Chapter 1843 Let Me See

Chapter 1843 Let Me See

In the center area, in the huge conference hall, there were big shots from all over the world sitting.

There were Shi Beihong of the Haoran Sect, the various Grand Elders of the Dragon Valley, the seven Demon Races of the Six Emperors World, the Starry River Empyrean of the Star Guild, the various sect masters of the Six Emperors World, and even a few representatives of the demon race.

In such a big scene, Jiang Xuelu didn't have a place. She just stood behind the Veluriyam Sect Master carefully and didn't dare to raise her head for fear of being recognized.

Behind the door of the entire conference hall stood Xiang Nan. He was carefully observing the movements of the conference hall through the cracks in the door.

This was really a big arm. He was so grand that Xiang Nan actually pulled in so many big shots to act together for Xue Lu.

Perhaps only Xiang Nan had such great face in the world at this moment.

Everyone knew that Xiang Nan was one of those heroes who repaid the kindness of a drop of water with a fountain.

Her master had nurtured him, so he gave Xu Caiyue a sun.

Jiang Xue Lu had saved his life, so he contacted all the big shots to rebuild her confidence.

Such courage was rare today.

However, this meeting was indeed a temporary request from Xiang Nan, but it was definitely not nonsense.

Because he really thought of a plan that would not only rebuild his confidence in Xue Lu, but also benefit everyone.

At the meeting, all the big shots were discussing how to deal with the Pseudo-God believers.

The Veluriyam Sect Master found an opportunity to stand up. Everyone looked at the Veluriyam Sect Master with tacit understanding.

"This sect has a good suggestion. I have found a strange woman here. She has a seven-apertured exquisite body and can directly search for exceptionally talented martial dao seedlings," said the Veluriyam Sect Master.

"At the same time, we can't rule out the possibility that she might be able to search for a pure Dao Heart."

"The pseudo-gods feed on the Dao and search for pure Dao hearts everywhere. If we can find people with pure Dao hearts one step ahead of time, we can lay an ambush."

Everyone nodded their heads in astonishment. Shi Beihong said, "May I ask where that mysterious woman is now?"

The Veluriyam Sect Leader laughed heartily, moved aside his seat, and pushed Xue Lu out, saying, "It's this woman."

Countless eyes landed on Jiang Xuelu, making her feel very nervous and restless.

Shi Beihong stroked his beard and smiled, "Little girl, are you willing to contribute your strength?"

Xue Lu nodded as if she was pecking at rice, "Yes, yes, yes."

The Black Snake Queen smiled and said, "That's great. Although you are too young and don't have any strategic experience, your talent is something that even the rest of us can't compare to."

"Coincidentally, we recently established the New World Council of Elders. Then, we formally invite you to become a member of the Council of Elders."

Then, she covered Xue Lu's face, tears falling down her cheeks. She was so touched that she didn't know what to say.

This was truly a great ups and downs. Happiness came too suddenly.

Her identity suddenly changed. The New World Council of Elders was someone who could stand on equal footing with this group of bigwigs. She could even face the Demon Emperor at the beginning of the month.

She had transformed from an exiled slum, a humiliated person, into a giant overnight. Such a change of status was not unpleasant.

Actually, Xiang Nan was still willing to give her some time to slowly buffer and let her climb up bit by bit, but he didn't have that much time left.

A warm applause rang out in the meeting hall. Someone said, "Come, let's drink a toast with the newly promoted elder, General Elder Xue Lu!"

Behind the gate, Xiang Nan smiled and turned to leave.

Two days later, someone came to inform Xiang Nan and said, "Mr. Xiang, ask General Elder Xue Lu to see you."

Xiang Nan sat in the bamboo pavilion and said with a smile, "Please come quickly."

Xiang Nan knew that she would definitely come.

On the bamboo forest path, the two finally met.

The two of them walked towards each other excitedly. However, they stopped within five meters of each other and stopped again. Both of them wanted to say something but could not say a word. At this moment, they were unable to say a single word of Wan Yu Qian Yan.

That Jiang Xue Lu smiled with tears in her eyes, her face no longer as sharp as before, and she no longer had that kind of cleverness that was skilled in calculation.

