Chapter 1540 Blue Water

Chapter 1540 Blue Water

A storage ring could be seen as a door.

When making the storage ring, a powerful martial artist needed to cut a space and connect it to the storage ring. If someone put something into the storage ring, it would directly enter the small space through the storage ring's door.

Therefore, the characteristic of the storage ring was that ordinary martial artists couldn't do it. They didn't have the ability to cut through small spaces, while high-level martial artists could easily do it. This was because it wasn't too profound and unfathomable.

Because of this, storage rings could be mass produced and sold.

With his profound knowledge, Xiang Nan understood the principle that the storage ring could not store living things.

A small space stolen by a powerful martial artist could be considered a world of its own. However, this world was blank and there was no law of life. Thus, if a living creature entered a small space without any law of life, it would die, or even be directly unable to be accepted.

This was one of the biggest problems with the storage ring.

"But before, when we entered the blue lake, the water bag on my body did shrink along with me, didn't it?" Xiang Nan said.

The serpent muttered, "But your water bag has also failed."

Xiang Nan said, "Only two bags of water are ineffective because of damage. The other half can still be used."

"I just don't know why it's all moon spring water, but the spring water after the water bag breaks will be ineffective, and the undamaged ones will be intact."

"That tiny water bag can provide such a powerful protection? I don't think the problem is that simple. I need to take another look."

This time, Xiang Nan was well prepared. He directly brought fifty bags of spring water along and almost hung them all over his body.

Fortunately, the Blue Forest no longer had that Martial Saint Beast, so it could be considered safe.

It took Xiang Nan four days to arrive at the Blue Light Forest and find the lake again.

Xiang Nan said, "If the Moon Spring Water can also be scaled up, I don't have to follow the five-day rule in the future. I can stay in the secret realm for a longer time."

"I don't have to worry about getting lost. As long as I spend more time, I can always get out."

The other martial artists were afraid of getting lost in the secret realm because they had to return to Safety City within a certain period of time to replenish the water from the Moon Spring. Otherwise, they would become the Eternal Shadow. This was the crux of the matter.

"Let's try it first."

Xiang Nan put forty-nine bags of spring water on the shore, while he jumped into the lake with a bag of spring water.

After entering, he came out and opened the water bag. He found that the spring water inside was still intact.

The snake said, "So it seems that it is not entering the lake. The spring water will immediately lose its effectiveness. It must be due to some other reason."

"Maybe it's because you shrunk in the lake, causing the spring water to lose its effectiveness."

Xiang Nan brought the spring water and jumped into the lake twice. This time, he chose to shrink himself, return to normal, and then return to the shore.

At this moment, he untied the water bag nervously and poured some spring water into his palm to observe.

As a result, the spring water was still intact.

Xiang Nan was overjoyed and said, "The Moon Spring water can indeed shrink! Furthermore, it has not failed."

"It'll be much easier," said the big snake.

Xiang Nan muttered to himself, "Then why did the spring water in those two water bags last time lose its effectiveness? This matter must be clarified, or else I'll always feel like a lump in my throat."

"If we don't figure it out, we'll be caught off guard if we encounter any more problems in the future."

After thinking for a while, Xiang Nan opened a small hole in the water bag on his body and jumped into the lake for the third time.

Then he came out of the lake and poured the liquid into his palm.

Sure enough, the blue lake water mixed with the spring water, but after about a minute, the spring water and the lake water separated from each other.

Fluorescent blue lake water settled to the bottom, while light blue spring water floated above.

Xiang Nan scratched a layer of spring water and placed it in front of him to carefully observe and sense it. "Strange, the spring water mixed with the lake water, but the surface spring water is still usable. This means that the lake water did not pollute the spring water."

"But the last time I brought two damaged water bags in and out, the spring water can't be used anymore. Could it be …"

He slapped his forehead and an inspiration flashed through his mind. He jumped into the lake for the fourth time.

This time, he brought the damaged water bag with him and shrunk himself. Then, he returned to his normal size and jumped out of the lake.

This time, he poured out the liquid from the water bag and found that the spring water was useless and completely ineffective.

Xiang Nan said, "I see. So it's like this. As expected, it's the same as my guess."

"Do you know what's going on?" The serpent asked curiously.

Xiang Nan said, "After I jumped in with the damaged water bag, the lake water was poured into the water bag and mixed with the spring water. However, we all know that the lake water is not real water, but a highly concentrated space."

"However, since the lake water is under the laws of space, we will still follow the laws after entering the lake water. We will not shrink automatically."

"But at this time, the spring water has already mixed with the highly concentrated lake water."

"If I shrink now, then the lake water of my cyst will shrink with me!"

"It was originally super concentrated. Now, if you follow me to shrink it again, it would be equivalent to shrinking it twice. Isn't it going to directly crush the spring water to death?"

"Oh … I understand." The big snake suddenly understood.

Xiang Nan's body shrunk in the lake. He wouldn't shrink with the lake water. He only shrunk himself, and the lake water beside him was still the lake water.

But he would shrink the water bag as well. If the water bag contained the lake water, it would shrink again with him.

Xiang Nan said, "If that's the case, then I can rest assured that I can proceed to the next trial."

He took a drop of lake water from his palm, then picked up a complete water bag from the side, and placed the water bag on his palm as well, touching the drop of fluorescent lake water.

Immediately afterwards, he sensed the lake water and developed a hyperspatial perception ability. He thought to himself, "Shrink!"

Under Xiang Nan's personal witness, the water bag suddenly shrunk and disappeared, directly merging into that drop of lake water!

Xiang Nan's face was filled with ecstasy. With a thought, he used his hyperspatial perception ability to expand the water sac.

As expected!

In that drop of lake water, a huge monster suddenly grew out. It was a complete water bag.

Xiang Nan inspected it and was pleasantly surprised to find that the water in the water bag was still usable.

"Great! I've really found a chance to earn money this time! Ha!" Xiang Nan was overjoyed.

The big snake said, "Looks like you're going to find a new business opportunity."

"No matter what, get more lake water and continue to study after you return." Xiang Nan said.

He opened his storage ring and loaded ten carts of lake water from the fluorescent lake.

Each drop of lake water could be filled with a large number of water bags. These ten carts of lake water were more than enough. No matter how they were used up, they would not be used up.

Afterwards, he took out another drop of lake water and shrunk all of his forty-nine water bags into this drop of lake water.

"This kind of lake water is called blue water."

It would be much better to call it Blue Water because it would expose the origins of such a thing if it was called Spatial Water directly.

Although only Xiang Nan could use Blue Water like this, he was also the only one who could generate hyperspatial perception and wasn't afraid of others robbing him of business.

However, he was afraid that others would come and destroy the lake water here. The people in the Sacred Domain were filled with malice.

You can't do business that I can't do.

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