Chapter 1545 Fatal Danger

Chapter 1545 Fatal Danger

With the Coordinate Crystal Stones, there were conditions for establishing a safe route. As long as the route was really feasible, the cost would be recovered very quickly. It was not unreasonable for this item to be sold at such a high price.

However, no one bought this kind of thing. All of them came to buy it together and smoothed out a path together. Therefore, it was an unbearable high cost for an individual.

Xiang Nan had no choice but to rent a safe route.

He wanted to go deeper and farther, but the Great Fire Guild only had thirteen safe cities. There were only four safe routes from the thirteenth safe city to the depths of the secret realm.

The rent for each item and every ten days was ten low-grade Holy Spirit Stones!

The deeper the safe route, the harder it would be to open, and the higher the price, the more expensive it would be.

In other words, the martial artists who rented this route had to earn more than ten Inferior Grade Sacred Spirit Stones within ten days in order to not lose money.

This is a very, very exaggerated number, so very few people can take such risks.

This route was quite lucrative, but no one had been interested in it, and no one had come to rent it.

Xiang Nan was willing to take such a risk, but he didn't have the money to rent it. He only had eight Inferior Grade Sacred Spirit Stones, and there were still two left.

"Motherf*cker, no matter what, just rush forward!"

Xiang Nan was ruthless and went straight to the secret realm.

The Guild's transportation route was free of charge, connecting 13 safe cities.

Xiang Nan brought a hundred bags of spring water along. First, he went to the first safety city, then to the second and third. It took him a total of five days to reach the thirteenth safety city.

There was no need to send water. If he put on a light armor, he would be able to travel much faster. Moreover, this route was relatively safe and could speed up his advance. There was no need to worry about being harassed by ferocious beasts.

The thirteenth safe city was a city that could hold 500,000 people at the same time. However, there were very few martial artists in the city. They probably didn't even reach two to three hundred, and the streets were empty.

Those who dared to come here were all ambitious people, and they had great confidence in themselves.

Moreover, all of the people who moved here were Martial Saints! Most of them were at the third level of the Martial Saint realm, and there were even a few experts at the seventh or eighth level of the Martial Saint realm.

These were all elders of the Great Fire Guild, and they were all extraordinary.

Xiang Nan's arrival immediately attracted the attention of others.

"Are you lost?" A middle-aged Martial Sage looked at Xiang Nan and said, "Why did you come to the Thirteen Cities at such a young age? This place is very dangerous."

Xiang Nan smiled and said, "Yes, I'm lost. I'm just about to go back."

He wasn't interested in talking too deeply to these people, so he casually found an excuse and went on his way after eating something.

Because the geography of the Eternal Secret Realm changed too much, it was very difficult to divide it into regions. Therefore, the entire Eternal Secret Realm was divided into "rings" to distinguish depth.

The safety city of the Big Fire Guild was very standard, and each city occupied one ring. In other words, Xiang Nan had arrived at the thirteenth ring of the secret realm.

Through his understanding, he discovered that the stronger the guild, the more safe the city was, and the deeper it was built. For example, the Eastern Emperor Guild had even built the city to the thirtieth ring.

However, those who could move in the thirty rings were basically all Heavenly Tribulation Realm experts.

After leaving the city, Xiang Nan raised his head to look up at the sky. The sky was gray and hazy. He could not see any reference objects, nor could he determine the direction.

"Tsk, after we leave, how should we return?" Xiang Nan was in a dilemma.

The serpent said, "Put down the teleportation array!"

Xiang Nanqi said, "The teleportation array uses spatial jumping, but spatial jumping is useless in secret realms."

The serpent laughed and said, "Who told you to jump? I mean, after you put down the teleportation array, you have the Void Stones. Can't you sense where your teleportation array is?"

"The teleportation formation uses space as its medium of existence. Even if the terrain here changes thousands of times, the teleportation formation will not be moved away."

"That's right!" Xiang Nan's eyes lit up and a teleportation array appeared beneath his feet.

He flew away for a while, and then carefully sensed it. Sure enough, he could use the Void Stone to sense the location of his teleportation array in the distance.

However, this kind of thing still couldn't replace the time coordinates, because only Xiang Nan could sense it, and no one else could sense it.

Just like that, half a day after Xiang Nan flew out, he set up a second teleportation array. After sensing the first teleportation array, he marked a small arrow on the second teleportation array and pointed at the first teleportation array.

He wrote "two" again. This number was to allow him to identify the location and serial number of the teleportation array.

This method was not unexpected, but no one was able to achieve it.

There were Mysterious Dao experts who could set up their own teleportation formations, but they were unable to sense their own teleportation formations. There was one thing involved here, and that was that Xiang Nan had once absorbed a Void Stone!

However, no one else could absorb this kind of energy.

Xiang Nan set up the teleportation portal along the way, advancing along the way, and turning around to sense it at any time. He discovered that the teleportation portal was far enough away, and the teleportation portal had exceeded the sensing distance by about 50,000 li.

In this way, they could only set up a new teleportation array 50,000 kilometers away to circulate.

Gradually, he could still see some strange coordinates of time from the beginning until now, he had already entered the depths of the uninhabited secret realm.

It had already exceeded a few million kilometers, and he had never encountered a single living person again.

This place far exceeded the maximum radius of activity of the Thirteen Cities, and even the furthest safe route was extremely far away from this place.

This was an unfamiliar environment.

Xiang Nan carefully floated into the sky and looked into the distance.

In front of him was a misty swamp with very low visibility.

"There's a swamp." Xiang Nan took a deep breath and held his breath. He didn't know if there was any poisonous gas in the swamp, but it was better not to breathe.

"Be careful," the snake said. "There are usually creatures in this kind of place."

Xiang Nan picked up his spirits and held the giant saber in his hand, slowing down his speed as he slowly floated.

When he finally entered the sky above the swamp, he felt his body being dragged down by a force and began to descend heavily!

"Damn it!" Xiang Nan immediately lowered his head and saw the bubbling swamp beneath his feet. Sludge was bubbling and emitting a strange type of methane.

"Spatial Swamp!" The big snake was also stunned, and said, "It's actually this kind of thing. I thought it only existed in legends!"

"What is a spatial swamp?" Xiang Nan felt that the pulling force was getting stronger and stronger. His body was incomparably heavy. He had to forcefully hold on so as not to be dragged down.

The serpent said, "The swamp can trap a living person. If you step on it, it will sink."

"But the spatial swamp doesn't need to touch the swamp, it will sink! As long as you float in the sky above the swamp, you will be grabbed by the attraction!"

"Quick, leave this sludge under your feet! Otherwise, it will be too late! The lower you are pulled, the more traction you will receive!"

Xiang Nan's expression changed drastically as he hurriedly flew towards a small piece of precious dry land beside him, but it was extremely difficult!

As expected, the longer he stayed in this area, the stronger the evacuation would be!

At first, Xiang Nan could still easily resist the pull-back force, but after a few seconds, the pull-back force increased tenfold! In the next few seconds, it would increase tenfold!

Until now, Xiang Nan had to struggle hard to keep from being swallowed.

"Damn, what the hell is this place!" It took Xiang Nan a lot of effort before he finally flew from the silt under his feet to the dry land.

However, looking around, there were dense swamp pits of varying sizes in front of him! Compared to the dry land, this number had already reached a ratio of nearly 100 to 1.

The slightest bit of carelessness would cause him to be sucked in!

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