Chapter 1764 Grand Duke

Chapter 1764 Grand Duke

Xiang Nan formed a seal with both his hands and spat out a large mouthful of lightning towards the corpse of Xuan Qingzhu that had been split into two.

The ball of lightning rolled forward, crushing Xuan Qingzhu and turning her into elemental particles.

From the scene of Xuan Qingzhu's disappeared corpse, a faint, dazed humanoid shadow floated out.

The shadow began to sink in a daze.

At this moment, the Nine Flowers Woman nodded and another shadow flew out of her body!

This shadow was pure black, formed by a fierce ghost!

An unbelievable scene occurred!

Suddenly, a familiar ghost howl sounded in the sky. That voice was exactly the same as Bai Wudao's!

The mournful and fierce ghost pounced on Xuan Qingzhu's soul crazily.

Bai Wudao's sharp claws pierced through Xuan Qingzhu's shoulders, firmly fixing her.

Following that, Bai Wudao's rage surged into the sky. He opened his mouth and bit off a large chunk of Xuan Qingzhu's flesh with a crack of his sharp fangs.

Xuan Qingzhu's soul screamed in pain, and his screams echoed through the clouds.

Bai Wudao raised his head and opened his mouth. He bit down again, biting off half of Xuan Qingzhu's head!

Bai Wudao raised his head again and was about to take another bite, biting off a large chunk of Xuan Qingzhu's neck!

Bai Wudao seemed to have gone crazy. His sharp claws crazily scratched Xuan Qingzhu's soul, causing her to be in tatters and shattered.

He grasped and bit, grasping and grasping.

That Xuan Qingzhu's painful ghost howl never stopped, it was so mournful that one's hair stood on end!

It was very difficult for her soul to die. Bai Wudao continuously bit off that Xuan Qingzhu's soul, tearing it apart, tearing it apart, biting it off. Her entire soul continued to shrink, shrinking even further.

Until that Xuan Qingzhu's body was only the size of a palm.

Xiang Nan said, "Xuan Qingzhu, your life belongs to me. Your soul belongs to Bai Wudao."

"There is grievance and vengeance. One saber strike separates life from death. May you have no reincarnation. May you have no reincarnation."

"The existence of a person like you is the greatest insult to humanity."

"Go, don't come back anymore. Let's dissipate."

As if he had heard Xiang Nan's words, Bai Wudao howled towards the sky, "Xuan Qingzhu! I want your life!"

With that, Bai Wudao opened his terrifying mouth and swallowed Xuan Qingzhu's entire body in one mouthful.

Xiang Nan raised his head and silently looked at the sky. He couldn't help but leave behind two rows of tears.

Finally, it was over.

Many times he couldn't sleep at night. The expression on Xuan Qingzhu's face before he assassinated Bai Muchen made Xiang Nan firmly remember this hatred and never forgot even the slightest bit.

It was that hatred that made him never know how to stop. It was also that hatred that made him even more desperate than all martial artists!

Where no one else dared to go, Xiang Nan dared to go!

Xiang Nan dared to do something that no one else dared to do!

He spent his days and nights thinking that he was looking forward to this day, looking forward to confronting Xuan Qingzhu face to face, looking forward to personally killing this dirty woman who had harmed him for two lives!

Now, it was all over.

After getting revenge, a grudge that had been buried in Xiang Nan's heart for many years finally came to an end.

Just as Black Sickle had said, what did he get after getting revenge?

It was endless emptiness.

It was hatred that kept him going, but now, hatred was over.

Xiang Nan clenched his fists so hard that his arms were trembling.

I am worthy of myself, worthy of all the hardships I have endured, worthy of all the grievances I have suffered.

"Senior Nine Flowers." Xiang Nan looked at the woman and said, "Xuan Qingzhu, there will still be an afterlife."

The woman shook her head and said, "She's already broken off the path of reincarnation. She's gone."

"In this life, there is no more Profound Green Bamboo. In the next life, there will be no more Profound Green Bamboo. In the endless future, there will be no more Profound Green Bamboo."

Xiang Nan nodded slightly and said, "Is that so? That's great."

Don't have another woman like this, never again.

Xiang Nan let out a long sigh of relief. The hatred that had been suppressed in his heart could finally be let go.

"Are you all right." The black sickle floated over and placed its hand on Xiang Nan's shoulder.

He was a serious cleanliness freak, but this time, he directly touched Xiang Nan's body and didn't worry about the blood on Xiang Nan's shoulder.

Black Sickle said, "I understand this feeling. After getting revenge, I will not be happy."

"It's all because this hatred itself is a misfortune. Unfortunately, it is negative one, ordinary zero, and happiness one."

"You just erased the negative and returned to zero. You are still one step away from happiness."

Xiang Nan forced a smile and said, "I'm fine. It doesn't feel so good to let go of a heavy burden."

"But in my heart, I am not disappointed. Instead, I feel very happy! The enemy is so happy!"

"Really?" Black Sickle didn't quite believe it and said, "Then why did you seem a little dejected when you heard that Xuan Qingzhu didn't have a reincarnation?"

Xiang Nan narrowed his eyes and smiled cruelly, "It's just a pity that I can only kill her once."

Black Sickle said meaningfully, "Looks like this hatred really stabbed you too hard."

Xiang Nan looked at the Western Emperor and said, "Western Emperor, I want to ask you something."

The Western Emperor nodded, "Speak!"

Xiang Nan turned around and pointed at Zhang Haoran in the distance, saying, "This person is the root of all this trouble, we can't keep him here!"

"If you want to kill him, you must kill him cleanly. If he is indecisive and decisive, it is not a man's doing."

"If we do not cut the grass, we will forever be in trouble! Letting such a person go is an injustice to those who were killed by him."

"West Emperor, slash it."

The Western Emperor laughed loudly, "What a great man. I like it!"

Zhang Haoran thought to himself, and turned around to flee.

He was once the sect master of the Nature's Nature Sect, and was recognized as a grandmaster in the entire southern region of the Five Continents Realm.

However, in the endless river of power, benefits, and martial arts, Zhang Haoran had fallen.

Dao and justice were told to good people, not to people like Zhang Haoran! He wasn't worthy!

The Western Emperor instantly caught up to Zhang Haoran. He raised his hand and slashed him in half!

None of the people in the Haoran Sect pleaded for Zhang Hao's sake, and none of them felt sad for Zhang Haoran's death.

Some people worked hard for their bright future, but once they met Zhang Haoran, they would never be able to recover.

If he didn't kill this person, how could he deal with the countless souls who had died tragically at his hands?

Xiang Nan had no enmity with Zhang Haoran, but Zhang Haoran had to die!

People said that there was great love in this world, so killing Zhang Haoran was the Grand Duke!

Xiang Nan turned around and looked at the ancestral hall.

There were still two people who must be killed!

One was a white river, the other was a hu bushuang!

At this moment, Bai He had just begun to cultivate the fourth type of tyrannical body, the Earth tyrannical body.

After the Earth Tyrant Body ended, it would be the last item, the True Fire Tyrant Body.

Xiang Nan looked at the Demon Emperor again. The Demon Emperor was still sitting cross-legged, motionless, and diligently cultivating.

Xiang Nan floated over and looked at the Demon Emperor with a solemn expression.

The Demon Emperor didn't know if he could cultivate the second half of the Sea of Bitterness.

Was his talent really enough?

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