Chapter 1686 A Dilemma

Chapter 1686 A Dilemma

Xiang Nan rubbed his chin while the little bugs were recovering. He said thoughtfully, "Since they can't enter, they should be able to use long-range attacks."

Thinking of this, he circulated his lightning power and raised his hand to release a seven-star finger.

The power of a beginner Dao Grade Seven Star Finger was extraordinary.

With a single sound from Peng, the head of a metal ferocious beast was immediately blasted apart by the Seven Star Finger.

But what happened next made Xiang Nan feel extremely powerless.

Before Xiang Nan could do anything, the corpse of the beast that had just died was quickly squeezed out of Xiang Nan's sight by the other beasts.

All the ferocious beasts were desperately squeezing into the tower. Once a ferocious beast lost its vitality and the power to push forward, it would naturally be squeezed away by the other ferocious beasts.

Another problem was also very troublesome. The Sacred Spirit Stone did not exist in the head of a ferocious beast, but in its stomach, at a random location in its stomach.

The Seven Star Finger could only shoot at the head of a ferocious beast, but it could not obtain a Holy Spirit Stone.

Xiang Nan changed his method and used his Seven Star Finger to poke at the stomach of a ferocious beast.

The seven-star finger pierced through the fierce beast's stomach!

Afterwards, the previous scene played out again. After the beast died, the corpse was immediately squeezed into nowhere to be found.

"No, it would be perfect if the Seven Star Finger could produce an explosive effect." Xiang Nan shook his head.

The penetrating power of the Seven Star Finger was extremely strong, but the thickness of a single finger was about the same as Xiang Nan's finger. After hitting the stomach of a huge ferocious beast, the area of the piercing wound was too small. It was almost impossible to accurately hit the Holy Spirit Stone in the stomach of the ferocious beast.

Even if he hit the Sacred Spirit Stone, it would still be destroyed, and Xiang Nan still wouldn't be able to obtain it.

Xiang Nan's eyes lit up. "Otherwise, pull them in …"

A ferocious beast that was killed by the Blade of the Dead would be able to enter the tower. Drag the corpse of the ferocious beast in and slowly dissect it.

Thinking of this, Xiang Nan liquefied the Dead Blade and turned it into a long silver chain.

He tossed the chains out, wrapped them around the head of a ferocious beast, and dragged it into the tower desperately. However, the ferocious beast was not dead, and could not be taken over by the blade of the dead. It was still restricted by the mysterious power of the secret realm, and could not enter the tower.

Xiang Nan retracted the chain and modified it, changing it into a hook lock.

The chains were still chains, but at the top, a scythe-like barb was shaped.

He aimed at a ferocious beast that was close to the entrance and whirled the hook lock around with a buzzing sound before throwing it away.

The barb was made of pure Nether Silver, and it had a strong restraining power against ferocious beasts.

The barb pierced through the head of the ferocious beast, piercing through its entire head.

Xiang Nan was overjoyed and hurriedly pulled back, wanting to drag the ferocious beast in.

However, another damn thing happened that almost drove Xiang Nan crazy.

The rate of death of a ferocious beast wasn't that fast!

The moment the scythe pierced through the beast's head, it would not die instantly. The process of death would take about two to three seconds.

Just like how a human being was beheaded, after a criminal's head was sliced off by an executioner, this person could actually survive for a few seconds. His vitality was rapidly declining, but in these few seconds, his eyes could still see and think.

The same was true for ferocious beasts.

The moment the scythe pierced through the beast's head, the beast first lost its ability to move, but it was still alive and could not be dragged into the tower immediately.

As for the beasts that had lost their ability to move, they began to be crowded out by the other beasts.

As a result, the hook lock in Xiang Nan's hand was also dragged out.

"Sh*t!" Xiang Nan was shocked, his hands tightly grabbed the hook lock and desperately snatched it back.

Countless ferocious beasts were crowded together, pushing back the barbed ferocious beasts with their heads.

This turned into a tug of war between Xiang Nan and a large number of ferocious beasts!

Moreover, he simply could not win! The reason for that was because the tower gate had already been blocked by other ferocious beasts!

Xiang Nan pulled back forcefully, but not only did he not manage to retrieve the hook lock, he was instead dragged out of the tower continuously.

"Help!" Xiang Nan roared.

The two of them also grabbed the chains and snatched the hook lock back together with Xiang Nan.

However, the power outside was too great, and the three of them were still slowly gliding towards the outside.

Seeing that he could not retrieve the hook lock, Xiang Nan instantly liquefied the hook lock, attempting to cancel the tug-of-war competition and snatch the Netherworld Silver back.

But at the same time the hook lock liquefied, the whole hook lock softened and became liquid. The hook lock left in the tower was successfully retrieved, but more hook locks outside the tower were lost and squeezed into nowhere to be found.

Xiang Nan used his will to summon the artifact spirit to control the lost Nether Silver and squeeze it back into the tower.

But I'm afraid this will take some time.

"Damn it … it's actually so troublesome." Xiang Nan anxiously walked around, his mind racing as he thought of countermeasures.

"Why don't you use your Gemini Palms to blow them up?"

Xiang Nan thought for a moment. The penetrating power of the Seven Star Finger was too strong, but what he wanted was explosive power.

As for explosive power, Gemini Palm was undoubtedly the best choice. With a single palm strike, all the ferocious beasts in a small area outside the tower gate would be shattered into pieces, instantly clearing up an area.

But … could the Holy Spirit Stones in the fierce beast's body also be blown to shreds?

However, this is not the most crucial issue.

The problem is …

Xiang Nan walked to the door and touched the wall of the tower with his hand. He discovered a reality that left him speechless.

This pagoda was actually not strong. How could it be said that it was roughly equivalent to the hardness of a Profound Armament?

What really stopped the ferocious beasts was not the sturdiness of the tower itself, but the invisible power within the tower that was resisting the invasion of the ferocious beasts.

However, Xiang Nan himself was not a vicious beast. He was able to destroy this tower …

Once the Gemini Palms exploded, even the tower would be destroyed. At that time, he would no longer have any security.

"Dammit, dammit …"

Xiang Nan shook his head and rejected this idea. He continued to walk around, feeling distracted.

If only Big Snake was here at this time, he would definitely be able to provide him with some valuable suggestions.

At this time, a small amount of liquid Nether Silver finally squeezed back through the corner of the door.

Xiang Nan gathered this small amount of Nether Silver into the chains in his hand.

Outside, there were even more Nether Silver desperately squeezing back.

"Sigh …"

Xiang Nan sighed and thought to himself. Long-range attacks seemed to be hopeless. After all, his goal was to seize the Sacred Spirit Stones, not just to kill ferocious beasts.

There was no way to guarantee the success rate of obtaining the Holy Spirit Stone from a long-range attack.

With a flip of his right hand, a small amount of Nether Silver condensed into a small saber and swept out with a ray of saber light.

The blazing saber light slashed across the stomachs of several ferocious beasts.

As a result, there was no effect.

The saber radiance was an ordinary saber radiance, and its lethality was completely incomparable to the Seven Star Finger. This saber radiance could not even cut open the stomachs of those ferocious beasts.

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