Chapter 815 Kung Fu

Chapter 815 Kung Fu

This scene was too unexpected. No matter how strong Yuan Meng became, the cloth-clothed man would become stronger along with him. Furthermore, he could always protect and suppress Yuan Meng.

"Heavens!" Xiao Jun was shocked, "Wood Vein martial artists have such powerful restraint against Earth Vein martial artists?"

"Then what are you talking about? In the future, as long as Yuan Meng meets an Earth Vein martial artist, would he just admit defeat?"

Xiang Nan shook his head and said, "Not all wood vein martial artists can do this. What we are seeing now is the special ability of the cloth-clothed man."

Yuan Meng's Astral Gathering Golden Form and Sun Tempering had greatly enhanced the cloth-clothed man.

This kind of situation was hard to prevent Xiang Nan Lian from thinking that the cloth-clothed man was specially invited by the The Profound Sky Sect to deal with Yuan Meng.

In the sky, the cloth-clothed man turned into a beam of strong light and directly plunged into the forest.

The light he transformed into fiercely bombarded Yuan Meng's body, bouncing Yuan Meng into the air from the ground.

Yuan Meng abruptly turned around in the air and threw a huge Yuan Qi fist at the cloth-clothed man.

The cloth-clothed man didn't care at all. He only gently waved his hand and sent the violent Yuan Qi fist flying.


The Yuan Qi fist was sent flying and shot into a nearby mountain. The mountain was blasted apart and huge rocks fell from the mountain.

"You are no match for me." The cloth-clothed man excitedly bent down and charged towards Yuan Meng with a whoosh.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Yuan Meng shouted wildly, giving the cloth-clothed man an iron mountain lean.

"Interesting!" The man in cloth also leaned against Tie Shan to greet him.

The two of them were four meters tall, as sturdy as a mountain, and an ordinary scholar with an elegant figure.

These two contrasting figures used the simplest direct Iron Mountain to face each other head-on.

In a world-shaking explosion, Yuan Meng was actually knocked away by the man in cloth!

Yuan Meng rarely lost to others in a head-on collision, today's scene, brought him a serious psychological blow.

"Not good. Big fool is going to transform again." Xiao Jun cried out strangely, "We can't let him do this. Otherwise, the cloth-clothed man will be even more powerful. He should be able to kill a fool with a single punch."

"Yuan Meng has never suffered such a blow. He is about to lose his mind." Xiang Nan's expression was grave as he roared, "Yuan Meng! Don't you understand?"

In the sky, Xuan Qingzhu immediately looked at Xiang Nan. Her eyes were extremely stern. As long as Xiang Nan dared to remind Yuan Meng how to fight, she had a reason to immediately suspend Xiang Nan!

Earlier, Xiao Jun had already made the same mistake. If Xiang Nan did it again, he would be breaking the law.

Yuan Meng was suddenly stunned and turned to look at Xiang Nan at the foot of the mountain in the distance.

Xiang Nan shouted, "Don't you understand? You are a martial artist! You must remember this. You are a martial artist!"

Xuan Qingzhu opened her mouth, but did not say anything. She could not find anything wrong with Xiang Nan's words.

"A martial artist?" Yuan Meng seemed to be deep in thought, and then he was suddenly shocked, "So that's how it is!"

He suddenly remembered what had happened in the audition arena. He remembered the scene of Xiang Nan defeating the enemy as a pure martial artist.

"I am a martial artist. That's right, I am a martial artist!"

Yuan Meng heaved a long sigh of relief. The Yuan Qi in his entire body had dissipated because of this. Even his golden body had turned into the most primitive body of flesh and blood.

The cloth-clothed man had already charged over from afar, preparing to give Yuan Meng a fiercer blow.

But when Yuan Meng put away his Yuan Qi, the sun quenching, and his transformation, the man in cloth's aura also weakened!

Originally, he was rushing towards Yuan Meng at a berserk speed, but now, his speed had suddenly dropped by a few levels, and he instantly slowed down.

The faint golden light wrapped around his entire body also disappeared.

Yuan Meng swung his hand and slapped the cloth-clothed man away.

"You" The cloth-clothed man covered his face and got up from the ground. "You actually chose to become weak!"

"If you do this, you will die!"

Yuan Meng had regained his rationality and said, "Since the stronger I am, the stronger you are, then why should I leave you with the nutrients to become stronger?"

"Hey." The man in cloth waved his arm and the long whip appeared in his hand again. "You may have misunderstood," he said. "Even if you don't release any more Yuan Qi, it doesn't mean that I will lose all Yuan Qi."

"Without your Yuan Qi amplification, my Wood Vein Yuan Qi can still be freely released!"

As he spoke, the cloth-clothed man swung his whip. Green light blossomed on the whip and fiercely whipped towards Yuan Meng.

However, the power of the whip was no longer comparable to before.

The current situation was that Yuan Meng could not use Yuan Qi, but the cloth-clothed man could.

Yuan Meng suddenly dodged the whip and quickly ran towards the man, "Without Yuan Qi, I still have the strength of my body! I still have the strength of my fists and feet!"

The cloth-clothed man hurriedly raised his hands high.

Plant after plant slowly grew out from under Yuan Meng's feet. The growth rate was no longer able to reach instant maturity.

Yuan Meng's big feet kacha kacha stepped on the plants that emerged from the ground. He borrowed strength to jump, and his huge body collided with the man.

The cloth-clothed man hurriedly condensed a Yuan Qi shield to block Yuan Meng's attack.

However, Yuan Meng suddenly changed his fighting style and shouted, "I am also a martial artist! Apart from being reckless, I also know battle techniques!"

As he spoke, Yuan Meng suddenly grabbed the edge of the Yuan Qi arc with his right hand and used his strength to jump over the shield. At the same time, he grabbed the man's neck with his legs and threw the man in cloth into the air with a pair of scissors feet.

The cloth-clothed man's hands were constantly hanging on his chest. He was suffocated by Yuan Meng's scissors feet, and his entire face turned purple red.

When he landed, Yuan Meng grabbed the cloth-clothed man's neck and legs with both hands, and then he knelt on one leg, smashing the back of the cloth-clothed man onto his knees!


The cloth-clothed man was smashed to the point that his entire body curled up and his spine was broken!

"Now, you should borrow my Yuan Qi again." Yuan Meng raised his right hand and his huge fist turned bright silver.

The cloth-clothed man's spine was broken and his entire body was paralyzed. He could only cough.

Yuan Meng punched the cloth-clothed man in the face and smashed his entire head into the ground. The rest of his body was raised high.

Yuan Meng glared fiercely at the man's corpse and strode towards his mountain peak.

In the sky, Xuan Qingzhu's face was gloomy as he said, "The winner of this battle is Yuan Meng of the Starsea Sect."

Xuan Qingzhu hated Xiang Nan. Originally, Yuan Meng was already dead. It was Xiang Nan who suddenly reminded him to understand how to fight.

But she couldn't offend Xiang Nan because of this, because in fact, Xiang Nan didn't say anything. He only said that Yuan Meng was a martial artist.

"So defeating that brat would be so simple." Yuan Meng came to Xiang Nan's side and sincerely thanked him, "Thank you, Xiang Nan. If it weren't for your reminder, I would have gone far."

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