Chapter 1613 My Child

Chapter 1613 My Child

The Darknorth Monstrous Clan had received the news long ago and had rushed over in large numbers.

When they saw the dragon scale, they simply couldn't believe their eyes.

Dream butterfly, the beautiful man, and Feng Yun rushed to Xiang Nan immediately. The beautiful man grabbed Xiang Nan's hands and said excitedly, "Little brother, you really brought back the dragon scale for us!"

"Our Darknorth Monster Race is saved!"

Xiang Nan smiled.

Meng Die clasped her fists and said, "Great kindness, I don't know how to repay you."

"You're welcome," Xiang Nan said. "You should."

The words "ought to be" startled Meng Die. She could not understand Xiang Nan's motives for saying those words.

"You are truly a hero of our Dragon Valley," said Feng Yun. "If all humans are as friendly to us as you are, then we should be able to live together peacefully."

Xiang Nan nodded and said, "That has always been my dream. If possible, I am willing to work hard for this matter."

In fact, Xiang Nan had already done so. Ever since his first visit to the Black Sharp Demon Cave and the Demon Emperor, he had strengthened this confidence.

However, the problem between the two races did not only exist in the Six Emperors World, it also existed in the Sacred Domain. It existed in multiple small planes at the same time.

The demons could tolerate humans. For example, in those planes where the demons were respected, the demons were the dominant group. The humans were just subordinates of the demons, but the demons were willing to bring the humans to the Sacred Domain.

However, in a world where humans were respected, humans never treated the demons as true friends. They only treated the demons as tools to be used, or even slaves.

Just by looking at the human region of the Sacred Domain, one could see that there wasn't even a single demon race, and one could see where the problem lay.

In the end, this was still because of the natural sense of superiority that humans felt.

Finally, Xiang Nan added another sentence. He looked at Feng Yun, then turned his gaze to Meng Die and said, "Please let me know when the two of you get married in the future. I will definitely do my best to participate."

As soon as these words were spoken, Meng Die and Feng Yun exchanged glances, and both of them started laughing.

"Let's go." The handsome man patted Xiang Nan on the shoulder and said, "The tribes on the first staircase are already waiting at the venue. This is the place where our Darknorth Monster Tribe was judged."

More and more demons joined in. Whenever the demons came to welcome Xiang Nan, Xiang Nan cupped his fists and said a few words.

At that day's meeting, these people called out the loudest "kill that human", but now their styles have changed drastically.

Xiang Nan was not interested in hitting them in the face, nor did he feel the need to do so.

Just like the day of the Judgment Assembly, all the ethnic groups in the entire Dragon Valley had arrived, and there were even more people than on the day of the Judgment Assembly.

That day, only a group of representatives from the various races had been sent to participate in the conference. But today, not only were they representatives, but even the ordinary demon crowd from each race had come to observe the lost dragon scales.

At this moment, it could be said that a group of demons were dancing wildly. Heaven, earth, air, and earth were all demons.

Looking around, the number of demons was as large as an endless ocean, extremely shocking.

"Young human, you have done everything you promised." The Great Elder of the Volcano Dragon walked over. Under everyone's gaze, the Great Elder bowed deeply to Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan hurriedly helped the Great Elder up. To be fair, Xiang Nan had a good impression of this old man. Back then, he was also the Great Elder of the Volcanic Yalong Clan at the Trial Assembly. He had obtained an opportunity for himself.

"Senior, I absolutely dare not." Xiang Nan hurriedly said, "I have said that I will definitely do it, let alone bring back the Dragon Scale. I did not do it for nothing."

"This junior cannot afford such a big gift."

Xiang Nan did not feel that he was that great. What he was thinking was very simple. It was clearly just taking people's money and eliminating calamities. He brought back the Dragon Scale and Dragon Valley to forgive the Darknorth Demon Clan and gave it to Xiang Nan for the Fallen Heavenly Lightning.

This was a deal. In Xiang Nan's eyes, he had only completed his mission.

Too much flattery made Xiang Nan feel uncomfortable. If this continued, he would be embarrassed to take the Fallen Heavenly Lightning.

On the contrary, Xiang Nan's humble behavior immediately attracted the admiration of all the demons. The group of demons nodded their heads and wore friendly smiles.

The Grand Elder was also extremely surprised. He looked deeply at Xiang Nan and said, "I thought that you would definitely bring back the Dragon Scale and report the hatred of the Judgment Assembly that day. At the very least, you should ruthlessly ridicule us."

"I'm even prepared to be ridiculed by you."

Xiang Nan shook his head and said, "Then why bother? We were born in chaotic times, and we were all miserable people."

The Great Elder sighed and said, "You don't understand what bringing back the Dragon Scale for us means to our Dragon Valley. It's not as simple as protecting the Dragon Valley. At the same time, it also allows us, who have been together for thousands of years, to continue living together."

"Alright, I won't say anything more. That's not the style of our demon race."

"I hereby declare that this human youth brought back by the Darknorth Monster Race has retrieved the Dragon Scale for us. As a result, the Darknorth Monster Race will be pardoned."

"Agreed." The elders of the Volcanic Yalong Clan nodded their heads in succession.

"Agreed." The elders of the Iron Blood Arachnid Race also agreed.

"Agreed." The towering giants of the Universe Sea Race let out earth-shattering noises.

"Agreed." The entire Dragon Valley's demon race let out a heaven-shaking roar.

At that moment, tears flowed down the faces of the Darknorth demons.

It was an incomprehensible feeling for an ethnic group to receive forgiveness and redemption.

Xiang Nan waved his right hand and a huge dragon scale descended from the sky.

At this moment, all of the demons crawled on the ground and bowed towards the dragon scale.

The four elders of the First Staircase Clan, along with the elders of the Darknorth Demon Clan, returned the dragon scale back to its original position and returned it to Dragon Valley.

After the return ceremony was completed, the four elders arrived in front of Xiang Nan at the same time.

The Great Elder of the Volcano Dragon said to Xiang Nan with a guilty expression, "Thank you very much, but I'm also very sorry that I made you suffer, my child."

From a young man to a child, Xiang Nan's status in Dragon Valley had completely changed.

However, Xiang Nan did not understand this sentence very well. He asked curiously, "Suffering?"

The Grand Elder exchanged glances with the elders of the other three races, and the four of them all sighed.

The Great Elder grabbed Xiang Nan's arm and said, "When you left, you were still at the seventh level of the Divine Martial Arts, but when you returned, you were only at the fourth level of the Divine Martial Arts."

"You must have suffered a lot in the Little Secret Realm that we can't imagine. We really don't know how to repay you for making such sacrifices for our Dragon Valley."

Xiang Nan was dumbfounded. He was so excited because his cultivation base had dropped? No wonder they were so touched.

Xiang Nan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. How could they know that his cultivation had dropped? It was actually the result of eating the Spirit Void Pill. This was a good thing.

However, Xiang Nan naturally wouldn't say such words openly.

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