Chapter 812 Unrestrained

Chapter 812 Unrestrained

"I misjudged. This Pang Hai is a little more powerful than Kong Wei." Xiang Nan frowned.

Kong Wei's strength was reflected in his physical strength, while Pang Hai's strength was reflected in his strange martial skills.

Using the brilliance of martial skills to make up for his own lack of strength was indeed a shortcut to improving one's combat ability.

Pang Hai's left leg was crippled, but he didn't harrumph. He relied on his remaining right leg to continue participating in the battle.

Pang Hai jumped into the air and punched Xiao Jun who was flying diagonally below, "Rebound!"

Xiao Jun was heading southeast, and a reverse air shock wave appeared behind him. This shock wave sent Xiao Jun flying again, causing him to fly from the southeast to the northwest!

"Again!" Pang Hai punched again!

This time, Xiao Jun only flew fifty meters away, but was immediately knocked back by the shockwaves from the rear and flew towards the southeast.

"Again!" Pang Hai sent another desperate punch down.

This time, Xiao Jun flew 25 meters away and was sent back by the shockwaves that followed.




Rumble rumble rumble rumble!

Xiao Jun was constantly sent flying back and forth, like a small ball that had elasticity, constantly bouncing back and forth on the two walls that were very close to each other.

Moreover, the distance he shot became shorter and shorter, from the earliest hundred meters to fifty meters, to twenty-five meters, thirteen meters, six meters, three meters!

The "air wall" was compressing Xiao Jun's ejection length, causing his ejection frequency between the two "air walls" to increase rapidly.

At first, he flew out of the air wall and was bounced back by another air wall. It would take him about half a second.

But now, he was bouncing back and forth between the two air walls. Because the distance between the walls was shortened, he had to bounce back and forth between the two air walls more than a hundred times in a second!

The speed at which he shot back and forth had already exceeded the limits of what most spectators could catch with their naked eyes!

In the eyes of others, Xiao Jun had already bounced into a blurry shadow.

"This won't work." Xiang Nan frowned as he looked at the wall, "When the wall is compressed to only one meter, Xiao Jun's high-frequency ejection will cause him to form a resonant frequency with the wall."

"At that time, Xiao Jun's entire body will collapse."

"Then what should we do?" Yuan Meng was also frightened, "Xiao Jun isn't as strong as us. I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on any longer."

In the sky, Pang Hai had already revealed a triumphant smile.

All the spectators were shocked by the unbelievable scene.

Fighting, how could he still fight like this?

Xiao Jun simply couldn't take it out! Even if there was no lid pressing down on him, the tremendous inertia brought about by the front and back vibrations made it impossible for him to change his path and escape from the upper and lower sides.


At this moment, Xiao Jun suddenly shouted, "I'll make you tremble! I'll see if you can shake fast or if I can run fast!"

The two sides had already been compressed into an air wall that was only two meters away. Suddenly, light blossomed!

After being hit by one of the air walls, Xiao Jun actually took the initiative to release his Yuan Qi and forced himself to hit the other wall.

When he crashed into the air wall behind him, he used the power of the ejection to speed himself up and take the initiative to crash into the air wall opposite him.

At this moment, his ejection frequency on the two air walls had already reached over three hundred times a second!

However, he actually planned to exceed this speed! Use your own movement speed to exceed the ejection frequency!

Buzz buzz buzz buzz

A strange vibration frequency appeared at the scene. Xiao Jun's movement speed actually started to close with the vibration frequency.

In just three seconds, Xiao Jun's forward and backward sprinting speed had completely suppressed the speed at which he had been ejected.

This vibration frequency even exceeded the limit of Pang Hai's Martial Technique's vibration frequency!


The two air walls exploded on the spot because they were unable to withstand Xiao Jun's faster frequency!

"How is this possible!" Pang Hai's eyes widened as he roared in disbelief.

Xiao Jun stopped shouting. His pair of eyes were still trembling, and he felt as if the entire world was trembling.

"You … you actually let this young master make such a fool of himself!"

Xiao Jun looked up and roared, "Quench! Yang!"

A strong light descended from the sky and landed heavily on Xiao Jun's body.

Xiao Jun was completely blasted to the ground. He fell on his stomach and created a deep human-shaped pit on the ground.

Everyone was shocked. Everyone thought that Xiao Jun was going to be ruthless. Who would have thought that he would actually be overwhelmed by his own sun quenching!

Even Pang Hai was stunned by this scene. He subconsciously said, "Did you hit yourself … Are you prepared to admit defeat?"

Xiang Nan rubbed his temples and shook his head, "This idiot!"

The sun had power. When the sun shone down from the sky, a martial artist would also receive a strong impact.

Every time Xiang Nan used the sun quenching technique, he would bow his back and let himself withstand the intense bombardment of the sun quenching before going to battle.

However, this Xiao Jun clearly didn't have any experience, resulting in such an absurd scene.

Although the situation was slightly awkward, Xiao Jun's quenching of the sun had finally taken shape.

"Earthquake!" Pang Hai stood high in the sky and punched down with his fists.

The earth suddenly trembled.

Before the earth could shake Xiao Jun into the sky, Xiao Jun suddenly whistled and turned into a light mark that rushed into the sky.

"Lightning! Lightspeed Fist !"

Xiao Jun shouted loudly, his fists smashing towards Pang Hai with incredible speed.

Every time he punched out, he would shoot out a ray of light!

He actually smashed more than 500 punches in a single second!

Those fist shadows were like a meteor shower, sprinkling out into the sky.

Pang Hai didn't even have the space to dodge. He quickly pressed down his hands and shouted, "Heavenly shock!"

However, before his martial skill could take shape, he had already been struck by Xiao Jun with more than thirty punches in a row!

The thirty-odd punches landed on Pang Hai's body, causing his skin to crumble and blood to splatter everywhere.

When Pang Hai was struck by these thirty punches, he received another hundred punches!

"Ahhh!" Xiao Jun waved his fists randomly. His speed became faster and faster, from 500 fists per second to 700 fists per second!

The light attribute Yuan Qi's flying speed was already extremely fast, and the frequency with which he released his Yuan Qi punch was astonishingly high.

Then, Pang Hai completely lost any room to resist.

"Heavenly earthquake!" Pang Hai endured the incomparable heavy punch of the rain of light and forcefully released a martial skill.

When Pang Hai successfully released the Heavenly Earthquake, his face had already been broken. Both his legs and arms had been smashed into meat powder, and even his entire body had been continuously exploded, exploded, and shattered!


Within three seconds! Pang Hai was punched more than 1,400 times, and his entire body was erased from the horizon by Xiao Jun!

On the other hand, the two huge air discs caused by the earthquake also crazily squeezed towards Xiao Jun.

"Handsome, Floating Fist!" Xiao Jun stretched his body horizontally and threw out fists that were like a storm of wind and rain towards the upper and lower sides!

The upper and lower air discs were unable to withstand such a high-density punch and immediately exploded at the same time.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Yuan Meng's eyeballs almost flew out, "This bastard, not only did he use your lightning name, he even stole the name of my Lightspeed Fist ."

"What kind of martial skill is he using?" Xiang Nan helplessly said, "This fellow, with the casual change of his martial skill name, I don't even know what move he used."

Lightning Lightspeed Fist, the handsome guy Floating Fist was actually the same move. However, Xiao Jun was "unrestrained". He could shout whatever he thought of.

"Hu … Hu …" In mid-air, Xiao Junyi was so tired that his entire body was exhausted. He lightly descended and said, "Oh … shit …"

"I … my … my … my world's most handsome guy's explosive fist, it's really strenuous …"

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