Chapter 1816 Void And Reality

Chapter 1816 Void And Reality

Xiang Nan had never seen a person's cultivation level rise at such a speed. Even he, a person with a Divine Grade Lightning Meridian talent, couldn't imagine it.

However, this did not mean that Xiang Nan was inferior to Long Qian'er.

It can be said that each has its own strengths.

Xiang Nan's innate talent was more conducive to battle, and the benefits of a high explosion of battle and high lethality were astonishing.

Although Long Qian'er's physique was heaven-defying, it did not help in the slightest.

One was that his combat ability was extremely ruthless, and the other was that his speed was extraordinarily exaggerated.

If Xiang Nan chose one of the two, Xiang Nan would still be more willing to choose the Lightning Meridian talent.

This was because after a martial artist reached the final realm stage, their individual combat strength was particularly crucial.

This was also why there were other ninth level Heavenly Tribulation experts in the world, but there were only six reasons for the so-called Martial Monarchs.

Under Xiang Nan's guidance, Long Qian'er quickly grasped the usage of the first weather.

It was as if she had stepped into a brand-new world. For several days in a row, she had spent her time in excitement, unable to even sleep.

She has been using the weather to cut trees and stones.

This kind of shocking ability that only appeared in TV dramas had actually come true on her.

Xiang Nan said with satisfaction, "That's right. Continue cultivating. You already have the weather. If you encounter that Master Li again, we won't be afraid anymore."

Long Qian'er said, "He is at the Xiantian 3rd layer, and I am at the Xiantian 1st layer. How can I not be afraid of him?"

"Naturally," Xiang Nan said, "the martial skill you cultivate, but I personally taught it to you, is much stronger than his little three-legged cat kung fu."

"A martial artist's strength cannot be judged purely by their cultivation realm. At the same time, it is accompanied by their individual battle consciousness and the strength of their martial skills."

"You will slowly understand this."

Long Qian'er's face was flushed red as she excitedly nodded and said, "I will definitely cultivate properly! Then, am I stronger than you now?"

Xiang Nan smiled and said, "Yes, it's already stronger than me."

"Yeah!" Long Qian'er jumped up excitedly and said happily, "Let me protect you in the future, young man."

Xiang Nan smiled speechlessly.


Just as the two of them were laughing, Xiang Nan suddenly felt a pain in his back, and then his entire body flew out.

A bullet pierced through Xiang Nan's back, creating a bowl-sized bloody hole in his stomach.

Long Qian'er was still cheering, but she was caught unprepared by this sudden scene, and she was stunned.

In the blink of an eye, she cried and flew towards Xiang Nan.


Another bullet hit Long Qian'er's chest accurately.

The bullet was so powerful that it sent her flying.

However, her chest was not pierced through. She felt as if she had been struck by a sledgehammer.

She fell into the bushes far away and there was no movement.

At this time, a few people wearing camouflage clothes quietly came out. Everyone had a sniper rifle in their hands.

Xiang Nan lay flat on the ground, looking weakly at the visitor.

Da da da da …

The sound of propellers came from the sky, and the five helicopters completely surrounded this area.

Afterwards, modified off-road vehicles rushed out of the dense jungle and arrived at the open space beside the waterfall.

Master Li walked out with a heavy sniper rifle on his shoulder. He kicked Xiang Nan condescendingly and said, "Kid, go crazy with me again."

"I know that you must be a martial artist as well. I also know that ordinary weapons can't hurt you at all. But can you endure this?"

"I didn't expect that, armor piercing bullet! It was specifically designed to restrain a person with excellent physical fitness like you," said Master Li, flashing a long bullet in his hand.

Xiang Nan lay on the ground, panting. He tilted his head back and saw Long Qian'er clutching her chest as she walked out.

"Let's go" Xiang Nan's face turned pale as he weakly shook his head. "Hurry up and leave. Don't look back."

With tears in her eyes, Long Qian'er gritted her teeth and rushed towards Master Li without saying a word.

Five helicopters fired armor piercing bullets one after another.

Long Qian'er gritted her teeth and wrapped her body in the weather.

One armor piercing bullet after another hit her, causing her to be twisted and twisted, but she still stubbornly rushed forward against the weather, forcing Master Li back with one shot, picking up Xiang Nan and running away.

Master Li smiled sinisterly and pulled out another bullet from his chest.


A bullet pierced through Long Qian'er's previous weather, pierced through her shoulder, and shot her and Xiang Nan into the air!

Her entire shoulder blade was shattered, and a red blossom of blood burst out.

