Chapter 1672 A Great Man

Chapter 1672 A Great Man

The next morning, Xiang Nan paid his respects to the four elders of the demon race on the first staircase. These people had the right to speak to Dragon Valley. Only by nodding their heads in agreement could Xiang Nan's plan be realized.

Until now, Xiang Nan hadn't said anything, and no one knew.

Within the Fire Dragon Mountain, a portion of the elders of the four great demon races came from the first staircase, and a portion of the elders of the demon races from the second staircase also came.

This wasn't a denunciation meeting, it wasn't as big as last time.

Originally, a nobody like Xiang Nan had no chance to meet any respected elder.

However, out of everyone's admiration for Xiang Nan, they still came.

When Xiang Nan said his thoughts, all the elders present were stunned.

The Great Elder of the Volcano Dragon sighed with emotion, "You really are a young man who can't stop talking. Last time, you said that you wanted to take back the dragon scales by yourself, but this time, you actually said that you wanted to bring the demon race into the guild of the human world."

"But now that we understand you, we know that what you said is definitely not a fever."

Xiang Nan nodded and said seriously, "The conflict between the human race and the demon race has never intensified to the point where only one side can survive."

"But in fact, no one has ever made an effort to unify the two races for tens of thousands of years. I've always wondered why."

The Great Elder said, "Yes, humans and demons do not have to fight to the death the moment they meet. However, they are indeed in a subtle hostile state. The hostility between them is very heavy."

Xiang Nan said, "However, the demon race is not a single race. Rather, it is a great alliance of multiple races. Why can multiple demon races coexist peacefully? Only humans are not enough."

"I guess that's because humans and demons have chosen to stand against each other since the beginning."

If it was said that the human race and the demon race really had a deep grudge against each other, would it be? Thinking back carefully, it seemed that there really wasn't any.

There were many complicated factors that caused the two sides to look down on each other. The most important one was that humans were different from the demons.

Racial differences made it impossible for both sides to accept each other.

At this time, the Darknorth Monster Clan's elder spoke. He said, "We have studied human culture in depth. I can roughly make a judgment. I don't know if it's right or wrong. I hope everyone can correct me."

Everyone nodded and signaled for the Darknorth Monster Clan Elder to continue.

The elder said, "That is, the rise of civilization is not synchronized."

Xiang Nan felt that this elder's statement was very interesting, so he asked, "Why is it that it is not synchronized, and what is the process? Elder, please speak clearly."

The Darknorth Monster Clan Elder smiled and said, "The humans raise cats, dogs, cattle and sheep, right?"

"If one day, cats, dogs, cattle, sheep and the like suddenly say that they want to be equal with humans, want to eat at the same table with humans, want to share the world with humans, and have the same rights with humans, what do you think will happen?"

"Oh … Elder's words are reasonable." Xiang Nan suddenly came to a realization. Although he had always had this vague idea in his heart, hearing the Great Elder of the Darknorth Demon Clan dissect it, he felt as if he had pushed away the clouds to see the sun rise.

That's right. People love dogs and cats because cats and dogs are willing to listen to the commands of humans. They are not so much friends of humans as pets or even slaves. This is based on the absolute right of humans to speak.

The Darknorth Demon Clan's Clan Chief said, "Humans have a high level of civilization and wisdom before any other demon clan. They are already used to dictating things to the demon clan."

"Then why are countless different demon races able to live together peacefully?"

"This is because the majority of the demon races and civilizations have risen much later than humans. The demon races have the same thoughts in their minds."

"That is, since ancient times, beasts have been ruled by humans, so the demons can join forces with Qi, but deep down, they regard humans as ancient rulers and hostile targets."

"Therefore, the rise of civilization has indeed affected the psychological cognition between the two races. This is between the two races, not unilaterally."

Xiang Nan applauded in admiration. He thought that this elder was truly accurate! He saw the deepest reason.

The Darknorth Monster Clan Elder added, "But now, the Monster Clan also possesses civilization and wisdom. To some extent, they are on par with the human race. It is very difficult for the human race to accept this cruel reality. The first thought they came up with is naturally to suppress the Monster Clan."

Xiang Nanzan said, "That's right! Actually, the human race does not have only one species. There are also the Giant race, the Dwarf race, and even the later Dwarf race. However, they can also coexist. The reason for that is because these human patriarchs are very similar. On the other hand, everyone has risen together."

This was especially similar to the bureaucracy of the human world.

The two good friends who had been classmates for many years had worked together as officials of the court, and they had risen to become high-ranking officials, becoming the rulers of one side. They recognized each other.

But suddenly, one day, a rising star suddenly stood up and achieved an official position as big as theirs. Then, the old official would definitely have an idea.

You little brat, why are you on equal footing with us? Who are you? Do you have any qualifications?

The Darknorth Monster Clan's elder sighed, "This is truly an inherent concept that is hard to reverse. It is very difficult for humans to get along with a more perfect solution if they want to accept the Monster Clan and the Monster Clan."

"I can't imagine a solution, but I have a way to solve the problem," Xiang Nan said.

Everyone looked at Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan raised a finger and said, "Habit!"

"Nothing in this world can escape the grinding of time," Xiang Nan said. "I personally thought that if the two races lived together and fought together, they would slowly get used to each other."

"Perhaps this is a long process, but I'm afraid that this is the only way to resolve the conflict between the two races."

Everyone nodded.

Yeah, time can beat everything.

Between the two communities, signing contracts, signing peace agreements, and so on, this cannot fundamentally solve the problem. It is just a method, a means.

There was no way to solve this problem. The only way was to make both sides accustomed to each other's existence.

Custom is more powerful than any treaty.

Xiang Nan crossed his hands and placed them on the table. He said, "I have never cut off contact with the two races. I understand that both humans and demons are very similar. There are good people and bad people."

"I want to do something for the two races, even if it's just a drop in the bucket, but I believe that as long as I start doing it, there will still be people who will continue to do the same thing as me while I'm alive, even after I die."

"This is the beginning. Both sides need to work together and run into each other."

The Great Elder of the Volcanic Yalong Race looked at Xiang Nan sincerely and said, "You will definitely become a great person. This is not about strength, but about your love for this world."

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