Chapter 820 New Capabilities

Chapter 820 New Capabilities

Turning his body into lightning wasn't an excessive delusion.

This was because a martial artist with fire vein talent could transform themselves into a fire person, while a martial artist with earth vein talent, such as Yuan Meng, could transform themselves into a "metal person".

Talents of different attributes could indeed do this.

However, Lightning meridians s were rarer and more powerful than them, but it was even more difficult to transform into Lightning Man.

The reason why Fire Pulse martial artists were able to turn into Fire Man was because there were many types of fire mediums. Wood could be burned, paper could be burned, and even when a certain temperature was reached, the flesh and blood of humans could be burned.

Therefore, flames didn't have high requirements for burning media. As long as fire-attributed martial artists were talented enough, they could transform into flames.

Yuan Meng's transformation into a "metal man" was the same.

However, the Lightning meridians 's talent was different. Lightning was an extremely pure thing, and it was too pure. As a result, no matter what it was, it could become an obstacle to lightning, including flesh and blood.

If Xiang Nan wanted to transform into thunder and lightning, his own body was the first obstacle to transforming into thunder and lightning!

Only after he learned the meaning did he find a solution to this difficult problem.

Everyone's meaning was different. The meaning Xiang Nan grasped was called Thunder Intent.

When he wrapped his "intent" around his entire body, his body actually became a part of the "thunder intent" in a short period of time.

And his lightning intent perfectly matched his Lightning meridians attribute, allowing him to finally possess the speed and strength of lightning, that is to say … the speed of sub-light!

This was the place where the Lightning meridians talent was truly powerful!

"Sublight speed!" Yuan Meng and Xiao Jun were stunned, the two of them simply couldn't believe what they heard.

Xiang Nan nodded and said, "En, although my lightning intent has perfectly fused with my lightning meridian talent, it is still only intent, not pure lightning. Otherwise, my speed will probably reach the true speed of light."

"Fuck!" Xiao Jun cried out, "Then aren't you invincible? How many martial artists of the same age can catch the speed of sub-light!"

Xiang Nan shook his head. "It's not that simple."

Xiang Nan picked up a small stone and weighed it in his hand. Then, he threw it on Xiao Jun's chest.

Xiao Jun scratched his head, "What are you doing?"

Xiang Nan picked up the small stone again. This time, his right hand turned into an illusion and threw the small stone onto Xiao Jun's chest at an extremely fast speed.

"Aiyo." Xiao Jun rubbed his chest and grinned, "Finally, I can't hide your jealousy. Do you want to kill this handsome guy like me?"

Xiang Nan said to Yuan Meng, "The faster the speed, the greater the resistance to everything!"

Yuan Meng suddenly realized, and said, "When your speed reaches a certain limit, even the air will become indestructible like rocks!"

"I know, I know." Xiao Jun hurriedly said, "If we don't have a strong physical defense, if we are still flying rapidly in the sky, even if we hit a bird, it will be enough to crush us to pieces."

"That's right." Xiang Nan nodded and said, "When I transformed into lightning, because my speed was too fast, even the air could exert a tremendous pressure on me."

Xiang Nan raised his right index finger. The index finger condensed Yuan Qi and glowed slightly. He said, "I must attack the enemy when I transform into thunder and lightning. But the stronger the Yuan Qi, the slower it will slow my body down and become an obstacle to me."

"If I insist on increasing the strength of my Yuan Qi to the maximum, then I will be pulled into noodles by my own Yuan Qi. That is equivalent to death."

"This is indeed a big problem." Yuan Meng frowned, "You can transform into lightning, but you can't use any more powerful means to attack the enemy."

"It's not that I can't." Xiang Nan said, "If I want to use stronger Yuan Qi to deal with my enemies, I have to use stronger Yuan Qi to protect my body from being torn apart by the speed of sub-light."

"In other words, if my Yuan Qi strength is compared to ten, then after I transform into lightning, I can only use five to attack the enemy at most, because the other five needs to be used to protect myself."

"However, this is equivalent to me transforming into lightning and instantly consuming all the Yuan Qi in my body. I will immediately enter the weakened stage."

Yuan Meng analyzed and said, "However, because your speed has reached the speed of sub-light, the damage caused to the enemy by your five levels of Yuan Qi far exceeds the damage caused by the strength of Yuan Qi itself!"

"That's right." Xiang Nan nodded, "Running Yuan Qi in the form of thunder and lightning is incomparable to consuming Yuan Qi at an unparalleled rate!"

"So this move depends on the situation. The higher the lethality I want to achieve, the greater the amount of Yuan Qi I will consume in an instant!"

"Theoretically speaking, it is really possible to transform into lightning and exhaust all of your Essence at once."

"Ha, I understand this situation best." Xiao Jun happily danced and danced, "My handsome boy Floating Fist is like this. After one fight, I feel extremely tired."

"Why are you still here?" Xiang Nan looked at Xiao Jun and said, "Isn't it your turn to play?"

Xiao Jun let out an oh. Only then did he wake up like a dream. He hurriedly flew towards the battlefield. There was already a Night Demon contestant waiting impatiently on the battlefield.

After Xiao Jun entered the arena, Xiang Nan sat alone in a quiet corner and continued to study his own "intent".

He raised the index finger of his right hand, and the light of Yuan Qi gathered on the tip of his finger. Afterwards, he wrapped his intent around his right arm and instantly turned it into a lightning arm, piercing through the sky with a whoosh.

But by the time he stopped, the Yuan Qi condensed on his fingertips had long since disappeared.

The intense air friction instantly wore away the Yuan Qi.

He took a deep breath, condensed his index finger into Yuan Qi, and drew it again. This time, he put more Yuan Qi into his index finger to ensure that his right hand could sustain Yuan Qi during the sub-speed of light.

Sure enough, with a whoosh, Xiang Nan's right hand swiftly swept past him. The Yuan Qi on his index finger was still there, but he felt that a large chunk of the Yuan Qi in his spiritual sea had been ruthlessly emptied!

But at the same time, because the Yuan Qi he condensed on his index finger was too strong, the friction and resistance were even greater. Even his right hand was rubbed to the point that only the bones of his hand were left! Not even flesh.

He hurriedly circulated the Nine Purities Cosmos Skill to quickly repair his injuries.

"As I expected, with my current Heavenly Origin Realm, I am still unable to withstand the resistance brought about by the speed of sub-light."

"This incarnation of lightning is really a double-edged sword."

"Fortunately, Shang Yu's defense hasn't reached the abnormal level yet. Otherwise, if I want to cut off one of his arms, I'm afraid I'll have to waste even more Yuan Qi."

"How can we solve this problem?"

After pondering for a long time, Xiang Nan shook his head and said, "Looks like the only way is to raise his cultivation."

"If I have the Heaven Scryer Realm, then my physical body's ability to withstand resistance will greatly increase."

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