Chapter 1474 Thousand Kills

Chapter 1474 Thousand Kills

Bai He was trying to force Xiang Nan and even the Demon Emperor to stand in line.

If you don't work with me, I'll cause trouble everywhere. Wait until someone else kills me, then I'll kill you next. Are you coming?

In the small world Xiang Nan was in, all the martial artists had already fallen into panic.

They realized that Bai He had really used them as guns, and only now did they come to their senses.

"Aren't you going back yet?" Xiang Nan said.

Luo Jiahui smiled and said, "You're scared. You used such words to scare us. You wanted us to leave, but you forgot a very important place."

Luo Jiahui pointed at the rift in the sky and said, "Once we enter that place, we will go to the interchange station that leads to all directions!"

"After we learn the Taiyi Divine Art, we can quickly hide in other planes! In the future, when we have the ability to deal with White River, we will return to the Six Emperors World!"

Luo Jiahui's words quickly ignited the flames of hope in the hearts of all martial artists.

That's right! The world was so big and there were so many planes! If we hide, the White River won't be able to find everyone.

"What, an accident?" Luo Jiahui laughed proudly, "Didn't you think of this?"

'"You're just wasting your time talking so much. If this matter comes to an end, it's impossible for us not to kill you. Even if we let you go now and return to the Six Emperors' World empty-handed, would White River believe us if we said that we didn't obtain the Taiyi Divine Art?"

Xiang Nan let out a long sigh and said, "Both of you are descended from the horizon. I can't go back to the Six Emperors World, and you guys have become rootless people. You can't go back either."

"They are all people who have lost their homes. Why bother arguing with each other? I advise you to run for your lives for the last time. Don't waste your time on me."

These people who ran out to chase after Xiang Nan would never be able to return. There was only one end to returning, and that was death.

Luo Jiahui said angrily, "Hand over the Taiyi Divine Art! Otherwise, I will destroy this world!"

Xiang Nan sighed, "It's really hard to see a coffin without shedding tears. I don't want to fight with you because of my own long-term considerations. I want to save my life."

'"But if you force me into a hurry, I will use up my last time to increase my cultivation. Of course, perhaps I will be killed by the pursuers. But for you, you are the ones chasing me now. You are just digging your own grave and using your own lives as stepping stones for others."

"You don't have that kind of ability." Luo Jiahui said, "You can't kill all of us. You don't have this chance!"

Xiang Nan said, "I have analyzed so much with you, but I know that after I have finished speaking, it is still impossible for you to let me go. But do you know why I have wasted so much time?"

Xiang Nan raised his hand and pointed at the crowd. "I'm just analyzing your positions, because next, I have to know clearly where all of you are. In this way, I can quickly kill all of you within five seconds."

Luo Jiahui said, "How shameless!"

"You can think so," Xiang Nan said, "but you don't have a chance to correct your mistakes."

After he finished speaking, Xiang Nan instantly summoned his dream body and immediately launched a hypervelocity collision!


Light speed trap, complete!

Compared to Xiang Nan himself, the entire world had entered the Slow Speed Realm.

When Xiang Nan was speaking earlier, he had been observing the enemy's position. These people stood in a very chaotic manner. Some of them blocked off others, while most of them were behind the crowd. It was very difficult for the eyes to determine the exact location.

Xiang Nan had to take the positions of these people into his heart in advance and master them perfectly.

Now was the time.

Xiang Nan picked up the huge saber, and lightning flashed on the blade!

He only had five seconds. He had a thousand enemies!

Every second, he had to kill 200 people!

Because these people's realms were too high, Xiang Nan was unable to charge forward like a string of sugar gourds, piercing through the entire row of people.

When he bumped into the first person, the first person would bump into the people behind him. It was like a group of neatly arranged small balls that were suddenly hit by another high-speed small ball, causing all the small balls to quickly disperse. Xiang Nan had to re-judge the location of the other small balls.

This was clearly not enough to kill 200 people per second! So he had to deal with it one by one.

However, killing two hundred people per second was simply an impossible task.

Xiang Nan had once moved at the speed of light and full speed of light, but he was unable to complete the terrifying project of turning 200 times a second within a few meters or so. Every time he forcefully turned, he would suffer tremendous inertia damage to himself, eventually causing him to be killed by himself.

When Xiang Nan was wasting his time talking, he was already thinking about this question. Now, he had already thought of the answer.

The moment the trap was completed, Xiang Nan instantly retreated a full ten li.

After that, he thrust the giant saber into the air and shouted, "Disband!"

The four-meter-long saber immediately dissolved into countless silver balls!

Xiang Nan summoned his avatar and quickly formed an acceleration seal, increasing his speed to the speed of light.

Afterwards, he charged towards Tie Shan and collided with the liquid silver balls at full speed of light.

All the liquid silver spheres turned into objects moving at the speed of light. They were smashed into a sector of radiation by Xiang Nan.

Countless liquid spheres scattered out at the speed of full light, using the strength of Nether Silver!

Pupu pupu pupu!

The speed of light trap had arrived too quickly. The thousands of martial artists didn't have time to condense their Astral Qi Shields. They hadn't expected Xiang Nan to possess such an ability. It was impossible for him to condense his Astral Shield without foreknowledge.

Amidst the dense popping sounds, the liquid Nether Silver Balls crazily pierced through the rows of martial artists!

When the light-speed substance collided with a human body that had no laws and no Dipper Qi shield to protect it, that scene was simply too spectacular.

However, due to the characteristics of the Light Speed Trap, all of the martial artists' enemies were in a slow domain. After the Light Speed Nether Silver pierced through their bodies, it only brought out a string of blood arrows, but their bodies were still intact.

It was impossible for Xiang Nan to perform this set of actions in normal battles, but he could complete it in five seconds.

Xiang Nan had also set the direction of the liquid Nether Silver, ensuring that no warrior would be left out by mistake.

At the same time that the liquid Nether Silver pierced through the martial artist's body, the five seconds of the Light Speed Trap had passed.

Time recovered.

Xiang Nan hugged his shoulders and watched indifferently as the thousand-odd martial artists suddenly became free.

"You" Luo Jiahui saw Xiang Nan a moment ago, not far from her, but now she suddenly noticed that Xiang Nan had teleported ten miles away.

However, before the word "you" could be said, Luo Jiahui suddenly collapsed.

It collapsed without warning!

His skin instantly left his body. His originally soft and tenacious skin was like burnt ashes that fell off his body.

Immediately after, his muscles, bones, and all of them shattered into pieces. With a loud bang, his entire body exploded into a gorgeous spark that filled the sky.

Peng peng peng peng!

More than a thousand martial artists exploded one after another, like a beautiful scene where a thousand fireworks rose into the sky at the same time and blossomed at the same time.

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