Chapter 787 Exclude One By One

Chapter 787 Exclude One By One

"Alright!" Xiao Jun rubbed his hands.

Xiang Nan cautioned, "You must pay attention to the acoustic range. Do not be sensed by the acoustic wave before you make your move."

After saying that, the two of them immediately split up and arrived at their respective target points.

Xiang Nan lay in ambush amidst the dense grass. Two hundred meters ahead was a hidden sentry. This distance allowed him to directly charge forward in a flash.

Xiao Jun's speed was also astonishing. He should be able to handle his 200 meters.

Xiang Nan counted the time. When the 45th second arrived, he quietly inserted his palm into the ground and circulated the cold energy of the Little Ice Thunder.

A wisp of cold air quietly spread towards the parrot.

The sound waves of the parrot can detect living things, but it has no definite effect on the temperature.

The cold air reached three meters to the left of the Bobo Parrot and stopped.

Xiang Nan narrowed his eyes and thought to himself, "Fifty-five, fifty-six, fifty-seven, fifty-eight … now!"

The coldness in his hand suddenly increased. In the distance, the Bobo Parrot hiding in the bushes was immediately frozen into an ice sculpture. At the same time, Xiang Nan used the Flash Steps and his body instantly arrived at the hidden guard booth.

The two hidden sentries were drinking boredom. Before they could react, they were grabbed by Xiang Nan's hands on the back of their necks. A huge force of lightning pierced through their bodies. The two of them did not even struggle and fell down directly.

Xiang Nan used his lightning vision to look at the hidden sentry on the other side, where Xiao Jun was gesturing at him with a "success" gesture.

The two of them met again.

"We have already entered the outer perimeter of the stronghold. We will now begin to detect the sentry building where the demons are located."

Xiang Nan lowered his voice and said, "From now on, I will focus all my attention on finding the demons. Help me keep an eye on them and don't let anyone get close to us."

"Understood!" Xiao Jun snapped his fingers.

Xiang Nan slapped him, "Lower your voice!"

Xiang Nan looked at the location of those strongholds from afar and said, "It's not simple. This is an array diagram location."

"These buildings correspond to each other. They are arranged in four circles. One building has a problem, and the other three buildings can be discovered immediately."

"Follow me closely. Don't make any mistakes."

Xiang Nan lay on the ground, constantly revolving around the stronghold, his eyes shining with faint lightning at any moment.

However, two hours had passed and Xiang Nan hadn't discovered anything. This made him feel a little puzzled.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Jun whispered.

Xiang Nan shook his head. "The Star Guild must have used something to lock the demon's aura. I can't sense which building the demon is in."

"I can only judge with the naked eye."

Xiang Nan drew a simple sequence of building topographic maps on the ground and said, "I checked just now. There are no dark rooms below the surface. Demons must be imprisoned above the surface."

"If it was a high-level demon, its size would definitely not be small, and the building that trapped it would also become larger."

"There are a total of seven huge buildings in these strongholds, each of which is suspicious."

Xiao Jun said, "We can only get closer. We need to go deeper into the stronghold."

"Smear mud on your body." Xiang Nan dug the mud with his hands and smeared it on his body.

Seeing this, Xiao Jun followed Xiang Nan's lead and dug. However, as he dug, Xiao Jun said, "Eh, what is this?"

Xiang Nan turned around and saw that Xiao Jun was stretching out his hand and digging into the mud hole. In the depths of the mud hole, there was a thin silk thread that was as thick as a spider's silk.

"Don't move!" Xiang Nan grabbed Xiao Jun's right hand and said in a low voice, "This isn't a thread, it's a net!"

"The whole net covers the island. If someone tries to sneak into the stronghold from below the surface, they will touch the net."

"Damn it." Xiao Jun hurriedly withdrew his right hand, "Are these bastards so professional?"

"Don't act recklessly. Follow the original plan." Xiang Nan had already painted himself into a clay statue, and was sticking to the weeds on the ground, crawling towards the interior of the stronghold.

Xiao Jun followed closely behind Xiang Nan.

Here, the patrols of the dark forces had already begun to appear.

Xiang Nan and the others had just climbed two to three hundred meters when the patrol team came over with weapons.

Xiang Nan pressed his head down and pressed it against the ground. The patrol's footsteps were three meters away from him.

"This shit-free place has really trapped me. After half a month's shift, I must go to Black Tortoise City to find a few ladies to vent the fire properly."

One of the members of the dark forces complained, while the others laughed strangely.

After the footsteps of these people disappeared, Xiang Nan gestured to Xiao Jun and the two of them continued forward.

There were four corners on the roofs of each building, and on each corner stood a bright sentry. These bright sentry sentry were holding bows and arrows in their hands, ready to welcome the sudden arrival of enemies.

At the same time, the building on the other side tilted slightly. At the four corners, the bright sentinel looked at the southeast, southwest, northwest, and northeast directions respectively.

The buildings echoed in pairs and could be said to have no blind spots.

"What should we do?" Xiao Jun crawled to Xiang Nan's ear and whispered, "If we continue forward any further, we will enter the line of sight of the bright sentry. At that time, we will be discovered."

"Don't say anything. Let me think."

Xiang Nan looked around for a while. Apart from the open sentries on the roofs of the buildings, there were members of the dark forces patrolling the outer perimeter of the buildings and the corridors inside.

He looked at a giant tree not far away, which had three bird nests.

Xiang Nan raised his right hand slightly and said, "When I extend my index finger, follow me. When I retract my index finger, I immediately stop where I was."

After saying that, Xiang Nan focused on his spiritual energy and stared at the giant tree with his eyes.


A slight deterrent force was suddenly transmitted to the giant tree. The flocks of birds in the three nests were sent flying in shock.

Right in front of them, the sentry posts on the roofs aimed their bows and arrows at the giant tree at the same time.

Xiang Nan pointed his index finger at the sky and quickly climbed up.

Xiao Jun followed behind Xiang Nan, his heart pounding.

When the sentry discovered that it was just a flock of birds that were frightened to fly away, they all withdrew their bows and arrows.

"You." An archer said to the martial artist on the ground, "Go and take a look under that tree."

Xiang Nan had already retracted his index finger. The two of them lay motionlessly in the mud, and the mud smeared on their bodies was their protective layer.

This place was less than thirty meters away from one of the seven large buildings.

Xiang Nan covered his face with both hands, allowing his eyes to pierce through his fingers and cast his Lightning Eyes to sweep through the building.

Upon closer inspection, everything inside the building had turned translucent in Xiang Nan's eyes.

Even if Lei Liangguang's eyes couldn't see the demon's special attributes, as long as there was an object that blocked the penetration of Lei Liangguang's purpose, it could only be a demon.

"No." Xiang Nan used his fingers to gently write these two words on Xiao Jun's palm.

Xiao Jun also wrote in Xiang Nanzhang's heart, "The next large building is already inside the stronghold. These strongholds have many passageways between them."

"We have to find a way to enter the aisle."

The two of them raised their heads slightly. In the air thirty meters ahead, there was a bright whistle.

If he crawled now, he would definitely be discovered.

If he used the Flash Steps, his body would move too fast, and the mud on his body would be thrown off, which would also cause noises.

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