Her painful expression twisted, but she stubbornly remained silent. She released a light and immediately healed the wound on Xiang Nan's body.

Master Li's eyes lit up and he said, "Baby!"

With that, he raised his gun and aimed.

Xiang Nan pushed Long Qian'er away and shouted, "Run! He's not using an ordinary bullet. It's a bullet made of yellow jingshi. It's a spirit weapon!"

The Mortal Spirit Earth Heavenly Mysterious Dao God was a martial artist's weapon grade.

This sort of classification shouldn't have appeared in China.

The first bullet that pierced through Xiang Nan was an armor piercing bullet.

On the other hand, the one that pierced through Long Qian'er's weather and shoulder blades was a Spirit grade bullet!

"No, I won't leave you!" Long Qian'er picked up Xiang Nan and continued running.


Another bullet pierced through Long Qian'er and Xiang Nan's bodies at the same time.

The two of them threw themselves onto the ground and rolled on the ground.

The bullet pierced through Xiang Nan and Long Qian'er's stomachs at the same time.

The two of them rolled and separated from each other for a while. Long Qian'er raised her left hand, trying to condense light to repair herself.


A Spirit Armor Piercing Bullet exploded her left wrist, and her entire right hand flew into the air.

"Ah …"

She rolled on the ground in pain, screaming nonstop.

Xiang Nan's eyes were about to bleed. He glared fiercely at Master Li and said, "You damn bastard, you will regret it."

"Is that so?" Master Li replied calmly, "You are of no value to me. I will shoot you right now."

"If I didn't want that woman, she would be dead by now."

Master Li loaded the bullets and aimed them at Xiang Nan's head. He waved his hand and said, "Goodbye."


A Spirit Armor Piercing Bullet flew out.

At the same time, a figure flew over and pressed down on Xiang Nan.

It was Long Qian'er!

The Spirit Armor Piercing Bullet brutally pierced through her right shoulder, which was not covered by any previous weather, and her entire right arm was blown away!

"Look at the muzzle, look at the muzzle" Long Qian'er's mouth was bleeding, but her face was full of smiles as she continued to chant.

Xiang Nan looked closely at Long Qian'er's face and felt that a large chunk of her heart had been ruthlessly hollowed out.

"Quick, quickly release the light." Xiang Nan said anxiously.

Long Qian'er raised her left hand.


A bullet pierced through her elbow and half of her arm flew out.

Xiang Nan stared blankly at Long Qian'er with a pale face and said, "Don't die, don't die. I've only accepted a disciple like you in my life. You can't die."

Long Qian'er bit her bloodless lips and whispered in Xiang Nan's ear, "I've never called you before, but I'm afraid that if I don't call you now, I won't have another chance."

"Thank you … Master."

Xiang Nan was distracted, and his eyes suddenly became empty.

"Hurry up and separate that woman! Take her away!" Master Li shouted.

Long Qian'er lay on Xiang Nan's body and whispered, "Master, you said … cough, you said this world is a dream, I don't understand that."

"I only know that I have real feelings. If this is a dream, I don't care. It's good that I know that my feelings for you are real."

"Whether it's a dream or reality, to me … Cough, there's no difference. I care about my current feelings."

Xiang Nanru was struck by lightning.

A few people rushed forward and forcefully dragged Long Qian'er away.

Then Master Li raised his sniper rifle and aimed it at Xiang Nan's head, saying, "This shot will kill you!"

At this moment, Xiang Nan suddenly stood up from the ground.

He lowered his head, not saying a word, not moving at all.


One shot sent Xiang Nan flying.

Master Li smiled and turned around to leave, but there was another movement coming from behind.

He frowned and turned around to find that Xiang Nan had stood up again. He asked curiously, "How is that possible? Alright, I'll make another shot for you."



Another shot hit Xiang Nan's body, but this shot failed to send Xiang Nan flying, and did not even pierce through his body.

"You?" Master Li panicked. He hurriedly filled the bullet and shot again!

At this moment, Xiang Nan had already begun to advance.



The bullet caused Xiang Nan's body to slide five to six meters backwards, but Xiang Nan stopped and continued to walk towards Master Li.

Master Li was so frightened that his face turned pale. He waved his hand and a streak of sword qi appeared.

The sword qi hit Xiang Nan and was actually bounced away!

Master Li hurriedly filled the bullet and fired another Spirit Piercing Bullet.


Clang …

His voice changed!

The armor piercing bullet hit Xiang Nan, and it actually made a metallic collision sound!

Xiang Nan slowly raised his head, his eyes shining with lightning.

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