Chapter 2003 Scramble For

Chapter 2003 Scramble For

Dao Prison Mountain was an independently enlarged space. From the outside, it was only a rolling mountain range.

However, when they entered the mountain range, they discovered that the mountain range had expanded a hundred times.

All the mountain peaks were astonishingly high, and there were a large number of Pseudo-God believers inside. These people were all at the ninth level of the Heavenly Tribulation, without exception.

Xiang Nan Lian thought of the explosion he had heard before.

That should be the movement of the Pseudo-God believers trying to break through to the Dao Prison before obtaining the key.

Xiang Nan followed them and took a walk inside the Dao Prison Mountain.

The entire Dao hell Mountain was expanded a hundredfold, but in a way that shrunk a hundredfold, it appeared on this planet.

When they entered the hollowed-out mountain, they discovered that the situation was becoming more and more complicated. Inside each mountain, there was an even larger space!

There was no more solid ground inside, as if he was in the middle of a sea of stars, and the entire sky was filled with boundless starry sky.

However, humans could walk in the ethereal starry sky. Above them, believers walked by, and Xiang Nan could see the soles of their feet when he raised his head.

There were also believers patrolling below. They could see the top of their heads when they lowered their heads, while Xiang Nan's foot was stepping on a thin layer of light.

"What are those?" Xiang Nan pointed at the stars in the sea of stars.

These words, of course, were whispered over time.

"Those are the secret chambers where the jailers cultivate in seclusion. They look like stars, but there aren't as many as stars."

"Some of the jailers have set up special formations in their secret chambers that are only suitable for their own cultivation. When they leave after three years on duty, the new jailers are unwilling to use the old secret chambers and will open them themselves up."

"So you've seen so many stars, but in fact, more than 90% of them are empty."

Xiang Nan discovered that the believers were knocking on the front door of those stars one after another. They didn't know which one of them was in seclusion, so they could only try it one by one.

However, this efficiency was not low. In less than half an hour, Xiang Nan saw that the jailers were constantly woken up and walked out of the secret room.

Immediately afterwards, believers went over to explain the situation to them and took the jailers away.

"The fate of these jailers probably won't be very good." Xiang Nan whispered in his ear, "Those who obey Glory God Cult will stay, but those who have doubts will probably be quietly executed."

This was a cruel situation. Those jailers were loyal to their duties and guarded the Dao Prison. However, for the first time in many years, they had awakened. In a dazed situation, they would face the punishment of a cruel fate.

Xiang Nan wanted to save them, but he didn't know how to do it. He only hoped that he could find the key and let them escape from this place as soon as possible.

"I found it!"

When Xiang Nan turned around to the third mountain and faced a large number of stars, a joyful cry suddenly came from beneath his feet.

In an instant, many believers rushed over.

Xiang Nan also hurried towards that direction. There was still a long way to go from here to where the voice came from.

From afar, one could see a jailer with a blank expression being led out by the believers.

This jailer's aura was extraordinary! He was much stronger than the other believers, at least on par with the light green robe.

Time flies and says happily, "It's him!"

Before Xiang Nan could react, a black shadow howled.

"Demons!" Xiang Nan's heart sank.

There were more than a hundred believers present who released their power on the spot. At that moment, their disguises were broken through by the power, and they immediately revealed their original appearances. They were actually more than a hundred demon warriors!

"Insider!" The believer who had been accompanying Xiang Nan shouted, "Stop them!"

The group of demons seized the warden and rushed out of the mountain.

A large number of believers rushed over to grab their way.

This group of demons were also at the ninth level of the Heavenly Tribulation. Especially one of them was a valiant and skilled warrior, able to fight five against one!

Xiang Nan immediately recognized that it was the demon army general named Feng Luo who had made things difficult for him earlier!

All of a sudden, the believers were caught off guard and were rushed out of the mountain by the demons.

However, the demons still underestimated the strength of their followers, or perhaps they were too arrogant and arrogant.

Although those believers didn't react in time, they still bit the tail of the demons and chased after them reluctantly.

A dozen or so demon warriors stayed behind and died on the spot in a brief battle.

At this moment, no one was in charge of Xiang Nan, so Xiang Nan naturally followed closely behind.

He also wanted to help, but his speed was limited. Everyone's speed limit was exactly the same, unable to catch up, nor could they shake it off.

A group of believers immediately sent out a warning signal, and more believers surged out from the various peaks.

At this time, the demons had already rushed out of the Dao Prison Mountain and arrived outside the city.

Feng Luo roared, "Detonate the Terminator Fruit!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the road ahead began to explode.

One after another, the ninth grade spirit herb fruits buried on both sides of the road suddenly exploded.

"They've prepared their retreat plan in advance." Time flies said hurriedly.

The followers who were chasing after him were blown up and scattered everywhere, disrupting the formation.

This kind of explosion was simply unable to kill the believers, but it could send them flying.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the group of demon warriors slipped away. They knew best where to bury the fruits of annihilation and ran like a fish in water.

The disciples of the ninth level of the Heavenly Tribulation tried their best to dodge, but they were still careless and were swallowed by the explosive wave of fire. They were directly thrown into the distance.

Seeing this, the chase chain was about to be broken.

At this moment, there was a vigorous figure in the group of believers who was still quickly biting the tail of the demons!

This person was Xiang Nan!

His movements were vigorous, and his reaction speed was so quick that it was hard for people to be confident. He relied on his super-strong consciousness to dodge every sudden explosion.

All of the believers were disrupted, and all of them lost track of the demons.

However, only Xiang Nan was still chasing after the demon army.

Both sides had already run out of the city, chasing after each other in the wilderness and refusing to give way to each other.

At this moment, the ground in front of him suddenly exploded, and a large group of bald men suddenly jumped out!

These sturdy men were five meters tall, and their muscles were sturdy, giving them an explosive beauty.

"Leave the Warden behind!" Those dozens of strong men should have roughly fifty people.

One of the exceptionally strong men rushed over with large strides.

"Black Tortoise Clan!" In Xiang Nan's heart, the big snake cried out in alarm.

"Kill them!" Feng Luo soared into the sky and shouted, "Don't be merciful!"

More than a hundred demon armies immediately collided with the Black Tortoise Race warriors.

However, it was only a clash, and all the demons were sent flying!

At the moment of the collision, a faint floating light flashed across the backs of the bald men, and the shape of the floating light was like a turtle shell.

Fighting against the Black Tortoise Race was simply asking for trouble.

Feng Luo descended from the sky. He threw out a five-meter-long axe with his right hand and ferociously chopped down on the strongest Black Tortoise Race man.

The sturdy man shouted, "Good luck." Then, he bowed his back and went straight to greet the battle axe.


The instant Feng Luo's axe struck the strong man, it was bounced away tyrannically!


"Five Pure Mysterious True Skill, Qi Sea!"


An extremely large-scale circular energy wave actually blew away all of the demons and the Black Tortoise Race!

In situ, there was only a huge circular space left.

In the middle of the clearing was the warden with a gloomy expression.

This person had already reacted from his initial state of confusion. With a cold face, he said, "Who are you? How dare you trespass on the forbidden grounds of the Dao Prison!"

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