Some were just mature and steady after experiencing great ups and downs and thorough enlightenment.

She opened her mouth and said after a long time, "You, are you alright?"

Xiang Nan smiled and took a few big steps forward to hug her into his embrace.

In the pavilion, the two of them were chatting and laughing happily, and they were back to the relaxed way they used to be.

Xue Lu seemed to have something on her mind. She wanted to say it a few times, but she couldn't.

Xiang Nan knew what she was going to say, so he said softly, "I know. It's not your fault. Back then, half a gourd controlled your mind. Everything you did was not your original heart."

"Do you still remember how you used your wit and intelligence to resolve a calamity in the cave of the mysterious lady on the island of exile and save me at that time?"

Jiang Xue Lu lowered her head and smiled embarrassedly, her face slightly flushed red.

Xiang Nan said, "I still remember that back in the Western Region, you freed me from the control of half a gourd and saved me from Bai Wudao, allowing me to unleash my potential."

The past was vivid, but things had changed a long time ago, making people sigh in their hearts.

Xue Lu's heart flew back to the past, and she couldn't help but become distracted.

Xiang Nan said guiltily, "I am sorry for you. I have always said that I will save you, but these past few years, I have been unable to protect myself. Ever since I was in a hurry with you in the Veluriyam Sect, I have fallen into an infinite predicament and have been fleeing in a sorry state all day."

Jiang Xuelu quickly said, "I don't blame you. I know everything that happened to you. At that time, the Beihuang wanted to hunt you down, so did the sects. The entire Six Emperors World was hunting you down."

"However, even though I said that, I did commit a monstrous crime. Although it was not my original intention, it was indeed caused by my own hands."

"If it weren't for me, there wouldn't have been the Origin Pill Plan from back then, and there wouldn't have been so many calamities afterwards."

Xiang Nan nodded, "So you can atone for your sins now and make up for your mistakes. Since you were controlled back then and were able to help Bai He create a war of annihilation with one hand, you can also help us fight against the false gods today."

Xue Lu nodded forcefully, "Naturally, it is incumbent upon me!"

"Good snow dew!" Xiang Nan laughed loudly, "This is the General Xue Lu I know. She is the exceptionally intelligent but kind-hearted girl I know."

At this moment, a burst of hearty laughter rang out in the bamboo forest. The Veluriyam Sect Master strode over and said, "Xiang Nan, my good brother!"

Xiang Nan also smiled and stood up to welcome him.

The relationship between the two of them was quite complicated. They said that their friends were also friends and that they had used each other several times.

However, from the beginning to the end, they did not really lose face. On the contrary, they had helped each other a few times, and they could be considered to have established a rather deep friendship.

In particular, Xiang Nan appreciated the pleasant nature of the Liu-Li Sect Master. You don't have to worry about your own words when dealing with this kind of person, nor do you have to worry that those words would offend him.


The Veluriyam Sect Master grabbed onto Xiang Nan's shoulder and said, "You're going to take my right arm so soon. Xue Lu is a good girl. I saw you two talking happily. Do you want to love each other on the spot?"

Xiang Nan and Jiang Xue Lu both blushed. Xiang Nan bitterly smiled and said, "The Veluriyam Sect Master is still so straight back and forth."

The Veluriyam Sect Master said, "Ah, what's so embarrassing about this? It's normal for men and women to roll around together and mess around blindly, isn't it?"

"I don't really like those secular people. They blew the lights at night and wanted to make a ruckus together, but they were ashamed to mention it during the day."

"Then who else can pretend to see? I've already done everything, but I'm actually afraid to say it."

Xiang Nan said helplessly, "The sect master's opinion has always broadened Xiang Nan's horizons. It is very unique."

"Since you have such a weird idea, why are you here to ruin our relationship?"

The Veluriyam Sect Master asked curiously, "Hearing window roots, isn't there such a custom among the people? Newlyweds and newlyweds are tossing and turning at night, and their relatives and friends are hiding outside the window to eavesdrop."

"Don't worry, my Veluriyam Sect Master is not that filthy person. I can't do such a despicable thing."

"I'm looking at it openly! Alright, you two take off your clothes and toss around. I'll watch from here."

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