Chapter 850 Battle Of Fate (2)

Chapter 850 Battle Of Fate (2)

"The overall champion of the Southern Domain's eight great sects and sects ranking tournament is mine!"

Yue Donghai's Yuan Qi exploded, blasting his entire body into a beam of light, instantly arriving at Xiang Nan's front.

Xiang Nan had already released his'momentum 'ahead of time. With his reaction power, he could not catch up with Yue Donghai.

However, because of the advance judgment, Xiang Nan Zaoyue released the Dragon Spirit Steel!


Yue Donghai's fist fiercely smashed onto the spherical air shield, flattening it and continuing to press down on Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan raised his saber and slammed it heavily into Yue Donghai's fist, shouting, "What sect ranking tournament has long since ceased to exist!"

The two of them glared at each other's eyes at close range. Yue Donghai shouted, "In my heart, it still exists! I want the championship!"


Their fists and blades simultaneously erupted with fierce Yuan Qi, and at the same time, both sides were pushed back.

The difference was that Yue Donghai only retreated a few meters, while Xiang Nan flew dozens of meters backwards.

"Xiang Nan, I have the only seven talents in the world! How can you contend against me?" Yue Donghai shouted angrily.

"Let's end the unfinished battle in the Forgotten Sea!"

Yue Donghai's body bent slightly, then exploded with a loud boom, and his entire body instantly disappeared!

"Dragon Spirit Break!"

Xiang Nan turned around at the same time and slashed heavily behind him!

The little azure dragon held the red dragon saber in its mouth and swiftly slashed into the air. Yue Donghai happened to suddenly appear from the air. His fist smashed towards the back of Xiang Nan's neck. At this moment, it turned into a blade that smashed into Xiang Nan's.


Xiang Nan and Yue Donghai retreated at the same time.

"I can't." Yue Donghai shook his shoulder, "Even if you can predict my position, your body speed can't keep up with mine. You can't catch me in advance!"

"This is the absolute advantage of speed! And now, I want to show you what an absolute advantage of strength is!"

Yue Donghai only retreated two to three meters. He rushed over and grabbed Xiang Nan's saber with his left hand, while his right hand smashed towards Xiang Nan's face.

"Lei, the Azure Dragon is out at sea!"

Xiang Nan's Azure Dragon flew out of the sea. The little Azure Dragon grabbed Xiang Nan's shoulder, causing Xiang Nan's collision with Yue Donghai's fist to launch a fierce attack.

In the midst of a heaven-shaking explosion, Yue Donghai was actually sent flying by Xiang Nan.

However, Xiang Nan himself felt very uncomfortable. His shoulder was almost dislocated by Yue Donghai, and he felt his entire arm numb.

"This doesn't make sense." Xiang Nan narrowed his eyes and quickly shook his shoulders.

"My Terminator Dragon Soul is a high-grade Heavenly Grade martial skill. I have eleven times the strength of my flesh and twelve times the strength of my Yuan Qi, but why is there such a big gap between me and him?"

Xiang Nan couldn't understand. Although Yue Donghai had the Seven Extreme Veins and he only had the talent of a single meridian , his single meridian was a divine grade!

No matter which angle he thought about it, it was impossible for him to be so far behind Yue Donghai.

If he continued to fight like this, before he could defeat Yue Donghai, his Yuan Qi had already been exhausted!

"Xiang Nan, take it." Below, Feng Xuan threw a cloth bag at Xiang Nan.

Yue Donghai raised his hand and punched, wanting to smash the cloth bag into pieces.

Xiang Nan's movements were even faster. He directly grabbed the small cloth bag with the Flash Steps and opened it. His eyes immediately lit up.

In that small cloth bag, there were ten high-grade spirit stones!

"That's great, it really solved my urgent need!" Xiang Nan was very excited. He grabbed a high-grade spirit stone and threw it into his mouth.

High-grade spirit stones weren't expensive for people like Xiang Nan, but they were rare. There were very few high-grade spirit stone veins in this world.

Every high-grade spirit stone could replenish nearly half of Xiang Nan's Yuan Qi.

Xiang Nan used an irritable method to directly chew the spirit stones and swallow them. Normally, very few people would do this.

The Yuan Qi that the two divine lightning bolts consumed was quickly filled with high-grade spirit stones.

Xiang Nan was confident. With a flash of his body, he quickly flew towards Yue Donghai and slashed down with a huge saber. The little azure dragon held a saber light in its mouth and shot towards Yue Donghai.

"This move has no effect on me. Why are you so stupid? You still don't understand!"

Yue Donghai shook his body. He didn't dodge or dodge and punched at the blade light!


The saber light was stopped in mid-air by Yue Donghai, vibrating violently.

"Of course I know."

Suddenly, Xiang Nan's voice came from behind Yue Donghai.

"You" Yue Donghai was shocked.

Xiang Nan wrapped his legs around Yue Donghai's waist from behind. The huge saber in his hand circled around Yue Donghai's throat and sliced it fiercely!

"This saber will kill you!"

The tyrannical Bai Yan Lightning released a terrifying lethality and firmly sliced into Yue Donghai's throat.

But then, an unbelievable scene occurred to Xiang Nan.

His blade sliced into Yue Donghai's throat and burst into flames!

"What?" Xiang Nan was shocked.

Yue Donghai had a chance to catch his breath. He turned around and punched Xiang Nan in the chest, turning Xiang Nan into an illusion.


Xiang Nan suddenly fell to the ground. The power of the fall was so great that it allowed him to directly pierce through the solid land of Beast Spirit Island, pierce through the entire island, and plunge deeply into the ocean.

Pu! A stream of cool seawater gushed out from the entrance of Xiang Nan's cave.

Peng! The ground exploded again, and Xiang Nan jumped out of the ground.

There was a shallow dent in his chest. It was smashed by Yue Donghai, and the corners of his mouth were still flowing with red blood.

Yue Donghai touched his neck. He stretched out his hand and saw that his fingers were also stained with blood. His neck did not completely defend against Xiang Nan's cut, and a thin red line had already been cut.

"You've angered me." Yue Donghai's expression changed, "Among martial artists of the same age, no one has ever let me see blood."

"Xiang Nan, you really pissed me off!"

Yue Donghai roared, "You successfully forced out my martial skill!"

"Fragmentary Void, Heavenly Arch!"

A huge shadow suddenly appeared behind Yue Donghai. It was a huge black black turtle, and its tail was a poisonous snake.

This was one of the legendary divine beasts, Black Tortoise!

Xiang Nan's pupils constricted, and he suddenly felt the threat of death enveloping his entire body.

Without any time to think, he used two successive flash steps to instantly flash a thousand meters away.

As Yue Donghai folded his hands together, a terrifying Yuan Qi shockwave exploded towards Xiang Nan.

Xiang Nan dodged the Yuan Qi attack with his Shadow Steps.

As for the Yuan Qi, it slanted down on the Beast Spirit Island and directly washed away one-eighth of the Beast Spirit Island!

"Whirlpool!" Looking at the collapsed island in the distance, Xiang Nan was extremely shocked.

No wonder Yue Donghai's defense was so shocking. His martial skill was actually related to the Black Tortoise Divine Beast!

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