Chapter 1810 Strange Thing

Chapter 1810 Strange Thing

"Turn around."

Xiang Nan turned around and said, "You can already smoothly circulate the body refining mental technique that I taught you earlier."

"Now, let's refine our body. Let's circulate our mental energy and absorb the medicinal properties of the potion at the same time."

"The process of strengthening your body requires a lot of energy. In the words of your world, it is nutrition."

"As for spiritual herbs, they can provide you with this kind of nutrition."

"With your outstanding physique, you can cultivate in the potion for two hours a day. In three days, you can officially possess your cultivation realm and talent."

As Long Qian'er practiced, she asked, "What do you mean by having talent? Do I not have talent now?"

Xiang Nan said, "Theoretically speaking, people have talent from birth, but before they have a realm, talent is weak and difficult to distinguish."

"Stop talking. Cultivate diligently. Just listen to me."

"Innate talent is divided into different grades. Similarly, the realm is the same. They are …"

As Long Qian'er cultivated, Xiang Nan gave her some basic knowledge of the martial arts world.

To Long Qian'er, these things sounded incomparably new, even more absurd and bizarre than fairy tales.

Xiang Nan did not stop her, so he answered whatever she asked.

But at the same time, Xiang Nan was also secretly observing her. He wanted to see if she could successfully cultivate when she was distracted and asked questions.

It turned out that she really could.

Xiang Nan felt relieved in his heart and thought to himself, It seems that this girl is really a good material for martial arts practice.

For the next three days, the two of them stayed by the river and never left.

On the fourth day, Long Qian'er jumped into a puddle of water to soak. While she was refining her body, a large amount of impurities suddenly began to gush out from her body. Some black, muddy water-like things appeared.

This frightened Long Qian'er so much that she kept screaming.

"Don't be afraid," Xiang Nan said. "Your body will be cleaner after removing the impurities."

"Can you cure bad breath?" Long Qian'er asked in surprise.

"Yes." Xiang Nan said.

"Can you cure body odor? Where is skin disease? Where is alopecia? Can you make skin white and tender, pores shrink?" She asked a series of questions.

"Anything." Xiang Nan nodded and frowned, "How many illnesses do you have?"

Long Qian'er gritted her teeth angrily, "Who said it was me! I was thinking that if I opened a beauty salon this way, I would definitely earn a fortune!"

"You actually suspect that I have so many soldiers, you …"

Long Qian'er shook her little fist angrily.


The pit full of potions suddenly exploded! The potion in the pit soared into the sky, and even the puddle was blasted into an even deeper puddle.

Xiang Nan sat at the side and was sent flying by the impact. He rolled on the ground a dozen times before stopping.

"Sh*t, something happened!" Xiang Nan's eyes turned cold and he suddenly looked out. He saw Long Qian'er lying naked in the distant bushes, her body rapidly drying up.

He rushed forward with a few arrows and hugged Long Qian'er in his arms.

The woman's body was rapidly drying up. Her skin was getting drier and drier, and wrinkles had already appeared, like bark.

The water in her body was also rapidly draining away, and a faint white steam was rising from her body.

"Deficit body? How could it be like this?" Xiang Nan was stunned for a moment and said anxiously, "Little Sparrow, quickly bring over the spirit herbs! Hurry!"

He took a spiritual herb and quickly crushed it into powder. He soaked it in water and fed it to her to drink.

It was simply courting death to directly drink an entire second-grade spiritual herb at the first level of Body Tempering. However, Long Qian'er's situation required Xiang Nan to take this risk.

After a spiritual herb descended, her body no longer dried up. However, it did not improve. Instead, it remained the same.

"Little brat Xiang Nan, something's wrong with this girl!" The big snake said.

Xiang Nan was crushing the second spiritual herb and casually said, "I know something is wrong."

"No, no, no, you don't know. What I'm saying is, she's actually at the fifth level of Body Tempering."

The medicine bowl in Xiang Nan's hand stopped and he asked curiously, "Really?"

"Then can I see wrongly?" Said the big snake.

Xiang Nan thought for a moment and mixed the second spiritual herb with water for her to drink.

Her complexion had already begun to turn red, and her dry skin was gradually filling up.

"It's actually not enough." Xiang Nan frowned, crushed another half a second-grade spirit herb, and fed it to her to drink.

Later, she finally regained her composure, but she did not wake up from her coma.

Xiang Nan gently placed her by the river and put on a set of clothes before he sat to the side and thoughtfully sized up Long Qian'er who was unconscious.

"Body Tempering 5th layer?" Xiang Nan rubbed his chin and said, "What's going on? Could it be that she already has a foundation in martial arts?"

"Absolutely not," said the serpent. "She didn't have any martial arts before."

Xiang Nan said, "Then how can I jump from the first level of Body Tempering to the fifth level of Body Tempering?"

"I don't know," said the snake. "Looks like there are some secrets on this girl that we don't know."

Long Qian'er had been unconscious from morning until night. By the time she woke up, the sky was already filled with stars.

"What happened to me?" Long Qian'er rubbed her head and moaned, "How uncomfortable."

Xiang Nan thought for a moment, but he still didn't tell her what was wrong. Even he didn't know, and she didn't understand. If he told her, he could only make her worry in vain.

"Nothing." Xiang Nan shook his head and said, "You've already advanced."

Long Qian'er said happily, "Really?"

She jumped happily. This jump actually jumped more than ten meters high.

She was so scared that she cried out loudly and fell down from the sky in a sorry state, fiercely landing on the ground.

She jumped up again and scratched her body in panic. "I didn't fall to my death! I didn't break my arm and leg! It's amazing! I feel so strong!" She said.

"Is this the result of body refinement? It's really amazing!"

This girl was overjoyed. She rushed over and threw herself into Xiang Nan's embrace. She hugged Xiang Nan and said, "Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much."

"So you didn't lie to me. I've really become stronger!"

Xiang Nan was full of worries and forced a smile, "Well, I said before, I won't lie to you."

"Eh? What is this?"

Suddenly, Long Qian'er took a few steps back. She stretched out her right hand and a faint light floated in her palm.

"The weather first?" Xiang Nan was stunned, but he immediately rejected this idea.

Firstly, it was impossible for the Body Tempering Realm to have the first weather. Secondly, the ball of light floating in her palm was completely different from the first weather.

That wasn't the first weather, nor was it Yuan Qi, nor could it be Dipper Qi, but what was that?

Xiang Nan reached out his hand to touch the white ball of light, but it pierced through without any actual touch.

Little Sparrow's short body was also floating beside him. He also curiously stretched out a finger to poke at the ball of light.

However, with this stab, the little bird actually fell on its back and fell to the ground with an ordinary sound, not moving at all.

"Little Sparrow!" Xiang Nan's expression changed as he hurriedly picked up the bird.

Whoosh … whoosh …

Before Xiang Nan could figure it out, the little bird had already begun to snore.

"What's going on?" Xiang Nan's mind was in a mess. Many strange things had happened today that were hard to explain.

He couldn't help but look at Long Qian'er.

Long Qian'er also panicked and waved her hand repeatedly, "I don't know, I didn't do it, I don't know anything."

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