Chapter 1805 Walk

Chapter 1805 Walk

In the woods.

It was already dawn, and Long Qian'er slowly woke up and turned around.

She rubbed her temples and opened her eyes with difficulty. At first glance, she realized that she was not in her bed, but in a forest.

Especially opposite her was Xiang Nan, who was sitting upright.

Long Qian'er panicked, but she forced herself to calm down and quickly recalled her current situation in her mind.

She calmly looked at Xiang Nan and said, "Do you know that you have committed a crime?"

Xiang Nan smiled.

Long Qian'er wrapped up her pajamas and said, "I know that we had a little friction in the past, and I know that you are not a good person to provoke."

"But I didn't expect that you would actually embark on the path of crime. You disappoint me quite a bit."

"However, I am still very clear that you are not a bad person. If you let me go now, I can let bygones be bygones and give you a chance to start over."

Xiang Nan smiled and shook his head. He took out a wine bag from his backpack, pulled out the plug, and drank two mouthfuls of strong liquor.

Long Qian'er's expression turned cold as she said, "Don't be stubborn! Do you think I'm begging you? I'm saving you!"

"You should also know that I cultivated with Master Wang. With my current skills, I can defeat you in minutes! I'm giving you a chance."

Xiang Nan was speechless and said, "Don't be brave. I know that you only learned the Spirit Qi Sensing Chapter from Wang Jingyun. At most, you still have a basic body technique. This isn't even a martial skill."

Long Qian'er's eyes widened as she was about to speak, but she was interrupted by Xiang Nan's wave of her hand.

Xiang Nan took out something from his bosom and said, "I've been dealing with all kinds of people for the past twenty years. I've learned some self-preservation methods in Jianghu. I don't want to waste my breath with you. Take a look at this thing yourself."

Xiang Nan threw that thing over.

Long Qian'er took it and saw that it was a small and exquisite camera. She hesitantly looked at Xiang Nan and turned on the camera to look.

In the picture, there was a dark room. First, a person appeared in front of the camera. That person was Xiang Nan.

"Long Qian'er, as evidence, I prepared this in advance. I can explain everything to you in the future," Xiang Nan said to the camera.

"Next, take a closer look."

Later, the scene that happened in the room last night was completely played out on the camera again.

Long Qian'er looked at Xiang Nan in surprise and said, "This … what does this mean? Master Wang wants to kill me?"

"You saved me? Can you beat Master Wang? What exactly is going on? Why did he kill me?"

Long Qian'er's mind was in a mess.

Xiang Nan said, "He wants to seize your Dao Heart, and the end result of seizing your Dao Heart is death. You still can't understand these things for a short time, so I won't explain them to you in detail. All you need to know is that I saved you."

Long Qian'er slapped him on the ground angrily and said, "I'm going to expose him! This hypocritical liar! I'm going to inform the media and let everyone know his true face."

Xiang Nan shook his head and threw over a pile of documents.

Long Qian'er flipped through it doubtfully and said, "These are … Master Wang's disciple lists?"

Xiang Nan took a sip of wine and said, "His plan is very good. Since the first day he recruited believers, he has taken the lead in targeting media workers. It can be said that the media leaders in the whole country are all his apprentices."

"Turn back. It's the second page. Basically, the local officials and the police have also taken Wang Jingyun as their master. Now, they treat Wang Jingyun like a god and come to worship him."

"You are a smart girl. I think you should know what this means."

Long Qian'er panicked.

Then she panicked and said, "Aren't you also exposed? Your figure and skill can easily make him think that the black-clothed man is you."

Xiang Nan shrugged his shoulders and said, "So now, the two of us are going to live a fleeing life."

"However, you're still fine. You didn't let me save you for nothing. You have a conscience to think about my safety at a time like this."

Long Qian'er was at a loss and said, "My mind is in a mess now. Please let me clear my mind."

Xiang Nan shook his head, "There is no need. There are only two paths ahead of you. First, you were caught by Wang Jingyun, and then you died. Second, follow me and leave this place. There is still a chance of survival."

"This is a single-choice question. It's easy to make a judgment, isn't it?"

At this point, Xiang Nan stood up and said, "Alright, your Dao Heart is very precious. Wang Jingyun will not let you off easily. His subordinates probably came out to hunt us down two hours ago."

"I don't need to guess. He has already complained to us first. He beat us up. I'm afraid we've already become fugitives."

"So from now on, we can't use any means of transportation, nor can we use courage to appear in a crowded place. All we can rely on is our legs."

"It's time to go. Follow me."

Xiang Nan patted his butt and turned around to leave.

"Hey, hey you, wait for me." Long Qian'er got up in panic and trotted towards Xiang Nan, "Wait a moment, what exactly are you trying to do? You can't comment on it, just let me follow you."

Xiang Nan ignored him and only walked quickly.

This time, Long Qian'er suffered. She followed Xiang Nan with all her might, but she could only guarantee that she would not be left behind by Xiang Nan at most.

She chased after him while shouting, but Xiang Nan did not respond, causing her to gnash her teeth angrily.

The most irritating thing was that Xiang Nan seemed to be enjoying the scenery. He wasn't in a hurry to make his way. Occasionally, he would stop to look at the scenery of the distant mountains and drink a mouthful of wine.

Even so, she still couldn't catch up with Xiang Nan.

The more she chased after him, the more astonished she became. She had already cultivated the Spirit Qi Sensing Chapter. Spirit Qi had greatly enhanced her physique. She had also learned some seemingly good physique techniques. It could be said that her foot strength was still very outstanding at this moment.

However, Xiang Nan was as agile and swift as a leopard. He didn't seem to be in a hurry, but he took large strides like a meteor, moving like a strong wind.

The most shocking thing was that Long Qian'er was stepping on withered leaves and stones with a deep foot and a shallow foot. It was quite difficult to walk.

As for all the obstacles, Xiang Nan had perfectly circled them. She didn't even see how Xiang Nan circled them. It was as if every step Xiang Nan took was coincidentally stepping on the best position and the most stable place.

It was like a forest ranger who had lived here for countless years and was incomparably familiar with every small pit and stone.

There were some things that the layman couldn't see, but once the expert discovered these details, he would feel that Xiang Nan was unfathomable.

Long Qian'er had suffered enough to realize this.

"Where exactly are we going?" Long Qian'er chased after him and shouted in an atmosphere.

Xiang Nan still did not answer.

At night, Xiang Nan finally stopped.

He cleared out a circle of fire ditches and lit a campfire, his movements skillful and capable.

Long Qian'er leaned against a tree and her feet were already blistering. She kept stepping on the crooked stone, causing her ankle to sprain.

She buried her face in her knees and couldn't help but cry softly.

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