around his waist.

If these two tentacles came too quickly, he would definitely be able to detect them, but they were too slow, so slow that Xiang Nan ignored them.

"Whip vine." Xiang Nan suddenly turned around and saw an evil and charming man's face.

"Can this thing trap me?" Xiang Nan sneered.

The man licked his lips and said, "Little bastard, give it a try."

Tree vines? Wrapping around Xiang Nan? What a joke …

Xiang Nan's body trembled and he was about to shake the vine away, but then he was stunned.

The tree vine was not vibrated, but Xiang Nan himself became …


Xiang Nan suddenly discovered that his body had actually turned into wood! It was like a human sculpture carved out of wood.

The man said excitedly, "Your body has already been assimilated by the wood elements. During this period of time, you are simply unable to withstand a single blow from me."

The man raised his fist and fiercely punched Xiang Nan in the chest.

This man's realm was at the eighth level of the Divine Martial Arts. The power of this punch could crush Xiang Nan, who was at the first level of the Divine Martial Arts, but it was not enough to kill Xiang Nan.

However, the strange thing was that Xiang Nan's heart was pierced through by that man's punch after his body turned into wood!

Large amounts of wood fragments flew about. It was a fragment of Xiang Nan's chest that had been smashed open.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The man retracted his hand, still holding a beating wooden heart in his hand.

The man looked ferociously at Xiang Nan and lifted Mu Xin up, "You know what, I don't need you to speak personally. I can let the trees read the story in your heart."

"Your Taiyi Divine Art cannot be kept a secret from me."

"But … bastard, why aren't you dead yet!"

Xiang Nan's heart was pulled out, but he was still alive! This scene made the man feel incredulous.

This was the ability of the Black Tortoise Divine Pill, but it was a passive ability that could not be "released". Its manifestation could only be discovered by the enemy after Xiang Nan was hit at the vital point. It turned out that Xiang Nan no longer had any so-called vital points.

Therefore, even Bai He didn't know about this passive ability. Everyone only knew about Xiang Nan's rebirth after bathing in flames.

"What, surprised?" Xiang Nan's right hand trembled and the giant saber flew towards the man.

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