Chapter 1509 Declined

Chapter 1509 Declined

After the distance between the two sides grew longer, Xiang Nan left the True Fire Sword's domain.

The serpent said, "Hurry up and go back. Bai Wudao is now banished, unable to escape the gravity of the Black Domain. However, after his weakness period has passed, he will be able to recover to the Martial Saint Second Layer."

"At that time, he will gradually break free from the gravity of the Black Domain and slowly break free."

Xiang Nan returned one by one from the spatial rifts he had crashed into before, returning to the previous plane universe.

At the same time, the spatial rifts slowly healed.

"How long before he returns?" Xiang Nan frowned.

"It's hard to say," said the snake. "That depends on how efficient he is in finding this world. Maybe a few days, maybe a few months. There's no way to calculate this."

"Enough." Xiang Nan nodded and flew towards the planet where the human world was.

The serpent said, "Hurry up and raise your cultivation realm. This kid's talent and strength are too strong. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to escape the next time I meet him."

"This time, he was too conceited. He didn't use the True Fire Sword's Dao Luck from the beginning. If he had used it from the beginning, then you would have been killed by him long ago."

"To be fair, he is indeed qualified to be your old enemy."

"That True Fire Sword is indeed very troublesome." Xiang Nan said.

After returning to the Ascending Heaven Sect, Xiang Nan's return left everyone stunned.

No one could imagine what Xiang Nan had done, and Bai Wudao had actually not followed him back.

"Where's Bai Wudao?" A disciple from a super sect shouted.

Xiang Nan was hesitating whether he should fight with these people.

Bai Wudao had used his strength at the sixth level of the Divine Martial Stage to kill Feng Yun, who was at the first level of the Martial Saint Stage. As for himself, he was at the fifth level of the Divine Martial Stage. If he were to forcefully fight, he should be able to kill one of them.

However, there were about fifty people on the other side, so it wouldn't be easy to fight.

"Fuck off." Xiang Nan lightly spat out a word.

The disciples of the super sects hesitated. They didn't know if Bai Wudao had really been killed by Xiang Nan. If so, Xiang Nan would definitely have an even more powerful trump card.

Without Bai Wudao around, they really didn't have the courage to take this risk.

"Let's take a long view." A disciple of a super sect whispered, and then immediately flew out of the sky.

One person ran away. Although the remaining people were angry, one after another people fled. Those who wanted to fight had no helpers, so they could only leave together.

"Did you really kill Bai Wudao?" The ambitious man walked up and said in disbelief.

Xiang Nan shook his head, "It's not that easy. After all, Bai Wudao is at the second level of the Martial Saint Stage. I only temporarily banished him."

"How much time do we have?" The ambitious man hurriedly asked.

"At least a few days," Xiang Nan said. "It should be enough."

The ambitious man heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, we can wait for the mission to arrive."

He didn't directly say the word demon. The word demon was very sensitive in the human world.

Xiang Nan looked at the ambitious man and said, "What's your name?"

This person could be considered a more rational and thoughtful subordinate. Xiang Nan liked to deal with this kind of person, so he was more relaxed.

The ambitious man said, "My name is Li Huan."

Xiang Nan nodded, "Lead the other subordinates to stay in the Ascending Heavens Sect. I have a personal matter to settle."

After saying that, Xiang Nan expressed his gratitude to the old man from the Ascending Heaven Sect and flew away like a beam of bright light.

Li Huan looked up and found that the direction Xiang Nan flew in was the Eternal Darkness.

Xiang Nan returned to the demon race territory.

He first summoned a rank six demon nearby, and then expressed his desire to meet the Heavenly Tribulation Realm demon realm master.

After a while, the middle-aged man appeared.

"It's not time yet." The middle-aged man looked at Xiang Nan without a cousin and said, "But I don't think you came to find me for a mission."

Xiang Nan said, "The Bai Clan has been here before. I think you should have sensed it."

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "Are you here to be held accountable for not helping you?"

"If you don't have the ability to solve such a small problem, we won't be interested in cooperating with you, let alone helping you deal with your enemies."

Xiang Nan said, "You think too much. I never take it for granted that other people should help me. I will find a way to deal with my troubles, not just blame the heavens and blame others."

The man nodded, "Very well, I like your idea."

Xiang Nan said, "Let's get straight to the point. I know that you have a World Exterminating Divine Lightning here. I need this Divine Lightning."

"Conditions, whatever you want, as long as I can afford it."

The man said, "I can ask you one more question. Do you want the World Devastating Divine Lightning?"

Xiang Nan said, "Become stronger."

The man smiled and said, "The stronger you are, the more helpful it will be to us. But unfortunately, I can't give you the Divine Lightning."

Xiang Nan frowned and said, "I didn't say that I would take it for nothing. You can put forward any conditions. If possible, I am willing to help you do a few more missions to compensate."

The man shook his head and said, "Do you know why the Human Emperor did not continue to chase after our heavily injured Emperor after the Battle of the Five Emperors ten years ago?"

"Because of that divine lightning?" Xiang Nanqi said.

The man nodded, "This divine lightning can ignore the plane and conceal the entire plane. After locking onto my Emperor's aura, it can allow my Emperor to move freely without being detected by any emperor or Heavenly Tribulation Realm human martial artist."

"If I give it to you, then my emperor's position will be exposed quickly. How much do you think you can pay for this divine lightning?"

Xiang Nan gave up and muttered, "So this divine lightning can conceal a person's aura. It's actually such a strange attribute."

"But it's not that I can't give it to you at all." The man changed the topic and said, "As long as you continue to work for us, there will be a day when my emperor is no longer afraid of the Human Emperor, then the divine lightning will be useless. At that time, it won't matter if I give it to you."

"Understood." Xiang Nan cupped his fists and turned to leave.

The serpent said, "Have you noticed? What he said shows that the Demon Emperor is not hiding in the main camp at this moment."

"With that World Devastating Divine Lightning, the Demon Emperor can even operate in the Six Emperors' World without anyone noticing."

"Yes." Xiang Nan nodded, "Do you know what kind of divine lightning it is?"

"Of course." The serpent said, "Once you know the attributes, you will know who you are. That is the fourth ranked Void Divine Lightning."

"Nothingness?" Xiang Nan said, "This thing is very similar to the name of the Void Divine Lightning. What kind of attribute is it?"

The serpent said, "The Void Divine Lightning and the Void Divine Lightning are two completely different things. The Void Divine Lightning has an attribute called Nothingness."

"This divine lightning has eyes, and when it closes its eyes, it doesn't exist."

"The Demon Emperor must have borrowed this attribute of the Void Divine Lightning to conceal his own existence."

Xiang Nanqi said, "As long as it closes its eyes, it doesn't exist. Doesn't that mean that if it doesn't want to, even if I forcefully capture it, I definitely won't be able to catch it?"

The snake said, "Well, let alone you, even if I wanted to catch it, I wouldn't be able to catch it. This fellow is between existence and non-existence. It only exists when it wants to exist. If it doesn't want to, then no one can find it."

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