Chapter 1867 Cemetery

Chapter 1867 Cemetery

Xiang Nan looked at the red spots on the little white cow's body with rapt attention. It turned out that they were dyed red by blood.

There were nearly a hundred spears stabbed into its body, but due to its large size and long white fur, it was not easy to discover those spears hidden in its fur.

It ran very fast, completely surpassing the speed of sound. Every time it sprinted at an accelerated speed, the speed of the sprint was like an explosion, extremely shocking.

But at this moment, it seemed to be very weak.

It couldn't run anymore. After running for a while, it stood still and lowered its head to catch its breath. After a few breaths, it even coughed out strands of red blood.

Swoosh swoosh swoosh!

A bright light chased after the little white bull. These bright lights flew in the sky, and all of them were human martial artists.

"Hahahaha, it can't run anymore! Brothers, surround it!"

The martial artists immediately dispersed, forming a huge encirclement.

The little white bull panicked and ran forward regardless of her injuries. However, a dozen Fortune Realm martial artists blocked her path ahead.

It was so frightened that it squeezed out a few tears and hurriedly turned around to run, but it was also stopped by a large number of martial artists behind it.

At this time, many martial artists were laughing, taking out spears from their storage rings, and fiercely throwing them at the little white bull.

The little white cow dodged everywhere, but its body was too large to dodge those tiny spears.

Pfft sounds could be heard endlessly.

The spears that were covered by the aura constantly pierced through its skin and stabbed into its body.

Gradually, there were more and more spears on its body. It finally couldn't hold on anymore. It used its four limbs to support its body and slowly lay on the ground.

Many martial artists surrounded him and looked at the little white bull with a giggle.

It lay on the ground, panting while sobbing sadly.

"It's really fun." A woman with a straight nose clapped her hands and giggled, "It's a pity that it can't run anymore. Kill it."

It was unknown if it understood the woman's words, or if it could sense the ruthless killing intent emanating from the woman's body.

Little White Niu'er didn't know where her strength came from, but she suddenly leapt up and charged towards the east.

This time, it came so suddenly that the Good Fortune Realm martial artists were unprepared.

It actually blocked the five martial artists in front of it, and was forced to break through the encirclement.

Many martial artists were furious and hurriedly chased after him. However, that little white bull charged too fast, and none of them were able to catch up with the Good Fortune Realm martial artists.

A man angrily said, "Damn it, this bastard runs so fast. I didn't expect that he would be half dead and still be able to move!"

"Hmph, let me see how far this stupid beast can run. Bring it up!"

His voice traveled through the aura to a distant place. Very quickly, hundreds of martial artists slowly flew over.

These slow-flying martial artists looked like three to four hundred people. They were holding a huge metal net together. That net was tightly bound to a giant white bull that was five hundred meters away.

"Cut it!" The man shouted.

At that moment, a cold light flashed in the woman's eyes. She flew over with a four-meter-long saber and stabbed into the giant bull's nose.

Moo …

The giant bull let out a painful howl.

In the distance, Xiao Bai Niu'er, who was rushing away against the sound barrier, immediately turned around and rushed towards her mother after hearing her mother's miserable scream.

Its eyes were filled with tears as it ran and cried out.

Seeing that Little White Niu'er had returned, the male martial artist immediately turned into a beam of bright light and rushed towards Little White Niu'er. He roared, "I told you to escape! Little bastard, I've even rebelled against you!"


The martial artist kicked the adorable little white bull's forehead, kicking the little white bull flying out, rolling and colliding on the boundless plains.

The giant cow mooed again and let out a miserable howl.

Many martial artists surrounded him, each holding a spear and aiming at the little white bull lying on the ground, they shot randomly.

Because the scope of this battle was too wide, Xiang Nan did not understand what these martial artists were doing at first.

They thought they were fighting wild beasts here.

However, it wasn't until then that he understood.


Xiang Nan roared as a bolt of lightning shot towards Xiao Bai Niu'er.

The moment before the lightning struck Xiao Bai Niu'er, it suddenly spread into an arc. This arc wrapped around Xiao Bai Niu'er, and all the spears struck the light shield and broke.

"Who is it!" Everyone hurriedly raised their heads.

Xiang Nan floated down from the sky. He floated above the little white bull and frowned, "What are you doing?"

When everyone saw that Xiang Nan was a Heavenly Tribulation Realm expert, they immediately became respectful.

Xiang Nan said angrily, "You can actually do such a dirty thing!"

"Don't tell me your hearts are all made of iron!"

The woman with a tall nose hurriedly said, "Senior, it's just a matter of killing a few animals for fun. Why are you angry?"

"We're here to mine ancient ruins, but it's very boring. There's nothing wrong with coming out to have some fun, don't you think?"

"Have fun?" Xiang Nan frowned and said, "This is called having fun? What's so funny about this?"

"Get lost!"

Everyone curled their lips, but they didn't dare to contradict a Heavenly Tribulation Realm expert, so they flew away resentfully.

Xiang Nan landed and used the Nine Purities Cosmos Technique to treat the little white cow's injuries. After healing the big cow, he let them go.

After dealing with this, he looked around, but saw a shadow of an iron rack in the distant sky.

"I think we're here." Xiang Nan said thoughtfully, "Those shelves should be excavating the site of an ancient sect."

"Let's go take a look."

In order not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings, he slowed down his flying speed and used slow speed to prove that he did not have any malicious intentions and was not an enemy.

For now, Xiang Nan still needed to disguise himself as a Pseudo-God believer to cover his identity.

However, as he got closer to the ancient ruins, spectacular scenes gradually surfaced.

On the vast plains, the remains of enormous wild beasts were everywhere.

The corpses were scattered all over the ground. Some of them were several hundred meters tall, while others were even more frightening. One rib after another, they were like knife-edge mountains.

Such a spectacular scene surprised Xiang Nan and praised the peculiar scenery of the ancient world.

However, he slowly discovered that something was wrong with this situation.

Those corpses didn't seem to be caused by the killing of ferocious beasts, because Xiang Nan saw many sharp cuts on the bones.

These cuts could only come from swords and knives.

This was a huge beast cemetery! And it was slaughtered by humans.

Xiang Nan's heart skipped a beat. He put his hand on the arbor and looked into the distance. He actually saw that it was spreading into the distance. It was a cemetery of endless corpses. Even at the junction of heaven and earth, it could not reach its end.

Thinking back to the first one he saw, the furious lightning beast, he recalled the scene of those martial artists cruelly killing Xiao Niu'er.

Xiang Nan was thoughtful, as if he had thought of something.

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